Monday, July 16, 2007

Huge excitement!!

While I was away I received my copy of the new Artful Blogging magazine published by Stampington. This is my first time being published and I am over-the-top thrilled to get 4 whole pages with an article and tons of pics from my blog. This is a dream come true!
Here I am with Chloe showing off the large picture of her that made it into the magazine. It will hit newstands on August 1st and let me tell you this magazine is absolutely packed with eye candy and really fabulous writing. Dozens of amazing bloggers are featured. The articles and the pictures really capture our little niche of blogland. I will be looking to this for inspiration for months to come! Congrats to everyone in it:) I will be having a drawing to give away one copy of this amazing new publication, before you can buy it in the store. If you leave a comment on this post (make sure to include your email), your name will be put in the drawing. You have until this Friday, July 20th at midnight to enter. Good luck!


Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

i got my copy this weekend too. i'm head is still spinning...

Amy said...

Congratulations!! How wonderful for you and your adorable daughter to be published!

Please enter me into your drawing!
Amy at Abundant Curiosities

zabrina said...

Wow! That's wonderful!! Congratulations! Also the idea of this company to create a magazine for bloggers is super!!! Love it. Stampington has the best mags ever. I got Somerset Life and I can't stop looking at it. I need to get this mag soon! A pleasure for the soul!
Take Care! My best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy day, Kari. Congrats on your wonderful 4 pages. Your blog is so very special to so many of us, we'll be thrilled to see it once again in the mag. Please enter me too. Carol

Ellen said...

Ohh Kari it looks wonderful and 4 pages wowwww.Your daughter is so sweet in the picture she's proud too be published.
I so so love to receive a copy because I just don't know if I can get mine in the Netherlands . So I really want to join.
Lots of love from holland.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being published. I would love a chance to win a copy of the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Kari, Congratulations on being published; four pages WOW! But it doesn't surprise me, as you are all over the map talented!! Can't wait to meet in person at Silver Bella (just how many sleeps 'til then?) I would love to be entered in your drawing for the Stampington Mag. Thanks, Julie

Anonymous said...

congrats! that is so cool. i love your blog. how do i get my hands on a copy of this?
jessi nagy

Sheri said...

oh thats awsome! how exciting! its so cool that stampington is making a bloggers magazine... and your so blessed to get to be in it! congratulations!

Lu said...

I am so incredibly proud of you! Congratulations on this wonderful honor.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! I've never heard of that magazine before. I'd love to be entered for the drawing.

liz elayne lamoreux said...

there is my dear friend michelle on the cover.

can't wait to read your article and all the other good things waiting inside!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first publication :)

Lori said...

Congratulations Kari and Chloe!!!The magazine looks fabulous and i will most definately buy one!!!

mary boyer said...

Congratulations - the excitment must leave you breathless! That's the feeling I get reading your blog, thanks for all the wonderful beauty you bring to my life!!


Anonymous said...

Kari, I wanted to pop by and say congrats! I received my issue the other day and I have devoured it already! Your article was, of course, stunning and I am so happy for you on your first pub. Don't place my name in your drawing, I just wanted to congratulate you (and your it's HER first time in print, too).

jewellspring said...

Unbelievable. I just stumbled on all you Artsy-Type Bloggers over the last few weeks and I'm over-the-top impressed. I love finding women living creatively. Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

you must be so thrilled! congrats! hope i win but if not i plan on buying it asap. thanks for the inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

How cool Kari, and to think little Miss Chloe is a star at such a young age. I can't wait to see the article, I am so excited for you!!!! Take care, Cassondra

Anonymous said...

Congrat's to you, what an honor to your beautiful work and your beautiful daughter!! Your vacation pic's are amazing! Please enter me in your drawing too...thanks for sharing.

Lilli in Vancouver said...

This is so Exciting! I'm so happy that we artsy-craftsy bloggers have a magazine to represent us and inspire us! And of course you'd be in the premiere issue!

I can hardly wait to see it in person :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to find this magazine even if I don't get a copy from you!

hkydiva1 at yahoo dot com

Tracy said...

Can't wait to see this! Your daughter looks adorable-how excited will she be to see that later!

L Melohn said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited from you. Us Minnesota bloggers have to stick together! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kari-how utterly gorgeous!! Congratulations!! It is so special to see all of you creative women being recognized. Your daughter is a natural-so sweet.
I'd love a copy.
From our farm: Blackberries in The Grove (

Dede Warren said...

congrats! oh, and count me in please!

Dawn said...

How cool is that????? I am just giddy city for you, Kari.
Must get a copy...

