There's a huge Halloween party going on here. So get your favorite costume on and join us in the fun!! Come on in and sit down for a treat. The kids have been working very hard on some cupcakes for all the party goers. 

Because I love Halloween so much, I want to do a fun giveaway. Please share your favorite Halloween memory in the comments section and leave your email, so that I can reach you. I will have a drawing tonight at midnight for three lucky winners. Each winner will receive one of my favorite fall banners (pictured below). They are made with vintage wallpaper and original pictures from a vintage Dennison crepe paper costume catalog. I love these!
Growing up, I had a neighbor that really went all out and definitely instilled the love of all things Halloween in me:) She would transform her garage into a haunted house and had a party every year. I looked forward to it all year long. It was fabulous! It took many years just to get the courage to wander through. I loved the anticipation of what lay ahead. She really made the holiday memorable, while not being gory or too scary. It was good old fashioned Halloween fun:) Here is a pic of my sister and I circa about 1980.

Here are my little ghouls today...

Tonight is the night
When dead leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky
And gnomes & trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy & green
Tonight is the night
When the leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground
And elf & sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen
Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through leaves & sheaves
When ghoul & ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their
It's Hallowe'en
Harry Behn~1944
When dead leaves fly
Like witches on switches
Across the sky
And gnomes & trolls
Creep out of holes
Mossy & green
Tonight is the night
When the leaves make a sound
Like a gnome in his home
Under the ground
And elf & sprite
Flit through the night
On a moony sheen
Tonight is the night
When pumpkins stare
Through leaves & sheaves
When ghoul & ghost
And goblin host
Dance round their
It's Hallowe'en
Harry Behn~1944
My favorite memories of Halloween are of my oldest son. I made his costume each year, and he would act like the character all day:) This was great, except for the year that he was a dog, and he kept lifting his leg to pee on things at houses he was trick or treating at HAHAH:)
Thanks for the nice giveaway! I enjoy your blog very much!
My favorite memory is the smell of carving pumpkins! We did that last night and the smell took me right back to being a kid. It's even better when the candles are in. Hooray for Halloween and Artsy Mama!
Happy Halloween -- love your blog - and, as a recently retired librarian, love that you "cited your source" of the cute poem!
One of my special memories is of the time when my older brother & I were quite young & all the mothers sewed the costumes for Halloween & for school programs of crepe paper. Somehow, one particular Halloween, as we & our friends were out Trick or Treating, he got sprayed by someone's sprinkler left on (it's still warm in Florida) and had to run home with his costume dripping the colors all over to change into something else! That's stuck with me - it was so funny!
The other thing I especially remember is that when my own children were very young we lived in Montana, where it's cold at Halloween time. We'd all make cute costumes for the kids & then have to put snowsuits over them! Or, we'd use those fuzzy fleece pj suits as the costume & add details -- fuzzy bear, fuzzy cat, etc.
It's all fun! Jane
One of my all time favorite Halloween memories takes place in the early 80s. I was about 12 and getting ready to go trick or treating. My parents were also getting ready to go to a Halloween party. My straight laced Dad walked out of his bedroom dressed as a hooker. Fish net stockings. High heels. Short skirt. The whole she-bang. The best part of this is that my dad had a Grizzly Adams style beard and an afro (Come on, it was like 1982 Dad! Stop embarrassing me!). My godmother recently provided me with pictures of that party. I should scrap them tonight!!
BTW, where oh where did you find the little coat hangers for your pennants. Must have! Must have!!
2nd question: Where did you find the Woof shirt? Love it!
Happy Halloween!!! My favorite memory of Halloween is a childhood one and a memory of that one little old lady in the neighborhood who wasn't content with just giving us a onceover and treat when we showed up at her door - she would invite us in for warm hot chocolate(yum) and load us up with Halloween cookies & goodies. She would ooh and ahh over our costumes and make us puff up with pride. Those were the good ole days.
p.s. your munchkins are adorable!
