Finally I added on one of my favorite old postcards. These darling children are holding lilacs, the ultimate sign of spring here in Minnesota. What a fun May Basket to put together, all with a little vintage flair for my pal, Andrea!!!
I adorned the top with a tag and vintage key. Embellished the outside with some vintage flowers and butterflies.
Then at the last minute I found this adorable little vintage chair at an estate sale. I knew Dede would love it!
All for you, Dede!!
On a happy note, the photos people are posting on the flickr group for the swap are absolutely fabulous. Amazing baskets you're all creating and so unique!
Pretty Kitty- Heather hasn’t had her blog PresentPast for very long, but she continues to post eye candy that would make anyone swoon. Her photography and eye for design are impeccable. Thanks for all the gorgeousness!
Silly Goose- Love Lia’s ArtJunkGirl blog. She is so playful with her creativity and tells it like it is. Thanks for reminding all of us to let loose!
Sassy Squirrel- Laini Taylor is so absolutely sassy. She is an artist and author. That girl can do it all! Love hearing bits about her exciting life through her blog. So fascinating to get inside her brain for a bit.
Turned Turtle- I don’t even know what this means, but I pick Ulla at Ullabenulla because her blog helps turn my usual way thinking upside down. Love all the amazing art she shares and she sees things from such a wonderfully fresh perspective.Wise Owl- Love the scrapbook pages/altered art pieces that Ashley Calder produces. Her style is so unedited and *present*. She inspires me like nobody else to just BE!
Wooly Lamb- This made me think of Stephanie at Little Birds Handmade. Her wonderful use of so many different medias is so inspiring. She could literally take the wool off a lamb and turn it into something amazing. Her fabric pieces are divine. Love her style!
Slick Chick- Bonnie is one slick lady (in the nicest sense)! She reminds me to stop and smell the flowers each and every day. Love her attitude and the way she makes me think.
Sly Fox- Patty Van Dorin comes to mind because she is so sly with using such interesting techniques and supplies in her work. She transforms those objects and comes up with the most stunning work!!
Funny Bunny- I chose the one and only Anahata for this. Not that I find her blog hysterical or anything…it’s just SO her!! Her style is amazingly full of life and vibrancy.
Brown mouse- Tricia Scott is my pick for this. Her blog is so reflective and enduring. Not sure how this makes her a brown mouse. Her blog and her art are just lovely and from the heart.
So that’s it! Really, thank you all for the wonderful inspiration you provide. This blogging community is absolutely amazing!