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Sweety. I got my copy too. Yeah, I was over the top with just a picture in this GORGEOUS magazine so I couldn't begin to imagine how you must feel with a whole spread on you!!!! You are SO deserving to be showcased like this! Your LO is just beautiful!

Terri said...

How excitung for you and your baby!Can't wait for this issue. Hope it has lots of good imfo. on blogging. I am so very new to this exciting world. Congrata again! Terri

Jeanne said...

I have heard from those who have already received the magazine that this is definitely a publication not to be missed. I am so happy for you Kari that your blog is featured as a truly an inspiration to all of us.
Please include me in your drawing....I would love to get my hands on a copy before they hit the stores!!

Renee said...

Oh my gosh you must be so excited, that is so super cool. Way to go you must be so proud.

Jenna said...

congrats on getting published. Your blog is certainly artful! If I don't win this mag, i'm going to go buy it!!!

cupcakestudio said...

Looks like an absolutely beautiful publication! Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Wow congratulations! It does look like such a wonderful spread! Crossing my fingers for the prize (but if not, I'll go get one for sure). Way to go....
Laurie G. (

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! and what a sweetie on your lap. I can't wait to read it. Please do enter me. You deserve to be published, your blog is just great!

Anonymous said...

I have been collecting vintage stuff for a long time---this year has been so exciting reading blogs and seeing people with the same interests. I can't wait to read Artful blogging.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this only the first time you've been published! Congratulations and best wishes for many more such successes! I'm really looking forward to seeing the magazine and your article.

Tautchia said...

So excited for you!!! Love Stampington mags. All of them.

So love that your DD's hand made it into the magazine. I'm sure she is just tickled pink!

Congrats to both of you ;)

tautchia at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! You definitely have been an inspiration to me. I had participated in your "Book of Dreams" challenge, and since them have been constantly inspired by you. Congratulations!

Please enter me into the drawing!

Susie Q

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kari! When I started blogging about a year ago you were one of the first blogs that really inspired me so it is very exciting to see you in a magazine and I'm thrilled for you!

Anonymous said...

WooHoo!..girlfrind!!!!! I got a papercut ripping off that cover while still in the garage!!!

You and Michelle...I ***sparkle**** with joy!!!!

Anonymous said...

The article looks really wonderful!
Isn't it wonderful what opportunities the universum brings when one keeps a blog... friends, inspiration and being published!

xxxxx said...

Congratulations Kari!!!! I knew you were in it, but a 4 page article... that's simply brilliant! What a beautiful suprise to find on your return from your vacation. I've always loved that photo of Chloe :-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your publication!


HippieDog said...

Wonderful! Congratulations! I cannot wait to see all of your yummy things :) Best wishes!!

Maria said...

Congratulation! I'd love to be in the drawing, too.


Bonnie said...

Congrats Kari! It looks amazing! I would so love to go into the drawing for the whole magazine!

Jen Kershner said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm so excited for you!
I'd love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks a bunch!!


Renee said...

Wow,that is so fabulous!You definitely deserve that and more as you are so talented!You give us all inpsiration to want to try to be creative!I am a faithfuk reader of your blog and always will be!I would love to win a copy of the magazine as I would really love to see all the great creativity inside!Thanks,Renee-

Anonymous said...

HUGE Congrats!! I love the "high" from being recognized like that - you should be good to go for DAYS! ;)

Thank you for sharing the fun with us with a give away, hehe!

Anonymous said...

Oooii, congratulations! I can't get that magazine where I live - please pick me! ;-)

Lovely photo of you!

Cheryl Connell said...

Yes! I heard this was coming out, congrats to you. I'm not sure if I can get it up here, so I would love to win it! Great idea!

Miss*Laurence said...

Congratulations! I hope it will also be sold here!

Sugar Bear said...

Congratulations! It looks like a wonderful article.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! What a thrilling experience for you!! I really enjoy your blog and it is my "go to" site whenever I have a creative block.Keep up the great work!


Merci-Notes said...

I wish you the most Sweetest Congratultions Kari!!! I love that you have the photo of you and Chloe with the article! ***!HIp Hip Hooray!***
I remember Caitlin at that age! Some how I feel that she really was an inspiration for me. May be it was being a MOm??? It is all so special and now You have an article from the "world" aknowledgement perhaps!
p.s. I can not believe that you have not been published before this, in your young life! I include your atricles on line "being published!" : )

Amy A said...

Oh yeah! Congrats! And please enter me in the drawing, that magazine looks wonderful!
Amy P
aka RubyMoon

Melanie Margaret said...

