Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Artful Blogger pre-party...

Once again your kindness and support is overwhelming. Thank you so much for all your jubilation and praise over my first time being published. You can still enter the drawing for a copy of the Artful Blogging magazine here. Just a reminder that we are going to celebrate this fun publication and have a Artful Blogger Party here on the ArtsyMama blog on Wednesday, August 8th. It will run much like the tea party that I had awhile back. See here to get a glimse of that wonderful party. I will post the morning of the 8th to begin the party. Whichever blogs would like to participate (anyone can-the more the merrier!) will create a related post on thier blog. I was thinking that each participating blog could post a quick tutorial on making some sort of artsy type craft. We could all skip around and get tons of fun ideas and try new techniques. Wouldn't that be fun!? That gives you 3 weeks to think about what you may want to post. I will then update with links to the participating blogs throughout the day on the 8th on my original post. Last time this was a huge success and over 75 blogs had parties of their own and we had tons and tons of mingling bloggers all over the world attend. This time is sure to be bigger and better than ever!! Here are some fun finds from my trip. The colors of this barkcloth are divine. I found this cute beaded basket for $1 at a thrift store. What a deal! The color of the flowers on this hat are just so yummy I just had to add it to my collection.
I've been dutifully working on goodies for my booth at the JunkMarket ladies Junk Bonanza in September. I'm so excited to see it all set up. Just figuring out what to put in my booth and how I want to present all my items is a creative exercise in itself. I keep thinking of more things to make and sell. My first project was to make these dresses. I used more fallish colors on these, added vintage trim and flowers, velvet leaves and topped each dress with a wonderful piece of vintage jewelry. I really like how they turned out.

Hope you have an artful day!


Ellen said...

Hi Kari, your dresses looks wonderful and I wished I could be there at the Bonanza Junkmarket to see all your hanmade stuff.

I'm in for the party on the 8 of august.
You have such lovely ideas, the teaparty was a lot of fun too.

Anonymous said...

Oooh count me in for the Artful Blogger party!!! :-)

Love those sweet little dresses and you know I'm lovin' those wood thread spools!

Lori said...

Your dresses look wonderful and your party sounds like fun...

Anonymous said...

I love the dresses and wooden spools. The tea party was so much fun, count me in. I already know what I will post!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your article.
You need to frame it!

Jill said...

Sounds like fun! Your dresses are darling!

One Crabapple said...

Congratulations and your spread was WONDERFUL in A.B.

I did not know about the previous tea party and will have to look that up...but as for the Blog Party...I am going to put some thought into that so I can participate too. What a Great Idea !

Love, S.

One Crabapple said...

oh and good luck w/ your Junk Bonanza booth!

Bonnie said...

Kari..lovely stuff....I will be there on that day if I am around to post something on my blog-I love your blog parties! did you get my email by the way? You haven't replied...PLEASE check! thanks!

Fiona said...

Count me in - it was great fun last time!

Heather - Speckled Egg said...

Your party sounds so much fun! I will definitely participate!!!

Love your sweet new dresses too!

Sheri said...

your art is beautiful... i will totally join the party on the 8th! good luck at the junk market!

Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

you are full of fun, fantstic ideas!

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Hi Kari...

Congrats on being part of the Artful Blogger... I LOVED looking at your pages... so colorful and yummy.

I have a question for you... I love your little dresses and really like the hangers with the clips on them.. where might I find those hangers. I make fiber bird paintings and would LOVE to use those to hang my work.

Tracie Lyn Huskamp said...

Hi Kari...

Congrats on being part of the Artful Blogger... I LOVED looking at your pages... so colorful and yummy.

I have a question for you... I love your little dresses and really like the hangers with the clips on them.. where might I find those hangers. I make fiber bird paintings and would LOVE to use those to hang my work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari,
Love those dresses and congratulations on your article. I would love to come to your party, but I'll be away and won't have access to a computer. Have fun.

paige said...

oh i love how your little dresses turned out...the little vintage leaaves in the pocket~precious!
congrats on being in the artful blogging.
i can't wait to see it in person!

zabrina said...

I am in!!! I am in!!!! It will be fun!!! Should I post a tut for paper craft only?
Have a great Junk Bonanza! said...

congrats on the article!

I'd love to be a part of your party, the last one was such fun.

Anonymous said...

Those little dresses are delightful :)

Cheryl Ensom said...

Love the spool and dresses! And your tea party idea sounds FABULOUS! Count me in, too!
hugs, cheryl

Anonymous said...

Kari, I love the new dresses you made. I will be at the Bonanza Junk Market in September!! I'm so excited for it. I hope to be able to meet you.


Maggie Lamarre said...

Definetely count me in. The tut idea is wonderful.
I have several thing in mind.

Anonymous said...

this sounds fun! I'll post a tut on my blog on the 8th! I'll try to think of something new. love the idea of skipping around. sounds like a fun party to me.