Here's a mid-way picture of our new hardwood floors. They're going to look amazing! It opens up the room so much and feels so good. We've had hardwood floors in other homes we've lived in and
love them. I'm so excited! As I write this they are pounding away...creating something magnificent. There's something so mesmerizing about someone doing their craft, totally into it. It's fun to watch and the feel of having wonderful red oak beneath our feet feels so organic.

I went outside this morning and found lots of wonderful things blooming. It's been absolultely gorgeous this week here in Minnesota, sunny and in the 70's. We
deserve this after a long winter:) We've spent lots of time at the park since we're living out of my parents house while the floors get done. I love it when the plants are just starting to bloom. The new growth is so tender, so delicate. I love this time of year! Last year at this time I was about ready to "pop" with my daughter. I was overdue and she just wasn't interested in coming out yet. She turns one on Friday. year old....what an amazing time!!
So I haven't been around here much at all. In the evenings I've been at work. I'm absolutely loving my library job. Last night was the first night I felt at all decent and that helped a ton!! It's going to be a wonderful thing to have some "me" time to look forward to on Monday and Tuesday nights, doing something that I truly enjoy. Yay..things are looking up:) Enjoy the pics. Hope you're all having a good week.

WooHooo! Look at all that glorious wood. Glad you're feeling better :)
Fun! You're going to love the floor. I can't wait to see it! We're also enjoying watching the new flowers break through the soil in our yard. It's fabulous!!!!
Your house looks beautiful and LOVE all the freshness of your garden! My brother lives in Minnesota so I KNOW that nice weather in the spring is very well deserved! Enjoy!
beautiful flowers, yes spring is here. home improvement is always soo exciting
Love the floor, love the daffoldils! Lovely photos!
I want to thank you because if it wasn't for you (and now of course I don't recall how I linked to your site originally) I never would have known about the 21-day-challenge and THAT has had SUCH a POSITIVE impact on my life. I'm absolutely LOVING Melba, who I found thru your site...So, thank you, thank you, thank you!
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