Sunday, December 04, 2011

Day four....

We woke up to a few inches of snow this morning. A nice little winter wonderland!
Our books for today were Christmas in the Big Woods and A Little House Christmas by Laura Ingles Wilder.
We made pancake men for breakfast, just like in the book.

Our craft was making our own snow globes with plastic cups, fake snow and little vintage figurines and trees. They turned out pretty cute!

I went to work and the kids went to an old fashioned Christmas event in the city where we live. They got to meet real live reindeer and take a sleigh ride. What a fun day!


  1. Those snow globes are soooo adorable!

    What fun the kids must have had with the reindeer and sleigh ride... i've always wanted a sleigh ride!!!

    So far, no snow here that had any accumulation.

  2. Those snow globes are fantastic. What a great idea and I will take my grand daughter out to my new room from and we will make some seasonal globes. To bad I found this site to late to see more of your great ideas.

  3. very much adorable pictures.. so beautiful..