LindaSonia (baddabinda@yahoo.com)
Trick or Treat!! Have a wonderful Halloween!!!! This is one of the times I miss not having little kiddies anymore... Add me to the give away!! tinaw.65@gmail.com
I have always loved Halloween, because of such wonderful childhood memories. My younger brother's birthday is the 30th, so my parents would throw these wonderful birthday parties where all the kids would be dressed in costume. Creepy ghost stories would be told, and fun food and treats would be served. I especially enjoyed the lady finger sandwiches; they fit perfectly in a small hand! Kari, what a fun party you are having here; let's grab a cupcake and enjoy the party! See ya in a week...
oh my goodness how I loved Halloween as a kid and still do. My mom used to make our costumes in the 70s which we loved.
Also I loved the innocence of being able to trick or treat with all our neighborhood kids, parents stayed home to answer the door.
our fave Halloween neighbor invited us all in to her "haunted house" each year and served homemade caramel apples and popcorn balls and hot chocolate. yum-the sweet memories. wish I had more photos
My favorite memory of Halloween is taking my kids to trick or treat in historic Ellicott City. The shops went all out on decorations and candy and the street was full of adults and kids in costume. Very spooky & fun--the buildings are old & some have resident ghosts.
my fav memory was in 5th gd when i was pee-wee herman! you can see this year's pics here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/funkyfinds/
It's so nice to see someone who loves Halloween as much as I do :)
One of my favourite Halloween memories is of the time my parents drove some friends and I out to a historic, supposedly haunted, covered bridge. We were all about 14, wired up on sugar, and managed to scare each other silly without ever seeing a thing. My parents must have had the patience of the saints :)
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Favorite Halloween memory:
When I was 14, I had a Halloween sleep-over (we didn't trick or treat where I grew up), where we made a big dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup, baked cookies, and made rice krispy treats. We also watched scary movies, against my better judgement (I hate scary movies). So we head to my room to go to bed, and wouldn't you know it, there's a big bang outside my bedroom window. I was terrified (after watching all those ghost movies, and since our house was a really really old house....). My best friend, however, was not. She was so funny... She said the rest of us should look out the window, wondering out loud what that could have been. She and another friend went around the back, quietly, and surprised my brother and his buddy who thought it was hilarious to torture us. I think they were probably more scared than we'd been when my friends jumped on them!!! :) Man. That was fun!
My favorite childhood Halloween memory was going down the street to our neighbor's, Mrs. Fowler's house. Each year she made popcorn balls for each of the neighborhood children. She always loved to have us model our customs to try to guess who we were and then give us each a homemade popcorn ball. Those were the best treat we received each Halloween. After she died we really missed not visiting her house, but everyone once in a while I drive by her house and the memories return of the little ol' lady that made all the kids feel special each Halloween night.
Happy Halloween! Love the costumes :)
Happy Halloween! :)
My favorite memory is walking the streets of San Francisco a couple days before Halloween, and suddenly seeing a long line of elementary school students all dressed up in costume. Their teachers were leading them up and down a couple blocks to have a 'parade' to show off their costumes. It was incredibly adorable to see them all moving along in line, with their friends, shy and happy to be attracting attention for their costumes.
Happy Halloween!
Love, love love the hat of eyes! So spooky and scary! I remember a halloween when my little one was 2! She became so scared and besides herself when strangers (in costumes no less) came to the door! We had to turn out all the lights and call it an early night - the halloween we tried to forget - in helping our little one sleep that night!
I don't have one favorite Halloween memory in particular but what I most remember about all my childhood Halloweens is that my mom would always make me a wonderful homemade costume. We would go to the local fabric store and she would let me pick out a pattern and choose the fabric. They were always wonderful. Especially the elaborate Care Bear costume she made me one year!!!
Oohhhh What cute ghouls and goblins you have Artsy Mama!
Happy Halloween to you!!
HOORAY for HALLOWEEN... a strange and mysterious eve. Children are rarely out walking at night when pumpkin faces glow, masquerading as someone or something they're not! No wonder folks are delighted with this holiday! I remember some scary haunted houses in my neighborhood growing up, and my favorite thing was the post "hunt" candy sort (which I associate with the scent of smarties or sweet tarts!). - Happy Hallow to You & Yours! - Amy B.
