Saturday, February 02, 2008

Art + Cold= Fun!!

What do we do here in Minnesota in the middle of the winter for entertainment? We make Art Shanty's! There is a whole community of them on the lake we're just a few blocks away from. They have a festival of sorts where they do bike races on the ice, activities for kids and each shanty has a different theme. It was "mild" here today (in the 20's), so we ventured out and drove out onto the ice (yikes!!) to take a peek...Here's the Shanty of Misfit Toys.This one looks like a space station.The "ice garden" sure was colorful!

The Chalkboard Shanty.
Of course, gotta have a fishing shanty.
How would you like your office out here. Burrrr....
How's that for crazy??


Anonymous said...

That is crazy! But it looks like there is some wild imaginations, how fun.

Scarlett said...

I love these, how wicked. The only one I ever saw were some in various movies. I can not believe you guys get out in that crap. This southern girl throws more clothes on and counts down for spring.

Paula Clare said...

How completely wonderful! I WONDERED what you folks in the frozen north do for fun in the frigid winter! (I figured everyone sleeps in Ice Palaces and eats sorbet all winter...true? False?)Thanks for sharing...

Stevie said...

OMG!! I have never seen anything like flipping awesome! Thanks a bunch for sharing! I love the winter, but here in central PA we don't get a lot of snow(a few inches here and there). Take care. said...

Oooh, the ice shanty is so sherbet-ey!

Bonnie said...

how fun! thanks for sharing them, some are bizzare!

Fiona said...

Atleast the lakes froze this year! Hope they've melted by the time we go later this year as i'm fondly warm baot trips on Minnetonka over to lalrge open air craft fair.....I do think the fish shanty is seriously funky!

Fiona said...

Atleast the lakes froze this year! Hope they've melted by the time we go later this year as i'm fondly warm baot trips on Minnetonka over to lalrge open air craft fair.....I do think the fish shanty is seriously funky!

Anonymous said...

That's crazy but fun! We could never drive on ice unless it was 'really' cold. We're in the 40s today.

Kai said...

Now THAT'S what I call creative! I love cold weather and that just totally appeals to me! I'm living in the wrong part of the world, for SURE! (We are at 76 yukky-hot degrees today.)

Anonymous said...

How great this is -- I love things that make me smile -- great creativity -- brrr 20's and ice
-YIKES- we have that temp some even in the deep south -but ice that is another thing -- Kathy - Ga

Anonymous said...

That's so crazy, but so neat at the same time. Is it simply a display or do you find people actually ice fishing in those shanties--cause I know they wouldn't dare craft in there, would they?

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

I might brave the cold for a visit. Looks like fun.

Anonymous said...

I looOOooooOove the fish one!

Anonymous said...

That is just awesome. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

i have watched your blog for a while now, and this is my first comment.

how fun to see your best friend's boyfriend is one of the artists. anything i see you post on minneapolis, i forward to her. i am going to try to make the trek up from iowa city to see the shantys this permitting.

BugnLVoe said...

WOW! Those are cool. Thanks for posting about it and sharing pictures. :-)

A friend of mine is building a shanty in Wisconsin but I think its more low key than those... lol


Heather said...

That looks like fun!!! I am thankful that I live here where 20 isn't mild! Can we say brrrrr!!

Miss*Laurence said...

This is definitely the weirdest idea I have heard of in months! It's such a great idea to get people out even on such cold days! Can anyone make one? I would have made a traditional yurt shanty! Some project though!
china/600/china_106-7510.JPG )

Anonymous said...

Oh what fun you all must have there with this silly shanty's. I would be right out there with the best of them.

Baby_Tease said...

These are fabulous! What people will do for art, huh? Thanks so much for taking those pics. I love them. We can always count on you for something new.

ellencrimitrent said...

my favorite is the chalkboard one, I bet it was fun to read all the stuff on it. I have never seen anything like this before.


Cheryl Ensom said...

HYS-terical!!! I love it!!!

Michaele Sommerville said...

Ha, reminds me of the Outhouse races we have in Alaska- or the Red/Green River Regatta each summer in Fairbanks (boat entries have to be held together by duct tape a la Red Green). Many of the outhouses and boats are decked out like your shantys- thanks for sharing the fun and making me smile!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen these and I live in St. Paul! Amazing! We do have ways to make winter more fun, don't we?

lindaharre said...

What fun!!!!! Where there are people....there is creativity! You gotta love it......LOL

Jeanne said...

Kari, these are hysterical!

dragonflydreamer said...

I am so tickled by the art shantys. How wonderfully creative. I cannot imagine leaving the house in such frigid temperatures, but for art...anything is possible. Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful shantys.

Michelle said...

These are fun. Are they actually functional? My husband loves ice fishing, but I don't know if he would use any of these.

Anonymous said...

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