And this is why... yes, I love looking through peoples old stuff. You never know what you're going to find and you always wonder what the story is behind each item. Then sometimes you find out a little bit more and it makes it all the more meaningful..

My mom and I went to an estate sale today that had these gorgeous eggs. They look like the sugar eggs that were so popular in the 80's and seem to be making a huge comback this year. I even saw some at Target! These didn't have any candy on them, they had the most amazing vintage velvet ribbon, beads, and trims. The tiny scenes inside them were equally delightful. I was literally speechless. I completely fell in love with them!

The quite amazing part of the whole thing, besides how gorgeous they are, is that when I got home I found a little tag inside that said, "Creations by Bina Churchill~ Handmade from a natural eggshell" Then folded up in the bottom of the box was a newspaper article from our local paper, dated January 2nd, 1966. It had the story of "Mrs. E.C. Churchill of Cloquet, MN" and how she made these miniature scenes out of turkey eggs and made about 800 eggs a year to sell to stores and individuals! She drives to buy the eggs each week and saves the yolks and whites for a friend. She does each egg painstakingly by hand. What a story! What truly amazing vintage finds to be treasured:)

They were all in a box together. Some stood on their own, the others were ornaments that I promptly put on my white feather Easter tree. You see here about half of the eggs and the other half had gorgeous winter and Christmas scenes with red and green velvet ribbon. Spectacular!

These are exquisite! It must have been a craft that was in style back then because my grandmother made some of these too, only with chicken eggs. They have ribbon or lace around the openings and have a small angel or elf or woodland animal perched inside of them. I don't know how I got so lucky but my mother passed them down to me long ago and they are displayed on our tree each year. Yours, being larger, have a lot more detail on/in them. Lucky you!
those are so gorgeous... man u find the neatest stuff! wow!!!!!
kari! those are so lovely! what a find!
What an awesome find and so many of them! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure you will enjoy them.
oooooooohhhhhhh! I wish I had more time. My sister sent me home from this weekend with a whole box of chicken, duck, and goose eggs to blow out for easter decorations. these are so pretty I would love to try some, but no time. :-(
These are absolutely fabulous! A wonderful and rare find! Hang on to the clipping, it helps make them even more valuable. I'm sure the dear lady would be so pleased that you treasure them so! I'm happy that you can enjoy them! Claudia O.
Wow...these are beautiful!!!
Such lovely eggs and with documentation demonstrating such amazing providence!!! Happy Easter, in deed! :-)
Wow! What an amazing find! I love that you found the newspaper article in the box....that makes it so much more special, doesn't it? Wonderful!
Oh, I love these! They are so cool! I remember these from when I was a kid, and didn't really appreciate them. Now I love them! Thanks for showing them!
Wow, you are so lucky at finding the best things! They are gorgeous. What a good home they found with you.
really wonderful eggs and such a good home they went to. i bet you held on to that box while you shopped around!!
Your eggs are wonderful!! I stumbled on some Christmas ones this last year, and I treasure them! They are all so sweet and delicate! What an amazing find you have there! I loved each and every one you showed Kari!
Hi Kari,
OMG---these are precious, gorgeous, unbelievable!!!! The detail is incredible!!!! You my dear, were meant to have these beautiful creations!!!
Now how on earth can you be so lucky to ALWAYS find these most amazing things...you were born with a thrifting spoon in your mouth, I`m sure
This is a stunning story and the most gorgeous eggs....glad someone like you bought it...they can be treasured again
my Mother made handmade Christmas ball.I have a photo on one of my post.Come on over and visit
forgot to ask would you like to swap links?
what an absolutely amazing find. I ran across three semi embellished eggs like this in a box of my Grandma's stuff that I inherited. They don't have any goodies inside but the outsides are very pretty. I will try to get some pix. Yours give me some ideas on things to put IN them.
They are all so Darling. It's so meaningful to acquire someone's collection, isn't it. Especially a collection of items that the owner lovingly created :)
Oh how utterly divine!!!!! THese are so special! I bet if the lady who made them knew you had them and how much you love them she would be so happy. They've probably been hidden in a box somewhere for years not being appreciated like they should be.
Also wanted to write and thank you for organising the super fun tea party the other day, it was fantastic going around visiting everyone, I tried to leave a post everywhere I went and I have met lots of lovely people from the tea party alone.
Thanks Kari!!!
Oh, my heavens! Lucky, lucky you.
oh wow!!! these are amazing! and what a great story behind them... it is great that you are giving them a new loving home. just gorgeous!
Those eggs are really cute. The story of the article really sent my imagination spinning. To imagine that lady, working on hundreds of those eggs per year. It's quite fascinating. I wonder what sort of person she is.
Oh my gosh...do those eggs bring back memories for me! My mom and I used to make those! prolly back in the 80's or so! We used regular store bought eggs though!
Thanks for sharing your found treasures!!
The pictures were so sweet and Old timey feeling. Lots of TLC went into those.
This is the find of a lifetime...and shows the loving life's work of this amazing woman!!! I do belive that they are rightfully in there new home, safe, loved and shared. Thanks You for sharing them with us Kari. Oh yes, and top it off, you found them with YOUR MOM!!! : )
With Kindness,
Oh my gosh I am so thankful you posted this. I have a box of precious eggs in the garage that my sister made in the 70's like the ones you found. I had forgoten all about them.
What a great find you found those are just amazing!!
Hi Kari-
I'm so happy you found these eggs. What a great story. They ended up in a great place and thanks for sharing your finds with all your fans. Your friend Tami!! PS I'm still on a high from your tea party. I should have asked for decaf!!!! I hope you are enjoying the weekend. I miss you!!!
Marvelous! Those eggs are really beautiful. And those fragile items are so lucky that you found them :)
p.s. your tags and goodies will go in a post at next week... i hope you will like them :)
a most beautiful sunday...
wow all those precious eggs, so beautiful. I love the story behind them, thanks for sharing it. What an amazing woman. you are so lucky to have found all of them so beautifully preserved. I've never seen anything like that here in South Africa.
Oh my goodness, I tell you, I need to visit my inlaws more often... You find the best things! These are so wonderful, and I love that you also have the artists name and story! What treasures. The little basket and bird-house are my favorites!
wow, what a great find, and great story as well!
What a great collection; a marvellous find! You have great estate-karma.
What a lucky find on the eggs. I always feel like I am doing something important when I "save" something wonderful and handmade from and estate or garage sale. Glad the eggs found a place where they will be appreciated!
Oh my. What a treasure!
I just found your blog and am really enjoying it. I can't wait to hear about artfest.
Cheers! LA
Those are Fantastic! What a find!
My grandma still makes eggs just like these by hand - I always think that I should learn her technique so someone in the family will be able to make these amazing eggs when she is gone. It's truly amazing! I am so so SO glad that these eggs found a home where they will be loved and appreciated! Yay!
If you ever want to sell one or two of these wonderful eggs made by my aunt Albina, please let me know. janswart2000@yahoo.com
Again, this is Jan Swart from Two Harbors, if you ever want to sell one or two of Albina Churchill's eggs you found at that sale, she was my mother's sister, and I would love to buy a couple! janswart2000@yahoo.com
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