I am so excited for you!
Can't wait to see more!

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Wow! Congratulations!
Would love to be entered into the drawing.
Your daughter is so precious!

Laura Bray said...

I'll jump in! 60 posts already-the odds are worse than Vegas! LOL!

Maddie Can Fly said...

I'd love a copy of the magazine, but 60 comments already!!!!! I will probably get lost in the shuffle.

Angela said...

That is so cool!! I would love a copy so please drop my name in the pot. So glad you are back by the way, I was having withdrawals.

Michelle Johnson said...

Congratulations on the book. Please enter me into the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kari !
I am very happy for you, you deserve it and you can be proud of yourself and your lovely daughter!

Anonymous said...

how exciting for you!! i am new to blog land, and have really been enjoying reading about all these wonderful, creative people that are out there!

love your blog!

vivian from idaho

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for posting such a creative blog..I would like to enter into the drawing.


Jen said...

So happy for you, and me too-cause I get to read this on the plane for my month long trip to Italy. I leave August 6th and am determined to purchase this before then. Continued blessings and thanks for sharing!
All Things Jen

~Kristen~ said...

Congratulations ont he publication! I love your blog!


Jocelyn in Wonderland said...

So exciting, please enter me, I could use a pick me up given the divorce and all :(

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great honor! Congratulations - you and all the others featured deserve it for all the joy and inspiration you bring us.

Maria said...

Congrats. your daughter looks to cute.

Monica said...

Congrats Kari on your spread in the new mag. I cant wait ,just the tidbits I have seen are so inspirational!

Crafty Mama said...

Congratulations on your first publication! To bad we don't have magazines like that here in Holland. I would definitely buy this copy! Your article look stunning just like your blog!

Babsarella said...

Mega congrats to you!!! How exciting, and so well-deserved!!! I would LOVE to be entered into your drawing!!

Rosemary said...

I am reading your blog for the first time, via Andrea's blog. You have an adorable little girl.
Nice of you to have a drawing.
Visit my blog sometime.

Kimla Kay said...

What a bee-yoo-tee-ful spread!! Can't wait to see it in person. Enjoy this is very well deserved!

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

I am excited to see this special issue. Congrats on your part in it. I have said ti once and I will say it again.. your daughter is a DOLL!!

Lana Manis said...

Congratulations! Your blog is wonderful and the recognition well-desreved.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kari! How exciting!!
Congratulations on this well deserved honor!! Please include my name in your drawing!
Regards, Kathy

Anonymous said...

Wow, congratulations!!!


Leslie said...

Congratulations, Kari! How terrific for you and Chloe. I can understand your excitement perfectly, but naturally you should have four pages in the premier issue. You are an inspiration to all of us! Sign me up for a chance to win a copy.

Georgia Peachez said...

Oh my! Can't wait to read this magazine. Congratulations on having your wonderful blog featured! xo, suzy

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Artful blogging looks really cool. Can't wait to see it myself.

Anonymous said...

It looks so pretty Kari! Your little girl is such a cutie!

I wonder when the next issue (which I think I'll be in!) will be out?

Stacy said...

what a wonderful feeling that must be!! congratulations!!
please enter me too, i would love to see all your work in there.

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Congradulations...I am so excited for you!
You must be so proud!!!!!

I can't wait to get my hands on this magazine!
Please put my name in the hat for the drawing!

Hugz, Dolly

Anonymous said...

congrats kari! Your pages look fabulous!! Some of the best in the book, in my opinion.
I mentioned you in my post today and am also doing a drawing.
btw, Chloe is too, too precious!

Katie Jean said...

Congrats!! I can't wait to read this!

Carol Soules said...

Wow! That is wonderful Kari! I can't wait to see the magazine. Maybe I will win your give-away... but if not I will find my way to the store to buy my very own copy after Aug 1.

Suzanne said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see this magazine! Please enter me in the drawing!

"Maggie & Kevin" said...


How thrilled I am that you are published and the layout (from the photos) looks fabulous. I would love to be the recipient of a copy so please add my name to the draw. My birthday is next week and it would be such a great present! :)

Jill said...

How cool! You are officially a celebrity!!!! Would love to have an advance copy.
Thanks a million...and congratulations! You are so deserving.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your article! Can't wait to see the magazine.

Your blog is so lovely to look at. Thanks!

Please enter me into your drawing.


The Feathered Nest said...

Congratulations!! Your blog is wonderful and so deserving to be featured! I so can't wait to sit down and enjoy this inspiring magazine...xxoo, Dawn

Anonymous said...

