No, I’m not stoned or a Narcoleptic, as I may appear in this picture. I’m a blinker. I didn’t even try to blink in this picture, and of course I did anyway. I especially hate it when my eyes are kinda half closed, like in this one. I blink more times than not when someone takes a picture of me. It’s not something I’m proud of. I’ve ruined many a picture by being the one with my eyes closed. I’ve always been this way. I dreaded school picture day. I knew I was going to blink and sure enough 9 times out of 10, I did! I would be one of the few unlucky souls to have to get retakes every single year. So for the
Self Portrait Tuesday theme of All of Me, I wanted to share this unfortunate habit that I have that makes me look so unattractive and one that I try not to beat myself up over too much. I’ve noticed recently that my daughter seems to blink in a lot of pictures. Poor girl!!
Do you ever do that thing where you try so hard not to blink that you end up with the "deer in the headlights" look? That's my usual expression. ;-)
my mom has the same problem!!! i wish there was a cure for 'blinking'--it is so hard to get good pictures of her! let me know if you ever come up with a fix! :-)
Yes! Me too! My husband likes to take sequential photos of me, then flipbook through them to show me that my eyes are shut in every single one...
When I went to get my work id they took dozens of photos then made me leave and come back. After about twenty more we finally got one with my eyes three quarters of the way open.
Thanks for bringing this problem to light. I don't feel so alone!
we each have a burden to bear...
I am a blinker as well.
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