Monday, April 23, 2007

Wake up!!!

I love how spring reminds us to wake up in so many ways. I was just talking to my husband last night about how much I love living in Minnesota. I feel like the seasonal rhythms are so much a part of my life blood and I am so thankful for that. After 6 months of winter, and the weather hits 40 degrees everyone here is ready to burst out the door and enjoy the fresh air! We have had 70 degree days recently and it actually felt hot. I've started a routine of pushing my daughter in her stroller and briskly walking around an open marshy area near where I live. It's so refreshing getting out in the new day when all is fresh and cool and just waking up. Gets my blood flowing and clears my mind. I love starting my day this way and look forward to lots of sunny mornings out on the path talking with my daughter enjoying every breath.
I feel like I'm getting my crafting mojo back a little bit. All of my energy came to a halt last Monday as we all mourned so many lost lives. I slowly got back on track throughout the week. Yesterday we had a rainy afternoon and things started to flow again. I made this page for a new round robin I'm participating in. Finished up my May Baskets and will be shipping them tomorrow. I hope that everyone is wrapping things up with their basket and will be shipping them in the next day or two. I am so very excited to see pictures of all of the wonderful creations.


Latharia said...

Very snazzy!

Lori said...

Well, this is simply fabulous. LOVE the colors!!

Anonymous said...

wow. this is so fun! love the colors and that silly photo in the middle and the sparkly (vintage?) jewelry piece. thanks for sharing.

Bonnie said...

Hi Kari, your page is wonderful! I have been visiting every time you've posted,(just haven't commented) been spying out the may basket swap, I hope you have success with it. A bit sad to see my blog link is no longer in your sidebar-don't like me anymore?? :(
Take Care! Bonnie

Lilli in Vancouver said...

Spring is so great. During the winter I find that I put limits on myself, due to the cold and my wanting to stay inside where it's warm. After a few months of this, I think it's a normal state! In the Spring I have to remind myself to go outside, smell the flowers, enjoy the sunshine :)

Karen Beth said...

I'm loving the Spring weather too! It is a good bit warmer down here in the South but still mild and nice. I practiced yoga outside yesterday and it was amazing. The difference in breath is just wonderful. I loved it and can relate to your post!

Your round robin page looks great! I'm looking forward to getting in on some of your swaps in the future, if possible. They sound fun!

Have a great day!

Karen Beth :)

Merci-Notes said...

A very beautiful page, i love the attitude of the photograph in the middle! Positive/ can do!
With Kindness,

Anonymous said...

This is so lovely. Thank you so much for organizing the May basket swap. Sorry their has been some problems. I would have done two. It has been so much fun and I have the bestest partner evah!!. I can't wait for her to get my basket. I sent it out today. Hope she likes it. I was a wee bit intimidated to send it. I love what others do with their art. I love coming to your blog it is such eye candy.

Anonymous said...

I love that 3d effect. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the sunburst in the middle of this piece.

MarilynH said...

oh mna this page is awesome!!! Your walks so like so much fun--love doing that. We have all four seasons here and I wouldn't live anywhere that didn't :)

MarilynH said...

(sorry for all the mis-spelled words! ack!)

Sugar Bear said...

I like living in CT for the change of seasons as well. Though winter does get tiresome. We have had 70 degree days as well! Love it! Your page is beautiful.

Dede Warren said...

minnesota is a beautiful state for sure. i was in st cloud many years ago, but have never forgotten the raw beauty of it! enjoy your time in the sunshine with your little one.

Carol Soules said...

Off to the post office with my May Basket package. What fun!

Ginny Gibson said...

I wish I had been able to participate but was not aware of it until it was too late. I wouldn't have let you down :)))

I am also in England which is the short straw as far as cost of shipping and speed of delivery is concerned. Anyway I wait with baited breath to see what all the swappers have created.

I can enjoy the eye candy at least.

best wishes Ginny

Anonymous said...

How lovely to begin each day like you do! We have a brief hint of the warm weather to come, then, bam!! back to cold.

becky said...

so pretty cari! i love checking out your always makes me smile.

Michelle said...

I am a first time visitor and just had to tell you how much I love your blog! I found you through Natasha burns. Your blog is so lovely! And I feel like you must be a kindred spirit, my mother grew up in minnesota and is also a librarian! What are the chances. Thanks so much for providing such lovelies to look at!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more!! And I am so enjoying the amazing weather - and life!!
