Well, it's dang cold here in Minnesota. At 10 am this morning we had had more than 50 hours of sub-zero temperatures....and that was 12 hours ago! This is the longest stretch of continuous sub-zero temperatures here in 11 years. Yikes! Needless to say, I've been hunkering down at home. I re-arranged things a bit, put some more Valentine's things out and took some pictures. So I thought I'd share. Here is the view out our front window of the frigid weather outside.

I just love these vintage little heart yo-yo pillows I found at an estate sale awhile back.

Here is my studio, aka dining room. Love to fill it with my projects and other inspiration:)

Found these vintage aprons at a sale this past weekend. I was inspired by the motif and the colors. May have to try blue and pink together in a piece.

Here's to a warm slumber...
You poor cold people! Hope it warms up for you soon!
Love those yoyo hearts :)
Oh my, I love those pillows! I have been trying to perfect my yoyos--okay not perfect but get them closer to that than lopsided--Sweetie Pie asked what I was planning on doing with all of them and I had no idea...pillows are mighty handy but yoyo pillows are divine!! Stay toastie!
Ohh Kari!! I looove your yo yo pillows!! so so vintagey sweet!! So cozy looking!!
It has been super super cold her in NJ too!! (finally) My goodness..I am dreaming of spring!!
You are truly so so inspiring!! You are like the crafting version of the energizer bunny!! lol!!
Can you bottle some of that ..and sell it on Etsy? lol!! I think it would be ok to list under art supplies!! : )
xoxo Jenny
I Love, Love, Love those pillows!! I must make time to make a couple of those....with pastel colors.....hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
the pillows are just lovely!
At least we know global warming isn't gonna get us this week! I'm making yo-yos on my blog today...
Oh.... I love those pillows!!!!! They are so darling! You've got such an eye for displaying your treasures in such a pleasing manner. LOVE it! I lack that talent, so I love to see how other folks do it. Also love to see photos of your creating area/dining room. HOW do you keep it so neat?
Stay warm!
Wow, talk about syncronicity (?) I was just looking at your blog as you left a comment on mine. Don't you love it when paths cross like that!!! Love the yo yo pillows.
Kari, I love your "studio"!
I love those pillows they are so cute.I was cold here today with the wind it was -20 BRRR! Stay warm!
Hi Kari.
Really love the little pillows. Seems so fun to have one of those celebrations during the cold winter. Here in norway we do not celebrate Valentine...or, well, we might by something for our loved ones, but that's all....
I have been so busy, too much travelling, working and so on....but at last I managed to sit down and ENJOY your creative prompt for last week "cabinet of curiosities".
Have to say, like Jenny: Why can't you bottle some of your creative energy, and sell it on etsy?...lol
You are such a sourse of inspiration, Kari. Thanks alot!!
I'm trying to keep warm here in Indiana too! I love your pictures. I love the idea of decorating for Valentine's Day although I don't have much. I'm just starting to make some decorations as I find there isn't a lot out there.
LOVE LOVE those pillows!!!! Awwww...my dolly looks so comfy there! Love the cake too...how is that made? Did you make it??? I need one for my cake platter!!!!
Yikes--cold enough for ya?! lol It's gotta warm up sooner or later. You have such a lovely home, such an eye for decorating! Lovely. I love the pillows! I love your studio! and those little aprons you scored!! Yeah!
I read about your pillows in the comments at another blog and came over to see them. They're beautiful! It is one of the nicest uses for yo yo's that I've seen. Love the bluebird apron too!
I hope things will warm up for you soon.
I love these yo-yo pillows! They are sooo sweet! What a great find!
Thanks for sharing some great links and lots of eye-candy!
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