I wasn't sure when I was going to be able to do the morning pages. A requirement for the Artist's Way:) I have a feeling it may change each day. With a 2 year old and a 9 month old and their nap, eating, playing schedules to contend with, my "free" time if fleeting. However the time has found itself the last few days. Flowing onto the paper just as my wee ones awake from their slumber and are not ready to get out of bed yet, this morning I wrote as my baby played on the floor and my son slept in. I was interrupted by a diaper change, husband leaving for work and feeding breakfast, but they were completed. After writing them I feel so much lighter, like I'm purging from the inside. I also have been re-evaluating my outside environment. Last night I went through every box in our basement and consolidated, marked for sale or put in bags to give away. I moved my craft stuff into my new found craft room (aka laundry room). I'm feeling a lightness of being today!
what a delicious poem!! i love it! thank you for sharing it.
i'm glad things are flowing for you. it's very inspiring to hear about it.
lovely poem. I agree that morning pages makes me feel lighter too.
I totally hear ya about the concern over the morning pages. I have a 5 year old and a 5 month old. It may have to be Night Pages for me, because "Morning Pages" aren't really realistic at this point. We'll do what we can. By the way, I liked the poem too.
Boy, you have your hands full...it's inspiring that you're making time for AW. The thing about morning pages (at least for me) is that it seems more important to DO them, than WHEN we do them. :)
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