Sunday, June 24, 2007

Coming clean...

Kimla of Whimsy and Delight and I are doing a ribbon swap. She has some fabulous examples on her blog header and I asked if she wanted to swap. She was thrilled and I was so excited about her ribbons that I didn't want just one. So we're doing a three-for-three. Yay! So these are the three that I made for her. They're huge, award ribbon size. I can't wait to see what wonderful creations she comes up with. So on my last post I talked about challenging ourselves to empty something. Whether that's our mind or our dresser drawer. Make room for something new to come into your life. I took one look at my "studio" aka dining room and knew that it needed some serious purging. After a very prolific period of art making things were definitely in disarray (see below...yikes!).
So I emptied things out...reorganized...found some new storage options and am feeling much more open and energized. I started a few new projects this weekend and found myself to be much more efficient and productive with things more orderly around me.
Oh yes....if you were wondering, that is a few Halloween items scattered throughout (below). The silly ceramic faces and lots of glittered frames and trim. I am working on Halloween projects to sell at my vendor table at JustBe...Connected in mid-October. I needed a little inspiration and in my mind it's never too early for Halloween. Yes...I know it's only June.

Thanks for all the kind remarks on how this challenge is working for you. I am wonderfully inspired by you all.


Bonita Rose said...
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Bonita Rose said...

I love those big ribbon medallions.. they are so beautiful Kari... could you make me one with a B or one with a BR on it, and let me know how much it wud cost? I wud love one to hang in my studio!!!
Plse let me know if u could do this for me.. hugs

Anonymous said...

Good evening Minnesotamama,

Love ya blog. Your work is brilliant.

Donna Layton said...

My gosh....those ribbons are take your breath away gorgeous! Wowee, you are talented my dear.
The work space looks perfect. So inspiring. The glittered frames are totally cool. Love the halloween colors. Fun!
I've been thinking a lot about your challenge and have been doing all the things in a more philosophical way than in a daily exercise way. I've been clearing clutter and clearing my mind. It's amazing how joyous it is to do that and how productive. I'm all organized and able to accomplish lots of things in one day. Thank you, Kari, for all the encouragement you give to everyone out here in blogdom. You're a treasure.

Natasha Burns said...

Love the ribbons! i think i need to empty my whole house! too scary a thought!

Cessan said...

Thank you for giving me new inspiration! I have decided to join in your Everyday notion challenge and make room for something new in my stash:-)Love your ribbon medallions!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Kari! That's exactly what I'm working on this week and hope to finish up and get back to creating by the end of the week. We painted both of our girls' rooms and so tons of stuff got shoved into my sewing room, but that's this morning's project. I'll take some pix before and after . . . . it will be such a work of art just to get that room back to something that resembles organized. Thanks for the inspiration! BTW, love those medallions! Nina

Kimla Kay said...

Yay!! I love the ribbon medallions!! They will have a special place on my inspiration board. And I must say, your version of studio "disarray" looks incredibly organized to me! Your work area is so beautiful...just like the things you make.

Anonymous said...

I love your medallions. I make smaller ones. I should try the big ones. Yours are just so so lovely.
I am abit behind in art making, I just started on my americana stuff. It's almost the 4th. I have to clear out and start on halloween. My fav....
Love your are so inspirational.

Anonymous said...

so desperately needed this push to empty something!!!!
my studio is a disaster....big time!!! it's so bad i don't even want to go in there!!!
right....I am going to empty!!!

Anonymous said...

The medallions are beautiful! If only my space was as neat as your before picture. I thought about posting a picture of my before but that would probably scare a few people! Maybe I will so when I post an after people will see the differnce.

Anonymous said...

They're all so lovely!

allison strine said...

WOW! I'm so glad to have stumbled here... your blog is BLOGalicious!

e.beck.artist said...

your blog is always a fun read!! thanks!

Amy A said...

I actually worked a day ahead of you on this one and cleaned my workspace on Saturday! Anyway, that was a good pre-empt to my assignment. I chose to clear off my to do list, or at least them most pressing items. I just posted it...
Looking fwd to the next one :)

Anonymous said...

Love ALL your work Kari. You are very talented and I can't wait to get that magazine in August. I love this big medallions. I love ribbon so so much.

MNScrapbookmom said...

Love the K ribbon... Love it !!! I am so in love with your work, and all the items that you have in your home. They are really beautiful. Kari, How and where do you store your items when they are not on display? ¥

Anonymous said...

This post is just so incredibly gorgeous! Have fun in your swap!!! Can't wait to see your new treats!!!

Anonymous said...

The final result of your clean up is really, really lovely! Oh wow what a visual feast...Thanks for inspiring me to clean up things in my studio which seems to be constantly in a state of mess. I really am trying to keep things clean so I have the room and visual resting place for my eyes as I look around while I work. Thanks Kari :)