My world seems to be all about glitter ever since coming back from Silver Bella:) I see it everywhere. I was at my parents yeterday and saw this lovely rose covered with a glittery frost. Gorgeous!
One thing that's really fun about having a blog is meeting new people. The only way I know who really reads my blog is through the comments that people leave. Many times it's my loyal, faithful readers that I have been in contact for some time. People I have gotten to know and we have formed our own kind of blogging friendship. Then sometimes I'll see some new names in the comments and I'll start to see them leave posts over and over again. I love this! I go check out there blog and sometimes we email back and forth and get to know each other a bit. Before you know it, I've expanded my world of blogging buddies. Recently I have met three Jen's (Jenny, Jennifer, Jen...not sure what they each prefer), that have all been so friendly and fired up about art and glitter and yummy eye candy, I couldn't help but give you a glimse into their world too!
The first is Jenny Everyday is Holiday extraordinaire. She seems to live in world of wonderfully delicious pink glittery vintage goodness. Her art truly looks yummy enough to eat. What a breath of fresh air! Her work is amazing and she is so very delightful:)
Next is Jennifer Paganelli of Sis Boom Ba. Her work is over the top glitter, glitter and more glittery goodness! I LOVE it:) She is so very kind and full of fabulous inspiration!!
My third new friend Jen is over at The Cottage Nest blog. She has an amazing eye for decorating. She finds the most amazing stuff, so creative!
So there you go, three fabulous new friends that I love to take a peek inside their world and hope you take a look too! I just love that about the internet. Each one brightens my day and inspires me to create. Bright and shiny goodness:)
really gorgeous photos...and it does look so glittery and yummy!!!
You are posting so many fab links, it's getting me into trouble (can't seem to get off-line)
Love these two photos of frosted roses and leaves :-)
Ah, winter is here!
What a total sweetheart! I am just so happy to have found you and your blog! Thanks bunches for all of your kind words!!
I love seeing all of your fab projects, and creations!
These photos are awesome!!
xoxo Jenny
Kari, you are so stinkin' inspirational! Thanks to you I have just added a few more "must visits" to my blog list and by extention, have found some way cool on-line stores that will need further purusing as well. Ah, what would I do without the wonderful world of blogs?!
Great blog finds!!! Thanks.
The frosted look is so pretty. It adds to the fantasy of the spirit of the season.
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