The ArtsyMama Originals Halloween collection!!

I so rarely actually have a "collection" of work with a common theme. After finally deciding to make some banners with images from a fabulous Dennison crepe paper costume book I have from the 50's, I put together a body of work. I will be bringing it all with me to Cape Cod NEXT WEEKEND for my booth at the
Craft Bazaar.

We did the Autism Speaks Cure Autism walk this morning. Between my parents and my hubby and I we raised about $1000. It was really powerful to see 1400 walkers gather together for this cause. The kids were pretty antsy in their strollers (as you see below) so they walked quite a bit of the 3 miles. We were almost at the very end of the pack, but really felt great about our efforts.

Here's me and Lowell (on the far right) with some of my girlfriends whos sons are in the Autism Day Treatment program with Lowell.

Hope you're having a great weekend!
20 comments: actually did use it and it actually does work! Only you could make that stuff look good.
Wow, it looks lovely. probably already have but did you read the the Jenny Mcarthy book. Her son has autism and she has been able to help him. Congrats on your walk. That is alot of money to raise. Good for you.
Love your banner.
your decorations I'm sorry to say look way too pretty to be halloweeny. I'd put that up anytime of the year.
Congratulations on your walk and the money raised. Good Job!
Good for you and your family on the Autism walk!! $1000 is an admirable sum to contribute. yay.
Love your banners for your booth. Hope it goes well!!!
Boo-tiful banners and pendants! (I know, I'm really cheesy)
Great job raising money for the walk, so important.
Well done at the Autism Walk and congratulations on raising $1000.
I'm a bit of a lurker on your blog, but I love all this Halloween stuff. You had to lead me down that dangerous Etsy does Halloween path, didn't you? Just now when I'm on a budget!
Congratulations Kari on such hard work for such a good cause! By the way the banners are so pretty.
You are a wonderful mother Kari- your children are very lucky to be surrounded by such a loving family!
your banners are fab!!
Love the halloween stuff. So sad I missed the sweet and sinister swap, although I really have no time with our house still under renovations. Congrats on raising all that money. That is a great contribution.
I'm glad you enjoy the shirt. Hope it fits well. Of course, you are coming to my neck of the country this weekend and it is my birthday, so I am trying to get out to the cape (despite still no roof). Hopefully my husband and I will make it and we can meet! Regardless, I hope the creative bazaar is a great time for you!
Take care, Jess
Beautiful Halloween prettiness. You always do it just right!
What a great effort and congratulations on your participation.
Your Halloween projects look wonderful and will, I'm sure, be a big hit at the show.
Ooooohhhhh... love the artwork! Can't wait to see it this weekend at the BAZAAR!!! *happy dance*
I love your collection. Congrats on completing it. I almost signed up for the Cape Cod event but wasn't able to. I'll be thinking of all of you! Congrats on raising money and completing the walk. Both are wonderful accomplishments!
Love your Halloween collection! Looks wonderful :)
Congratulations on raising all that money for your cause!
You've been busy! great walk and lovely art as usual!
That's a lot of money! I'm glad so many turned out because I imagine that it was a very supportive event emotionally for your family.
these are so great!
They turned out so beautiful! I agree, it's a wonderful way to decorate for Halloween! Amazing.
Congratulations on completing the walk and raising so much for autism research! It's great that your whole family could be involved. Jane
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