AM: When did you start blogging?
AE: November 2004
EF: Last summer, or fall... i can't remember. lol!
AM: What was your motivation?
AE: I was inspired by Andrea Sher’s Superhero Journal
EF: To connect with people.
AM: Who is your audience/readership?
AE: I think mainly scrapbookers...and a few other artists :)...and some mamas of kids with autism...and my family
EF: Mostly scrapbookers, i think. and family and friends...
AM: Does your blog circulation matter to you?
AE: Not really...
EF: Not really. but i love reading the comments.
AM: Do you promote your blog?
AE: Not officially – I had an article in Creating Keepsakes that included an image from my blog (talking about how you can use the writing you do in a blog for scrapbook journaling), and I do post on other blogs.
EF: No.
AM: Do you read other blogs? Which ones?
AE: A few regularly: Keri Smith (Wish Jar Journal), Andrea Sher (Superhero Journal), Cathy Zielske, Donna Downey• Tons of others when I find the time.
EF: yes. Danielle Thompson's, Ali's, Rhonna's, Mary Grace's, Nia's, Loni's, Marie's... a few others... can't think...
AM: Has blogging changed your creative process at all? Are you inspired by other bloggers?
AE: I think it is making me a better writer. It makes me consistent (as much as possible :)). I am ABSOLUTELY inspired by other bloggers. They make me laugh and cry and wonder and dream and want to do so many things.
EF: Not really. Maybe Rhonna's. it is REALLY inspring. I mostly just read them to look at cool photos and see what my friends are up to... see some layouts maybe, photos of houses, i like home decorating.. stuff like that...
AM: Do you feel it’s expanded your audience? Made you more accessible?
AE: I do think it has expanded my audience – that is totally what I love about blogging. The linking from one place to another to another and another. You never know where you will end up, who you will meet, or who will come across your blog.
EF: Yes, totally. i get lots of e-mails from my blog and people like it because it is more personal and random than just my published stuff, i guess...
AM: Is there a down side to blogging?
AE: I really enjoy it – it has become a part of the process of sharing my life with others.
EF: I am not very private... so for me, not really. i think it is one more thing "to do" at times, but it is fun, so who cares??? :) :)
AM: Do you find inspiration online?
AE: Absolutely. All over the place. So many cool things to see and learn.
EF: Yes, but not as easily as in real life. i would rather just go out...
AM: Do you participate in any online communities? If so, which ones?
AE: I like to participate in Studio Friday and Self Portrait Tuesday when I have the chance. I also am on the design team at Two Peas In A Bucket (it has been awhile since I contributed due to my travel schedule and work load).
EF: 2Peas. LOVE IT!
AM: Blogs can be very intimate; do you enjoy showing a different side of yourself?
AE: Yes. It has been a really good experience for me. I have connected with so many people on a variety of different levels and topics. The ones that tend to touch me the most are the ones from other parents of children with autism.
EF: Yes. i am ok with being real and showing my flaws. i think it is good.
AM: What is a typical day like for you?
AE: When I am home, I am a total homebody. Up around 7am. Fix breakfast for Simon and get him ready for school. Then work – scrapbooking, concepting, phone meetings, planning, packing, etc.
EF: um... doing assigments, working... going to the grocery store, playing with my dog... pretty normal.
AM: Where do you usually create?
AE: I have a studio space off our kitchen in a rec-room area. It works for now :).
EF: On my bed. AM: I thought this was fantastic!!!
AM: Do you find the computer has distracted you from your art?
AE: Sometimes it sure does. Sometimes I get lost in linking from site to site – and emailing can be one of my biggest weaknesses at times. Overall I love it and I think it totally has a place in what I do right now...it is all about balance :).
EF: Yes, sometimes.. but i try to just get off it and work!!! :)
I really enjoy doing these interviews and think that I will try to post them on Wednesday's. Time for some new questions, I think.....any ideas??
1 comment:
I just found your blog today (from a link at Ana's blog from SBA). Love it! And I really enjoyed your interview with Ali and Elsie... very insightful. When they listed the blogs they visited as well I went in search of those ones too (wish there'd been links here) ... found a few and am now ingrossed in a bunch of new blogs. Yep, I'm addicted! I've got yours subbed and will be back often. ~Pam
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