Yippe! It's almost like a blog directory!

Anonymous said...

Oh congratulations! Can't wait to see your spread and all the others. LOVE Stampington!

Anonymous said...

wow ! you have alot of comments to read !!! congrats girl on being published and getting accepted for the junk market sale !! how fun is that ! you deserve it !! take care,

Michelle said...

oooooh! I want one! It looks so beautiful! congrats!

Shel/Nate/Anipals said...

I am DYING to get my hands on this! Thanks SO much for hosting this drawing!

Anonymous said...

Kari, I'm so thrilled for you!!
I love your blog, read it every day!
Congrats, you deserve it!!

Helle Greer said...

Huge congrats Kari, can't wait to see the Magazine, it would make fabulous reading for me as I'm flying to Europe on Aug 1st. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Nesting For Natalie said...

Ohhh, ahhhhh, well done!!!! How awesome!


Natasha Burns said...

Congratulations Kari!!! That's wonderful! I bet the magazine is fantastic, I'd love to be able to get the great mags that you have over in the States, I'd lvoe to enter your drawing!
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! They picked one of the best to feature. I'd love to be entered in your drawing, I've got that mag plugged into my wishlist (

Anonymous said...

I'm not just leaving a comment for the drawing, I also wanted to say A BIG well-deserved CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so glad for you and your daughter looks just precious in the pic with the hat! AWWW!! I can't wait to see the looks just dripping with loveliness :)

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to pre-order a copy...your spread is so lovely!!1


Jamie said...

Great to see your blog published! Congrats! Jamie

Annie-Savor This Moment said...

Beautiful!! Love the pictures, and congrats on being featured.

Deb S. said...

oh i can't wait to get ahold of a copy of this!!congrats!

Please enter me in your drawing!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to one of my favorite artists/bloggers. I love your blog and your art. What a great job you do. I can't wait to read the book... it looks so wonderful! Maybe I can be inspired to create my own blog.
Thanks for entering me in your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Many congrats on being featured in Artful Blogging! I will certainly purchase the fab mag if I don't win one from you! XXOO, Beth

Anonymous said...

Looks fabulous. Wish I could peek now already.
Please enter me into the draw

Carol (

Thanks for the opportunity

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! I can't
wait to see your article in the new magazine.

Bonita Rose said...

i can't wait to get this mag... can't wait... put me in for the drawing. plse??? and congrats to you Kari.. u are uber talented!

tricia stirling said...

congratulations!! i can't wait to read it!!

Denise S. said...

I would love to be the winner of this great looking new magazine.

Anonymous said...

Lucky #119 Post?? Could it be?!
Pick me..pick me! (smiling)
Congrats on the Magazine!
Love your Blog. Huggs from Kansas!

Judy said...

Congratulations. Please enter me in the drawing!! I'd love a copy of the magazine. Hopefully I can find a copy to purchase if I don't win...

Amy M. said...

How fun! I'd love to win!


Anonymous said...

Wow - this looks like a great publication! Hope I win a copy so I can get a sneak preview!

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is an amazing publication! I really can't wait to order this. What a nice gesture of you to give a copy away! Please enter me in your drawing. My mail address is:

Dana said...

Congrats on being published :) What a beautiful pic of your little one !!!

Thanks for letting us have a sneak peak!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great Job, Your blog is so fun and pretty. I really enjoy it.

Heidi said...

I can't wait to see the magazine and your spread. Congrats!


Congratulations. I can't wait to see this magazine!

Laura said...

Woohoo - just seeing this now Kari - how very cool and exciting for you, YAYYAYAYAYAYAY!!! Well deserved and very validating of all the time and creativity you put into your FABULOUS blog!! Oh yes I'd like a chance to win the free issue too :)

wisteriagirl said...

Congrats!! I just found your Blog and love it! I would like to win this magazine so much. My email address is:

Unknown said...

Yes, yes! Sign me up! Congrats to you on getting published! The magazine looks so wonderful and I can't wait to get one. H

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kari!!!!
Oh how fantastic!!!!! So so so exciting, and sooo well deserved!!!!

Your blog is one of the most fantastic in all the land! Always brimming with positive, crafty, inspiring energy!! LOVE it!

Fun fun fun!!! Cannot wait to sit down with these eye candy filled pages!! YAYYY!!


xoxo Jenny.....and Aaron sends his love!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about this new magazine! I saw some of your photos on the sneak peak page-an absolute congrats for you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting published! I'd go out and buy one if I could but since I can't I'll enter your contest. I can't wait to discover new artsy blogs.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for showing us this sneak peek into this new magazine! I sure would love to hold it in my hands...please add me to your drawing! And, thank you for doing this drawing! I can live a whole day on hope...