Was an etsy customer who recently discovered your blog. Anways my favorit halloween memory was actually last year when my son was 2 1/2. He was walking back up our driveway in his fireman costume after going to a few neighbor's houses for treats with his Daddy. He exclamed quite loudly to me while I sat on the front steps--"mommy that was the best walk ever!!" So adorable.
klsjmr1@comcast.net (kristine)
I Love Your Paper Banners & your childrens costumes are darling, they looked liked they were having so much fun decorating those cupcakes...
Ohhhhh, great costume. I have ALWAYS loved halloween and particularly making costumes.
Some favorites of mine....
Coors Beer can
The Beatles (in 3rd grade)
Happy Happy!
Wow I don't know if I can pick a favorite. I always made the daughters costumes and now am making the granddaughters most years. So that makes for great memories. But If I had to pick I guess it would be last year. The yard was decorated and even my long haul truck driving hubby was home and in costume. So we had a blast with the neighborhood children.
First of all, your children are magically beautiful. Gorgeous children.
Secondly, I'd *love* to win one of your banners...so here goes...
When I was about 13 a group of us went to a haunted house that was super scary. Some community group had set it up and done a fantastic and realistic job in every section. Well, a couple of us were all scrunched up, huddling together and somehow I got pushed in front and was the first to go through a doorway when a DEAD BODY jumped up and scared me to death. It was pretty embarrassing to wet my pants at age 13. :) It's embarrassing to tell the story now, but I'm trying hard to win your banner... LOL Happy Halloween!
Hi Kari! Happy Halloween! My favorite Halloween memory is going to be made tonight! My daugther just turned two and this will be the first halloween that she will actually go out in our neighborhood trick-or-treating. This was also the first year she could try to pull the guts out of her own pumpkin...so this year should be the best so far! Have fun tonight! xo natalea
Tonight is the night and you are soooooo doing it right! Thanks for a festive tour of your life in this moment!
I remember trick-or-treating through the snow in New Mexico one year. I don't recall what my costume was, but I do remember being pretty cold! (Not cold enough to go in though!)
Great pics and so nice of you to give away your banners!
Hello from Toronto,
My favorite memories of Halloween are working on awesome decorations for my front lawn everyear!
I made R.I.P's out of styrofoam {worked on them for weeks!}, painted them with the names of the "DEAD' {such as Jack the Ripper, Norman Bates, and many more} decorated them with special effects to make them look like stones...They looked real!
And no special lights, just natural, like a real cemetery, spooky.
We got lots of people lying on the grass taking photos, it was amazing!
The children and parents who came for candy really enjoyed the scene.
It was great!
Warm regards,
Your little ghouls are so Cute!
My Halloween memory is that I was a Ghost, every single Year!
Sandra Evertson
My favorite Halloween memories are of my parents taking 10-15 of my friends and me to the haunted houses! We loved getting scared-to-death and looked forward to our brave trek every year! We still talk about our haunted trips to this day - 25 years later!
Have a fabulous and spooky halloween! I enjoy your blog and seeing all your fun pictures! Thanks!
Merry Halloween to you and yours, be careful should you venture outside and be sure to leave a goblin treat under your special tree.
Thanks for being a great blogging inspiration.
I had fun visiting here. My fav. Halloween memory is watching The great Pumpkin Charlie Brown while eating dinner very quickly so I can go trick-or-treating first on my street, then on my Grandmother's street.Happy Hauntings!
Sandy (sandbeech@hotmail.com?
My favorite memory is when I must have been 5 or 6 trick or treating with my father. My dad would wait by the street when I went up to the door. At one house a man opened the door in a monster costume and jumped out at me. I was so scared that I just ran - flat out - didn't wait for my dad - just ran home - a couple of blocks away. The man felt so bad that he came to our house to apologize to me and give me the candy I missed.
