Sunday, January 27, 2008

Aren't we cute?!

Here's my latest random little project. My happy family:)Saw the movie Juno today. It's been written up positively so much and the writer lived in Minnesota when she was a stripper (interesting gal...)
It's quirky, it's sassy, it's wonderful!~ Go see it!


  1. Love your little family characters!! And congrats on your book endeavor!!

  2. I loved JUNO!!! :-)
    My daughter bought the soundtrack off of iTunes and she listens to it all the time. Which is kind of a switch to her normal music library.

    Your little people are adorable.


  3. What a colorful fun family you have!

    There certainly is a lot of buzz for this movie. Steve and I will certainly make a point of seeing it!

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Kari, your little family is so adorable! Of course the little painted ones are cute, too! ;-)

    I had a great time seeing you for scrapping Saturday night. Let's do it again soon! By the way, my MIL loved the scrapbook calendar I gave her!


  5. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Without change I would have never come to have known this "little world" of so many other creative people!

  6. I LOVED Juno and want to see it again. Saw the writer on Oprah.. she seemed cool. G was excited she was from his home state. Love the teeny family :)

  7. your son looks just like sweet is that little family....and loved Juno...Kindred spirits..Jennifer

  8. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Love the wooden dolls.

    Saw Juno and adored it! Bought the soundtrack right after and it plays perma-play in the van. Oh and I like to say 'wizard' and 'wenis' alot now which drives my 12 old up a wall. Haa! What fun!
