I know you’re out there. If you’re reading this and you don’t usually comment, now is your time to be heard. Just say hi!
Ok, if you need something to write about I'd love to know your answer to this question
What is your idea of the perfect creative day?
For those of you participating in Blogging the Artist's Way this could be inspiration for your Artist's Date. Some of my most memorable creative days include doing an intensive meditation retreat or sesshin, where I actually did absolutely nothing, just sat...all day. It felt creative because I was clearing the palate, letting go! Another was a day at a scrapbook convention. I get so revved up, inspired to spill my life onto the page. I would love to attend a CKU event someday. It would be a dream come true for me and the ultimate creative day to take a workshop at Valley Ridge with LK Ludwig.
Shop at your favorite stores 24 hours a day. Why go to the mall when you can shop online and avoid the traffic
I'm not a lurker and I always have something to say...I love visiting your site, you always have something colorful to say!
Perfect creative day. Hmm. Getting up, having breakfast, then getting comfy in my chair with a mug of mocha and Chaos on my lap, knitting away. Later, I'll go out for a rejuvenating walk or bike ride, then back to poke around through my yarn stash and books and patterns for inspiration. More knitting and a glass of wine in the evening. Ahhhh...
Hi, Lurker peaking out. My perfect day was when my husband went fishing in Alaska for a week with brother Bob. The house was empty and I started early and pieced a log cabin Christmas quilt for said hubby. All 140 blocks Here's my schedule-piece, tea & snack, piece, lunch, piece, chocolate, piece, wine, dinner with friends, piece, wine and snack(got my pattern down yet?)worked till 10ish. What a glorious day that was. Thanks for the great blog to read and enjoy. Dee in NY
i'm not a lurker
but will say hi
just cause i'm so good at it...
hi :)
(see, i'm a pro)
creative day...
hard to say...i feel best when
words are flowing without my
searching for them...
hmmm, perfect creative day...sitting in bed when i wake up with coffee and blogs to read, shower and out to art stores and thrift shops collecting supplies, light lunch, back at home, spread out blankets and pillows on the floor, surround myself with art supplies...play, play, play. put on good music and dance, snuggle kitties, more art-making, drink coa-coa and look at what i've made, snuggle up with a few inspiring books and warm, clean sheets, write a blog post, fall asleep with the bf and meows. :-)
Lurker here... My perfect creative day is yet to be experienced, but I do love going to boutiques that sell hand-made paper or beads or outrageous yarns or vintage hats or masks or scents. I also love dusty antique stores - dusty being important so as not to be prissy. That's where you find the really good stuff. And old used bookstores where an old postcard might just fall out - one that was probably being used as a bookmark and was unthinkingly forgotten. Eating unfamiliar ethnic food is good too - for the actual experience of the food and also for the people watching.
Like your blog - come visit mine sometime.
I'm sort of a lurker, although you know I love your blog! It inspires me to possibly start my own blog sometime.... My perfect creative day has yet to be achieved, but I love the rare day when I go out with friends/mom/sister-in-law and just scrapbook and munch and chat and laugh. I also love when I have the time and energy to just get in my craft room for a few hours and play with my stamps, etc...
Coffee, books, magazines, a specific project and all the materials to make it (without too much mess), unlimited time, a day out to all my favorite fiber places, junking with my neighbor, looking at photos all day, I could think of more but I'll leave it at that for my first delurking experience.
I would go on a hike, find a TOTALLY deserted spot, preferably in a rocky area, or by a waterfall, and I would just stay there all day. I'd read, or draw, or paint, or take photos (probably take lots of photos, on the way there, on the way back, and all around where I was sitting!), or just do whatever!
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