Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The day after....

Wow, what's a girl to do after a day like that!?! A heartfelt thank you for all of your thoughtfulness and hard work on the May Day swap. For your kind comments and for posting on your blogs the amazing baskets that were created. This swap was truly outstanding. What a creative group of folks you are!!! I hope the rest of May proves to be as fabulous as it began:)

We're finally starting to get some color here in Minnesota. After some hard rain the other night the grass is green and the early spring flowers are starting to bloom. I've been enjoying carrying around my new, oh so springy bag from Michelle. She makes the cutest stuff! Check out her etsy shop here.

At the grocery store today I picked up a copy of the Better Homes and Gardens publication 100 ideas flea market style. Pretty cute stuff. Worth a peruse.

For those of you asking if and when I'll be hosting another swap, I think I'm going to take a break for a bit and work on some new things for my etsy shop. I have some ideas brewing. I'm sure I'll have another in the not-to-distant future. You'll hear all about it here...

Have a great day!!


Bonita Rose said...

that's a mag i'll have to look for.. love that style.. tks kari.

Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful swap. Thanks so much for hosting it :)

Anonymous said...

i got that mag last year and loved it - i still look at it !!

Chares Square Co-op said...

hi kari!
looks like you've been up to some fun.
gorgeous spring bouquet too!

Michelle said...

thanks so much kari! that's one of the things i love about blog-land, how we share each other! Got to get that magazine

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Hi, Kari, I keep seeing your blog name around, so thought I'd stop by for a visit. Looks like a fun place, I think I'll look around. Feel free to stop by & visit me too.

Southern Hospitality

Anonymous said...

I'll have to check the magazine out. It looks fun. Even though I didn't participate in your swap, I loved seeing the different takes on May Day baskets!!

Anonymous said...

It was a great swap! Thanks again for hosting!

Molly said...

Great to see another Minnesotan enjoying the slowly rising color! I've just discovered your blog and look forward to exploring!

Tammy Gilley said...

What a fun swap this was! Thanks for hosting!! You've been tagged...see my blog for more details. cheers...tammy

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

I just picked up that magazine too and I love it. Fun ideas!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kari, I simply can not wait to see what you are coming up with for your shop!!
How exciting!
~Cerri xoxo

suzi finer said...

I just have to say...
Thanks for the most fun swap to date!

Anonymous said...

always such gret inspirations!!
Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

I have that magazine too and really like it. You did do such a great job on the May Day swap - I enjoyed watching it unfold even though I didn't participate. I'm looking forward to seeing what you add to your Etsy shop.
