Sunday, October 22, 2006


The latest mood for Shimelle's class is *~scared~*. Doing some free writing on a Sunday morning, you never know what's going to come up! I picked this paper because to me it really represented how my mind feels when I start to get reeling from worrying about something. It's just kind-of buzzing all over the place.

I wrote about how fear stems from not having control. Not knowing what may happen in the future and getting scared and worried about things. It's hard to wrap my mind around all that's unknown and I begin to feel unsettled and scared. I have a picture of my son and some journaling about how I could waste my life worrying about him and his Autism, but why!? I allow myself to feel the ever-varying emotions about this, but to not get stuck. Instead of being scared about his future, concentrate on the present. I strive to live each moment to the fullest, then I am free of fear.

Wewh, that was pretty heavy. Now I look forward to the next two emotions of creative and relaxed. Have a great Sunday!


  1. I'm working on my scared-page right know, and I agree some of theese pages are easyer to do than others. But each one I do leaves me feeling like I've gotten to know myselfe a litle bit better.
    I really love your scared-page, both the layout and the journaling!! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Very beautiful scared page -- I just finished mine myself and wow it was tougher than I had imagined in advance. I'm glad I got it written down but i felt exhausted after i was done...sharing some of the feelings you have with this mood...

  3. Wow, Kari, you are making progress. I need to still get past my sad page!
    Love it by the way!

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I love what you've done, I have to agree with the other comments some pages are really difficult because thet can be hard to face up to and acknowledge - seem to be stuck on my Sad page!


  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    i haven't got to my scared page, i don't know where to begin, i hadn't thought of it from the "mom" point of view. very powerful entry for your book. :) really enjoyed reading it & it looks fab!!!!!

  6. Very touching scared page, and beautifully done! I finished mine tonight but am going to photograph in better light and upload tomorrow

  7. Love what you did with this emotion!!

  8. Wonderful post! Wonderful page! And one very cute son! Art can be so therapeutic. Many blessings to you!
