"Shifts in taste and perception frequently accompany shifts in identity. One of the clearest signals that something healthy is afoot is the impulse to weed out, sort through, and discard old clothes, papers and belongings. "
Good, because I’ve been moving and weeding through things like crazy. Suddenly everything I look at just seems like it’s taking up space, and energy and I want it to leave…now! I haven’t been too extreme, but a bit of early spring cleaning is in order. I even listed some new, super inspiring, artsy books and zines on ebay if you’d like to take a look. They end soon! I’ll probably be listing more stuff as I continue to p

The shocker is that this week we are supposed to try reading deprivation!! That means find other things to do with our time instead of reading…like, maybe…creating! For you, my faithful blog readers, do not fear, I will still post…since technically that’s not reading. I just won’t be visiting all my favorite blogs and commenting. I’ll be back next week. Wish me luck:)
one week. I couldn't do it! I'll miss you!
GOOD LUCK! I of course, read this chapter last night and feel cheated since I am behind everyone else...I will be without reading another week though.
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