All photos from Tricia Guild Pattern book
I have noticed on a lot of the artsy craftsy blogs out there people love to show pictures of their homes or inspiration from others homes. I know I always love to see a glimpse of the private spaces of total strangers:) Why is that?! Why is it that we are so intrigued by the homes of others? I have also always loved looking at interior design magazines and books. I especially love to see the spaces where artists create and live. It's fun to see where their muse lives.
Last night a book came in at the library that I had eagerly been anticipating for quite a while, Tricia Guild Pattern. She is founder of Designers Guild in London. This could quite possibly be one of the most beautiful books I have ever laid eyes on. The colors are so vibrant and textures so tantilizing I could hardly stand it. It was almost too much. I was so inspired, but didn't even know what to do with the creative spark that it brought forth.

Last night a book came in at the library that I had eagerly been anticipating for quite a while, Tricia Guild Pattern. She is founder of Designers Guild in London. This could quite possibly be one of the most beautiful books I have ever laid eyes on. The colors are so vibrant and textures so tantilizing I could hardly stand it. It was almost too much. I was so inspired, but didn't even know what to do with the creative spark that it brought forth.

Sometimes I confuse myself and think that I have to have a "style" that I stick with. In reality one day I'm into soft vintage shabby chic and the next day bright velvet damask. My outlet for my design tastes is certainly my home, but more than that I feel like it comes across in my art. When I look at Tricia Guild's Pattern book it makes me want to go to the scrapbook store and buy patterned paper that inspires me. It makes me want to try something cutting edge. I use patterned paper almost exclusively in my scrapbooking. I love it!! It's almost like looking at fabric for me. It seriously gets my creative juices flowing. Some scrappers that I think are fabulous at using color and pattern are Celine Navarro , Heather Burch, Nura Keif and Rita Weiss. I find it so delightful when people can bring to their art their sense of design.
Here are some design sites I frequent:
Heather's PresentPast Collection

I'd love to hear where you find your design inspiration and how you manifest it. Does your art mirror your home?
Oh goodie, I am the first to comment!!
You and I are so much alike sometimes it is freaky! LOL.
I got my diploma in Interior Decorating, a bit different from Interior Design, but along the same lines. I have always loved the following: decorating, painting, paging through home magazines and cutting out things I liked, but not necessarily would have in my own home. I used to keep a file of all these clippings and like an idiot when one of my "mid-pregnancy -spring-cleaning" urges hit, I chucked it out, thinking I would have no use for it! I could kick my own butt a thousand times now!! I have started it again though and I buy home magazines just so that I can cut out the pictures and do collages or get ideas from. I love to put the ideas into practice but seldom do! But it is good to dream!! I find so much inspiration and enjoyment also looking at how other people live, and love glancing through the lovely photo's on flickr of how people live. I adore this post Kari-as usual you inspire me and thanks once again for the links!
I've recently started keeping a design file as I am finally planning to get rid of the previous occupants decoration and impose my own!
I love to look at Posie Get Cosy as her colours are beautiful and relaxing. Her hosue has a big spread in Romantic Homes. Wish that was easier to get here. I also like another Posy http://posy.typepad.com/posy/ who has my kind of style - pale, floral ,country and comfortable.
Dind't you think the Tricia Guild book was fabulous because of the use of different textures of paper - weren't some printed on vellum?
I think your library is more adventurous than my local one!
I'm going to enjoy those links. I have an addiciton to looking at other people's houses......
I am a decorating FREAK! I could probably take a nice long cruise with all the money I have spent on home decor magazines...but oh how I LOVE them!
I believe that when you walk into a home, that home should reflect who lives there. When you walk into my home, it screams "me". I'm lucky to have a husband who doesn't care how I decorate. As long as I'm happy, he says he's happy. My friends and neighbors love to peek into my home frequently to see what I'm doing next. I love that! After all, it is a very unique house!
Oh it's lovely!! I'm always inspired by others and I'll be picking up that copy of Romantic Homes as well. :)I need to spend some time decorating my home, it's fine how it is but could use a little more oompf.
I have way more home decorating than fashion magazines. I wish ME's Home Companion were monthly instead of bi-monthly (my favorite mag) I don't think a have a specific style yet, but I have a preference for modern-ish country. I'm not into contemporary or too modern decor. I can drool over soft-shabby colors as much as over bright colors, I guess it depends on the look of rooms. My house is extremely 'kids friendly', not real decorating yet. I've tried once, but the kids didn't cooperate, so I keep a notebook too with magazines cut-outs for the future. I also love to look at pictures of artists studios, or other people's houses, is so inspiring!
Thanks so much, girl... for your lovely comments!!My,i love the yummy colors on those pictures!!I love to decorate...wish i have a home like that...but in Singapore,living in the flat..it doesn't help.Not spacious enough;-D My home is totally different from the way i scrap.You can see browns tones and mixed of country and resort but i love colors on my dressing:-D Enjoy your weekend!!
OH yes! I agree with all the above. I have many, many design and decorating books and magazines and a huge loose leaf notebook full of images and pages of gleaned pictures of things I love. On my blog I have a few pics of my projects: my last home (the product of 12 years of renovating & decorating) and some of its garden spaces. Also there are a few shots of my newly started gardens at my new home, now under blanket of snow. My art is still evolving, so it will be interesting to see how one reflects the other, but my love of garden design is often woven into my art.
As for the challenge..I hope to get back to it tomorrow. I have been painting walls instead of creating art... or I guess it is a different sort of art I have been up to this week -- creating a new space in our new (circa 1950's) home for our 20 year old son. Fun in a different way.
Ya'll come visit me:
Wow, I envy you for that library. I haven't been to a library in years, but the ones I know only have literary books, no artsy/design books! Thanks for all the links, I didn't know Nura and her scrapping is WONDERFUL!
Ooooooooh! I share your love for decorating books!!! Actually, I am a magazine junkie! And my tastes vary from soft and shabby, to traditional ornate Victorian, to mid century kitsch! I love it all. Great pictures!!!!! Thank you for sharing them :-)
The TG Pattern book is just so over-the-top sumptuously Gorgeous! I just got it a few days ago. I like petting the cover :)
Thanks for the inspirational links!
Oh I love Tricia Guild, what an inspiration! I take a lot of my inspiration from South American and Mexican folk art...and yes...my home reflects this. LOTS of very bright color and LOTS of artwork. I'm going to give your link to my daughter who is a Jr. in college studying Interior Design and Architecture.
I love the idea of a decorating journal! I think I'll start one...it will help me weed out my love of the moment from what I am truely comfortable with. I love the colors of my home....I've spent years cultivating them, but for me, sometimes I want a little pink and turqoise! A decorating journal might be the way to do it!
I have piles and piles of magazines that I can't throw away because of a photo....I have thought many times about putting them in a journal...but haven't....I love looking at homes as well....love decorating mags and books...just can't get enough. thanks for visiting again! Love your blog....we were at Silverbella together!
I'll have to share this entry and bunch of comment with my hub--he often comments (dryly) about my very large collection of home dec and crafting and sewing mags. I don't throw them out--even the old ones, because I find them inspirational and I like to page through them every once in a while. Tastes change depending on mood, time, season, age, etc.... I love how your home evolves and changes as you do--a constant state of growing. Because we have such an old home, we are always remodelling, fixing, and changing--plus I tend to get bored easily! lol
Smiles, Karen
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