Every Halloween is a favorite of mine. Thanks so much for sharing yours.
Happy Halloween!
I have so many happy Halloween memories. Odd, when I think back to my childhood, not a lot of specific memories pop out at me. But since I've been an adult, and the Halloweens I've spent with my kids and grandkids, those are memorable.
I'll share just one. I've been fortunate to be the trick-or-treat mom for two decades. I was always the one to take my kids out and later, William's buddies as well. Let the other parents sit at home and pass out candy, I was roaming the streets enjoying the costumes, the swirling leaves, the glowing pumpkins, the candy and the fun.
i don't know that i have a favorite memory but i did have a favorite costume. it was a balerina costume and i was just in love with the pretty pink tutu...i still tried to wear even after i had outgrown it...i mean REALLY outgrown it...
I would have to say that one of my favorite Halloween memories was Halloween 1998. I have so many fun memories of Halloween as a child, but Halloween 1998 was the year before I got married. Most of our friends were all married around that time, too, so Halloween 1998 was the last Halloween we were all "single." My then-fiance and I decided to throw a big party...at my parent's house b/c I was still living there! My parents were headed to their own party anyway. All through high school and college my parent's house was the one to hang out in. everyone loved it there! So this Halloween party was also like our last big hurrah there as my fiance and I would soon be moving in together in to our first home.
We went all out and decorated the house like crazy. We all wore costumes and carved pumpkins and made themed drinks and food. We had crazy music and movies and fun adult games. And just like many nights in college the party ended very early in the morning with all of us crashing on the floor in the family room...and then being awoken much later that morning to my Dad cooking us a yummy breakfast and my Mom making us gallons of coffee!!! Good times good times!!! I really need to scrap some of those pics!!!
Thanks for the chance to share!!!
My favorite Halloween memories are when I was little. Me and my huge horde of cousins would all go over to my grandmothers house, she baked and make candies all week long, she would take turns "guessing" who we all were, then one of the aunts would take us all trick or treating around grannies neighborhood. All of the neighbors knew of "Anna's horde" so we all had special packages and treats from a lot of them. After trick or treating the adults checked our candly while we bobbed for apples and played pin the tail on the donkey. Halloween was always such a great time of year for our family. I really miss those days.
~0~ Happy Halloween!! ~0~
The treats and costumes are so adorable!!
See you at the party and Happy Halloween!
My favorite childhood Halloween memory is the year I was in elementary school and we threw a big party in our garage, which we transformed into a haunted house. We bobbed for apples, ate fun treats, and stuck our hands in buckets (if we dared!) to feel all sorts of scary, icky things! (grapes for eyeballs, slimy spaghetti, etc...). I remember I dressed as a gypsy that year and my brother was a football player with a bloody gash on his cheek. Fun times!
I have to say, though, that now I'm having a blast reliving all the fun of Halloween through my kids. I picked my 4-year-old skeleton up from prescool today after their big party and he sang the cutest song for me. Love it. He even sang it again for me for the video camera.
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween to you too:-) You have such adorable little ghouls and I see they're a great help with the baking! hehe One of my favourite Halloween memories was going to this one house where the elderly lady gave out her homemade caramel apples...she only had a certain amount though and it was a race of who could get there in time for one! lol xo
My parents had a Halloween Party one year at our home. The adults were all downstairs & the kids were playing upstairs. Every once & awhile, one of the "very scary" adults would pop there head in the door, or sneak around the corner & scare the heck out of us. We ended up all hiding in my bed under the covers and eventually all fell asleep lined up on the bed, with the blankets pulled up to our chin. We still talk about how scary it was!
What a wonderful post Kari ! Your children looked like they had a ball ! Happy Halloween !!
What a wonderful Halloween is
happening in your home, those
cupcakes look soooo good and
those little Halloween Kiddles
are just adorable!
The kids are adorable and look like they are having fun! Thanks for sharing and Happy Halloween!
have we danced yet...hope you having a ghoulish day...blessings, rebecca
Cute, cute pictures! Have a wonderful candy filled, good tricks, pumpkiny night!
