My Grandmother had it, my mom threw it out.. and I just bought it!
Jennifer posted the saying above, she saw it on a sign. For the love of vintage! Had a fabulous find at a garage sale today. All four of these wonderful hand embroidered bonsai pictures for $1. Yep...25 cents a piece. Who said a quarter couldn't buy you anything?!

Love how they depict each season. I just think they're absolutely adorable!

I've been really inspired by the groupings I saw over at Inside a Black Apple. I'd like to try more of these.

I'm tickled to be chosen as a Rockin' Girl Blogger by She Who Flies. Thanks so much!

I had a list of some rockin' bloggers and then saw that they already been tagged. There are so many blogs out there in our artsy blog community and truly I think they ALL rock. Everyone is genuinely putting themselves and their art out there and havin' a ball. That's what it's all about!
Oh my gosh, 25 cents each?? What a FIND! Those are just adorable. :)
Have a good weekend!
Hi ArtsyMama!
Congratulations on your inclusion in the Artful Blogger - my copy is riding home to me via Vermont Husband as we speak - can't wait!
Thank you so much for the "Rockin" award!
... you don't mean rocking chair now do you? (tee hee)... as in older than the hills...
no - really it means so much coming from you - and I will pass it on again - love that - so many rockin' out there in Blogland!
xox - eb.
These are really lovely! Lucky you to find such things for, hang on a minute? 50p????
well thank you of thinking of me as a Rockin Girl. Geesh!!! Looks like you are havin some fun these days. Hope to see ya soon. Thanks so much. You deserve it too!!! You are Rockin !!!!
LOL! That saying is so true, I love it! Way cool buys for 1.00. That has to be some kind of garage sake miracle!
So cute! I really love the colors - and such a great price. Congratulations on the blogger award!
Hey Ms.Rocker...those needlework pieces are darling. What a lot of work went into those, and they're getting their 2nd life with you :)
love 'em...and congrats on the kuddos!
That saying is so true! How funny. I was nominated as a Rockin Blogger Girl, but I'm too retarded to know what to do about it!
I went to some garage sales today too, and I got a really cool snoopy lunch pail and some old checkers. I love garages sales!
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