I was inspired by Pam's dear one post, where she did a "thank you" piece of art for all of the kind comments she receives. I am always so touched by all of the comments people leave. They really mean a lot to me. I know many people arrive at my blog each day and leave without a trace. I truly appreciate those that have left comments supporting my blog and also on the new job, which will have an accompanying art journal (more to come on that!). I have been posting more of my art, and you have all been so kind and encouraging. Thanks!
I cannot answer each comment, but each and every one is taken to heart. I try to answer all questions posted. Sometimes if an email is not left, and you don't have a blog, I have no way to reach you. I also wanted to mention that I did add my email in my profile (click on the link) if you ever need to reach me:)
So in the spirit of spring and gratitude and growth, I made this Bloom page today. I feel like this winter, through my art, I have planted many positive seeds. May all of our seeds now bloom into something beautiful!
yet another great masterpiece...Keep them coming
I love this one! It looks like the woman is floating in a painting. That's how I would like to live my life, in surreal colours and textures :)
Gorgeous! Love it!
Beautyful page and I love what you say about this seeds planted. It's really true. ;-)
It has been a great pleasure to get to "know" you trough the 21 challenge. Thank you for your inspiration and for all your nice comments on MY blog. :)
love it and so with you on the comment thing...although I find with some blogger blogs I'm not able to leave a comment since I'm a typepad user...anyway, very pretty page! perfect for spring...hope the new job is going well and did you get my response to your email? not to worry...know you've been busy!
It's so easy to comment on your blog because everything that you create is sooooo freaking gorgeous. Another beauty!!! I love your art!
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