Since my son was in tears that his older sister got my sweets while out trick or treating, my favourite memory won't be this year!! I do remember as a child having to make your own costumes. I dressed up as a geisha girl once with my house coat and a big scarf round the middle. Very convincing I'm sure but I did enjoy the fantasy of it!
Enjoy the day -we know you love it!!!
I love all the candy! I would have to say the Halloween my son dressed up as a mad scientist was my favorite. We made the most adorable costume with this big brain hat. He loved the parade and trick or treating that year. This is the first year he doesn't want to go trick or treating. sigh....Tami dappledesigns@charter.net
Great post.
My favourite Halloween Memory is this year! The first time my grandchildrern Chloe and Lachlan dressed up to go Trick or Treating!
Such fun for them.
Oh what fun, making cupcakes...love the eyeballs on the hat...I have so many favourite Halloween memories...watching my boys dump their bags of candy and then sort through what they liked and whatever they didn't like came to moi!!! Happy Halloween!
Hello!! happy halloween!
a fav halloween story.. gosh, how to tell an abreviated version? Basically I took the kids into the next town over to go to MCDonalds for dinner and then we were going back to our little town to trick or treat.. however, the gas tank dropped from under my car and we were stranded for quite a while.. (no cell phones at the time!) Eventually my husband and his buddy came to the rescue.. ( I had let the kids trick or treat on the street we were on. My husbands buddy drove us back to our town and dropped us off about a mile from home so the kids could finish trick or treating.. so we did that and walked home.. only to realize that I had left my keys with my husband so he could take care of my car... we were locked out! so we sat on the porch eating candy til he got home!!! as much as a disaster as it was.. we had fun!
have a great night!!
My favorite halloween memory was the year we took our grandson out trick or treating and when he received a piece of candy he did'nt like he would hand it back and say no thank you!
He was 4 at the time!
It was precious!
Happy halloween Artsy momma and family!
Hugz, Dolly
Oh fabulously cute post! Your kids are adorable!! My favorite Halloween memory was when I dressed up as the Wolfman and I glued all this brown fur to my face and I thought I looked really fearsome! That was a fun night :-) Happy Halloween to you and your family!
Love your pictures, and the cupcakes look yummy. Back in the 'olden' days, we would trick or treat just a few houses, but we knew everyone. There was always several homemade treats, invitations to inside to drink cider or hot chocolate. I always felt so bad, cause I didn't like cider (who knows why), but I loved the cookies, popcorn balls and other yummy treats.
There was also one guy who every year said "Trick" back to us when we said trick or treat...we just smiled--unless we could skip the house.
thanks for the pink
my favorite memory was
the feeling
of anticipation!
i get that now
when i travel...
I have alot of wonderful halloween memories also, my 3 best friends and I would build a haunted house at my house for the neighbor kids and tour them thru, our window seat was the coffin and thread hanging from the sealing were webs.... it was always a little different but always so much fun! I love your banners! count me in the giveaway! karen b.....
I have alot of wonderful halloween memories also, my 3 best friends and I would build a haunted house at my house for the neighbor kids and tour them thru, our window seat was the coffin and thread hanging from the sealing were webs.... it was always a little different but always so much fun! I love your banners! count me in the giveaway! karen b.....
Happy Halloween;) You have some adorable cutie pies there.....
My favorite memories...
just the excitement and anticipation...
as a child...
as a mom, watching my children's excitement....
and as a teacher...
Such fun!
Stop on over for some goodies!
See you soon!
I try each year to instill the FUN of Halloween with my HUGE Halloween parties! One day, I may need to rent a place! That's okay, I'd do it in a heartbeat!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
My best Halloween memory is 17 years ago I was trying to be Room Mother from Heaven and make the most fabulous Halloween sugar cookies expertly decorated with royal icing frosting. My poor 6 yr old daughter was exausted and wanted to go to bed so I stayed up until midnight frosting these things. I layed them all out to dry on drying racks and in the a.m. discovered that my dog decided she need a little halloween snack and climbed up on the counter and ate every last one of them....except for the black cats! I had to rush to the grocery store that morning and buy store bought cookies (horrors!) Now a days my family is lucky to get a cooked meal! No more Martha Stewart wanna be for me!
