December many things on my plate right now. Things that I want to do. Things that will motivate me to create and explore and enjoy this season one day at a time. Teresa's 12 Days of Christmas class began today, along with Shimelle's Journal your Christmas online class. Monday starts Sarah's 12 Days class. Here is my first page of my Christmas journal, simply stating my intention to write and create each day during the holidays.
I love thinking about intentions. They guide what happens in a truly powerful way. Michelle and I had a delightful conversation about this at Silver Bella. I'm reading the book The Passion Test right now and it recommends making this your mantra:

**Intention-Attention-No Tension**
Intention: Consciously stating what you choose to create in your life is the first step to manifesting it.
Attention: Give attention to what you choose to create in your life, and it will begin to show up.
No Tension: When you hold tightly to your concepts of how things should be, you shut off the flow of life, which in turn prevents you from enjoying the fulfillment of your living destiny.
What are your holiday intentions?

Brrr...all that beautiful snow makes me shiver!
I also signed on for Teresa's e-Zine! I enjoyed it today...
That heart on the tree is just gorgeous! Love your page; really beautiful!
you are so sweet to post my little card on your blog! I did a double take when I saw that pic on your blog.
You know, I was thinking about putting ribbon hangers on those babies, anyway. What do you think?
Lucky got snow! All we got here was a thick coating of ice!!!
WOW - all that snow - I have not felt or seen snow in 20 years...really do not miss except on christmas day...otherwise it is just too cold for the pics of it tho.
Love the lil ATC card on your adorable!
thanks for sharing it all
Kari....You're such a great example....a great leader. Your thoughts always inspire me to do more and be better. Thank you.
Oh fun to have snow!!!
Just wanted to say I love your blog! Wish I would have found it when I lived in MN. I'm in WA now. I'll definitely have to check out all the fantastic shops you blog about when I visit. Happy December!
Happy December Cari. Your post is great about intentions. Love your pics. Our snow isn't looking so pretty anymore. The deer have trampled it looking for crabapples.
oh... I am so envious! Today that is. Many years ago I lived in one of the few places in California that we do get snow. Oh how I miss a white Christmas. Thinking many happy thoughts of you and yours!
Oh how fun! I wish we could have so much snow around here but at this side of the 'pond' we only get about an inch of the stuff... How I envy you (in a positive way ofcourse)!! Have fun!!!!
I need to practice the "no tension" part.
Thank you for sharing.
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