Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Something to smile about...

It's been a big week here, the first day of school for our little kindergartener, Lowell. He's come a long way and we couldn't be more proud to say that he's totally ready for this and he loves it!I took this photo in the woods after his first day of kindergarten and Chloe's first day in her new pre-school classroom. The camera was on a log and I used the self-timer. Jenny's family photo challenge got me using this method a lot this past week and we love the results!
Next Thursday, the 17th I'm thrilled that I be attending the Junk Bonanza for the fourth year in a row. Remember this, this, and this...I {heart} the bonanza!! This year, Ki has put together a blogger party from 1-2 pm that's going to be a ton of fun! Find all the details HERE and come join us if you're around. Heather will be there, along with Matthew Mead, the Farm Chicks and many others. The blogroll is growing over on Ki's blog, so let us know if you're going to be there!


  1. Hello! I was just hopping around blogland and landed here! Thought I'd say hi!

  2. Wow, what sweet kids! You all seem so relaxed and happy!

  3. Wow! First day jitters for you, too. It is so wonderful to see how excited they are, isn't it?
    ps...thanks for the birthdya wishes.

  4. Kari,
    I am so happy and very proud of Lowell and his parent!!! What a day!


  5. Glad to hear the kids enjoyed their new school experiences!

    Kari you are so lucky to visit Matthew Mead! I love his books... I saw he has a new one... I have not yet looked to see how it you have it yet?? Have a fantastic time next week!!!

  6. Your photos turned out wonderfully!



  7. Wow!!! Those kids look so adorable. They are also very photogenic. I love looking at their photos.

  8. Congratulations on your son starting kindergarten! What a big step for him (and his mum too!). Your children are beautiful and your daughter looks just like you!

  9. Aww, you guys are so cute.
    I just discovered your blog and love the feel of it!

  10. that is just about the sweetest picture of children I've seen in a long time. I love that pic!!!