My favorite memory of Halloween is my mom baking pumpkin seeds after we carved our pumpkins. I now bake them for my daughter and tell her stories about how my mommy did the same. My mom passed when my daughter was four but she still remembers her and I hope she always will. I also think it's sweet when my daughter talks about "punkins".
happy halloween
I have always loved Halloween, but I have to say that my favorite was when I was about 22 years old and living in New York in a small apartment. I was invited to a haunted magic house party, and it was pretty scary, but I realized half way through, that I would be having a great time if I was with my next door neighbor. We had both just moved into our apts. and had only known each other for about a month. When I came home early, he was waiting for me and asked why I had cut my date short. When I told him that I thought it would have been more fun with him, we knew then and there that we would always be together...and have been for 30 years this month. Susan
My favorite memory is from childhood. We had neighbors with kids our ages and we'd do the neighborhood together. The parents had as much fun as the kids I'm pretty sure :)
Your children are SOOOO cute, even sweeter than the cupcakes!
When I was little I got sick on Halloween, disappointed and sad I couldn't trick or treat. My Mom ended up making me a costume with one of her full slips and jewelry and such...I would knock on the french doors to our living room and say trick of treat. My parents took turns giving me candy. I thought it was sweet they tried to make fun for me.(and see, I still remember it all these years later)
Thanks for coming to the party!
I have many memories of costumes and trick-or-treating. I love the neighborhoods around my street where I grew up. The houses are old and beautiful. I remember very specific houses that gave out unique things. One house where someone worked at Coke and they handed out Coke and Diet Coke. Another house across the street where two old german sisters lived. They handed out apples and were very nice. Another house handed out full size cand bars, which was always exciting! Another house handed out packets of cocoa. I can imagine in my mind's eye where these houses are even now.
Thanks for sharing, as always!
Happy Halloween Kari! My favorite memory was the year my Mom just started dressing up me and my two sisters and I. I was probably about 3 or 4. My Mom had put us in skirts and blouses and we all went around the house and she started adding things. She put some make up on me, a bangle bracelet and put a doily on my head. I was a gypsy! I was so happy but then...wait...the big surprise...we were now going to go "trick or treating!" I had never heard of it! You get dressed up, ring doorbells, say "trick or treat" and you get candy! I was hooked! :-)
Actually one of my fave memories was when I was just a kid.
My parents had decorated the house all scary and played spooky music on the record player in the background. I was dressed as an ethereal looking snow queen. The doorbell rang and I opened it while my parents hid behind the door rattling chains and going "booooo". This little boy in a pumpkin costume was just pale as a ghost and when we closed to door we watched through the window as he ran all the way down the street as fast as his little legs could carry him. :oP
I usually made all my son's costumes every year for Halloween but the year he decided to be a dinosaur really had me stumped. At the time I couldn't find a pattern so I had to wing it. I made a huge tail and by the time I got it stuffed it was so heavy it kept pulling his pants down and it was impossible to get into and out of the car. It was not one of my better efforts,but he loved it and said it was the best costume ever. I have the best son ever! Now he is 26 and I really miss trick or treating together. I always dressed up usually as a witch and I loved going around the neighborhood and seeing all the other kids in costume.
Thanks Artsy Mama for such a great blog!
Oh the cupcakes look so fun and so nice to let your kids decorate and help with them. Your kids are super cute!
Love the 80's halloween pix!
Thanks for sharing all your halloween fun. Have a great Hallows Eve!
What a great Halloween post! Please thank your children for their cute Halloween treats they made. I quite enjoyed the poem at the end of your post, too.
All my memories of Halloween are wonderful. Going out in the late 50's and early 60's, we would walk in groups for what seemed like miles without adult supervision. Life seemed so safe, then. Our parents never worried about us and bad things did not happen.
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