Fiona said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first publication, cannot imagine how exciting this must be.
But..........I would be so stinkin' excited to win this, I swear

Anonymous said...

Wow!! How generous of you. Please enter my name. Thanks


Heather - Speckled Egg said...

Congrats! I cannot wait to see this!!! It looks fabulous!!!!!!!!

Only a Paper Moon said...

Congratulations on your publication!! Your blog and creations totally deserve those 4 pages you were given, and I cannot wait to see who wins!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations once again! And I'm really glad you posted a picture of the cover; I recognize some of those other bloggers too ;)

Raven's Rest Studio, Jennifer Conway said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see the magazine in person! I just discovered your blog and will be back often! Take care,
Jennifer Conway

Jodi said...

Good for you! Can't wait to get my hands on copy of this.

Nerissa Alford said...

CONGRATS! Your blog should be published, as it is such a wonderful and insprational read. I can't wait for the party. I thinking about what tutorial to do.

Artifax said...

Congrats on being published!! This looks like such a scrumptious magazine! I would love to be entered in your drawing for a chance to win a copy!

scrapworking said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the offer...appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

You certainly deserve to be in the first edition of this new magazine. Your blogs are so inspirational. You should be very proud of yourself.
I would love to be entered in your drawing.

Katy @ Lolly Linens said...

Congrats! You are awesome!
Please enter me in your drawing, I'm feeling lucky! All the Best, Katy

Very Mary said...

Toss my name in, too! Congrats to you!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Wow!! You are so famous! :-)
Congratulations on the article, that is so fabulous! And it's so cute that your little darling daughter is in there too. Stampington really has a great mag. I see you have a bazillion entries for a copy--now it's a bazillion and one!

Smiles, Karen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being published. I can hardly wait to read this first issue. The few peaks I have seen look AMAZING!!

Anonymous said...

Stort Grattis!
I saw Michelle's page and I am so proud to say that now I " know" 2 fantastic artists and bloggers that are published in the same issue! The mag is not for sale in Sweden, so I hope I win!

Papoosue said...

I had never heard of this magazine before, so thanks for enlightening me! Please enter me into your draw and Congratulations!!

Sarah Louise said...

Woo hoo! And I found out just in the nick of time, it appears...toss my name in: Sarah Louise (pghgurl at yahoo dot com)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting published - You deserve the recognition!!!!!

I am so excited about this new Somerset magazine. Please add me to your drawing.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Kari!
Your blog is so beautiful and inspiring...
Thanks for sharing it with us.
Susie V.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Please enter me into your drawing.

Tam I Am said...

Please enter me in your drawing!

Congrats on your first time being published.


Linda said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading your article and the rest of the magazine.


Kristin said...

Congrats on being published! I bet it's a fantastic book. Please enter my name in your give-away.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I LOVE your blog
AND your artsiness!
please put my name in for a copy of this great magazine!

MarilynH said...

You have one hundred and sixty-one comments already---but what the hey--I'll enter anyway. i would LOVE a copy!
congrats Kari!!

Joy Logan said...

Me me me please! Nice blog.

Unknown said...

congrats! how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being included in the premiere issue, I can't wait to see the magazine.
I hope I win it. This a fabulous blog, I enjoy reading it.

: ) Bren

Anonymous said...

Kari, I'm so excited for you!! I will definitely be looking for the magazine when it comes out. You certainly deserve to be featured in such a magazine. Your blog is so beautiful Kari :o)


Jodi Ohl said...

Kari, I have to tell you that you inspired me to start collaging. The one picture on the lower right where you featured different prompts as you pulled from a bowl of techiques was the post/inspiration to start creating collages and getting back into painting after a couple of year respite. I can not wait to get this issue and see more!

Congrats on your 4 page spread--I'm sure it's awesome!



Linda SS said...

What exciting new & for the first time being published, who could ask for a better layout than that! Please enter me to win:)

Anne said...

CoGrAtUlAtIoNs on your four page spread!!!! What a wonderful photograph of Chloe and yourself with your magazine issue! I'm NEW to visiting here, however I was sent by my friend Tami Woods! Will be sure to add you to my "Blogs of Paper" on my own blog! Tami, Mare and I looked for this mag yesterday... we're talking NH, so we won't see it for a while! *wink*

Anne :)

AnhBao1981 said...

how are you now