First off, do you like the new look for ArtsyMama?!! It is courtesy of the wonderful and talented Heather of Bluhm Studios. I think she did a fabulous job! ArtsyMama was due for a makeover, after all this is my 500th post!!
So who is ArtsyMama anyway? I like to tell my friends that she is my “alter ego” and the more I think about it, the more that I realize that is exactly what she is.
Alter ego n. 1. Another side of oneself; a second self.
2. An intimate friend or a constant companion.
This ArtsyMama blog and the alter ego by the same name began two years ago. That’s when we first met and we’ve been best friends ever since. ArtsyMama is an endlessly creative mommy of two. She absolutely loves to share what she gleans from life. She’s like a sponge and loves to take it all in, be inspired, let it stew and give it new life with her own twist. She adores all of the wonderful bloggers and artists that have become part of her world. ArtsyMama lives in the cold north and she loves it! She goes to estate sales every weekend where she finds amazing treasures with wonderful stories to tell of other lives. She has two wonderful little kiddos that love to play outside all day and spend their evenings sitting by the fire. They love to watch mommy do her projects while doing their own crafts along side her. She's a whole lot like Kari. Kari's kids also like to play outside, but they don’t have a fireplace to warm their toesies to at night. She creates whenever she can and dreams of living ArtsyMama’s life all the time. To learn more about ArtsyMama, see the interview that Bonnie just did on her Snap and Scrap site and also the tutorial on making vintage pixie ornaments.
Alter ego n. 1. Another side of oneself; a second self.
2. An intimate friend or a constant companion.
This ArtsyMama blog and the alter ego by the same name began two years ago. That’s when we first met and we’ve been best friends ever since. ArtsyMama is an endlessly creative mommy of two. She absolutely loves to share what she gleans from life. She’s like a sponge and loves to take it all in, be inspired, let it stew and give it new life with her own twist. She adores all of the wonderful bloggers and artists that have become part of her world. ArtsyMama lives in the cold north and she loves it! She goes to estate sales every weekend where she finds amazing treasures with wonderful stories to tell of other lives. She has two wonderful little kiddos that love to play outside all day and spend their evenings sitting by the fire. They love to watch mommy do her projects while doing their own crafts along side her. She's a whole lot like Kari. Kari's kids also like to play outside, but they don’t have a fireplace to warm their toesies to at night. She creates whenever she can and dreams of living ArtsyMama’s life all the time. To learn more about ArtsyMama, see the interview that Bonnie just did on her Snap and Scrap site and also the tutorial on making vintage pixie ornaments.

So now is where all of you come in. I got this idea from the Dottie angel blog and I thought it would be a lot of fun. Put on your thinking cap and get your favorite beverage of choice for getting your creative juices flowing. Think about “who” is your alter ego, please tell us about her. I’ll bet you’ve got one hidden (or not so hidden) away somewhere. Leave a description of your alter ego in the comments and your name will be entered into a drawing. I will draw a name out of the bag on Friday, December 14th. The winner will receive this cute little Observations journal to jot down bits of this and that. Also, an envelope filled with ephemera and other creative fodder for your journey.
Can’t wait to meet all of your alter egos!!
I LOVE the new look!! Refreshing!!!!!!~ And, Lola is my alter ego!!!
I LOVE the new look Kari! Heather is amazing!!!! My alter ego is Creative Chaos. Just trying to balance all that is creativity and the chaos that is life! Congrats on your 500th post!!!
Wow! 500!! that is outstanding! Congratulations and keep it up, please! xo, suzy
Congratulations on your 500th post.
Mmmmm my alter ego - that's a tough one. I just crave for some peace and time to play house and create - just the inner me - the Alison I want to be.
Love the new banner and layout, and congratulations on 500 posts, wow that is huge!
My alter ego is the one who keeps it all together, gets it all organised and creates and has fun while the other me has the house in a mess and can't seem to ever get dinner cooked on time!
Happy 500th:) HEre's to many more!!
My alter ego is Super mom..
Able to transport a van full of teenagers anywhere at a moments notice.
Able to scrape together a school project the night before.
Able to whip up a nice dinner, with no groceries in the house;)
The list goes on and on LOL
Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Kari I love the new look. But I loved your old one too.
My alter ego is the artist Zizoo, she is super fun, outgoing and has pink hair. She cooks, bakes, makes successful art and is a crazy fun mom of 4 (almost 5, come on China) children. Whew, I am tired now.
Congrats! Whew..500. And I've read every one. Your new blog looks awesome!
My alter ego is FTP(fromthepines). She is not very hidden at all! In fact, she might be more of Cheryl than Cheryl ever was. She appeared about 3 years ago and started using her love of yard sales, auctions and flea markets to take her finds and sell them on ebay. Then she found blogs! What a wonderful new world that you were a part of. She took your challenge with Bonnie and made art a part of her daily life instead of always on the outskirts. She gets daily inspiration from everywhere and ideas abound! She lives in the far north too and loves it not so much. She then found swap bot a year ago and it is so fun and inspiring as well and challenges her to expand her creativity all the time.
Ftp and I are the mother of a great teenager and both of us are finding new ways to live a more creative life.
Thanks for being a part of it.
Congrats on 500!!! Great job!
Jen R
Great new look Kari! Love it!
My alter ego is Kel. Not a big step away from Kelly you would think. But Kel is cooler, wiser, more creative than I am. She makes friends easily, is funny and secure about herself and her art. She knows her own voice and speaks from the heart.
Congrats on the big 500!
Wow,love everything,as always!I've always been a wanna be Martha Stewart in the sense that I have always liked making things pretty & would love to get paid to share my creativity,so that's my hidden alter ego,who is wanting to come out soon....especially after seeing such lovely blogs such as yours! :)Renee
CONGRATS ON YOUR 500TH POST...that is a GREAT accomplishment!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new look and all...really wonderful!!!
My alter ego is southern latina...a woman who loves traditions passed down in her family - raised her family the best she knew how...played super mom for so long that I never thought I would stop being a taxi..and LOVES LOVES LOVES to dabble in anything that makes her feel creative...
The new banner looks great! Heather is so talented, isn't she? Congrats on your 500th post!
Gorgeous new blog Kari-love it!!
Alter Ego... Bonita is my alter ego. She has two beautiful children who love to play and learn and do baking and crafts with their mommy. Bonita likes to wear pretty aprons around the house and whip up delicious home-baked goodies. She whizzes around her home cleaning and making it smell like a pine forest. Crafts and art are a part of her daily life. She is a bit ditzy at times and easily forgets things. Bonita has to write endless lists which litter the nooks and crannies of her home and the side pockets of her car doors. She also never leaves home without her camera -because you never know what glorious moment or image you can capture! Bonita creates everyday and never neglects her blog, her children, her house, her friends. She is the perfect wife, mother, friend and crafter! Sigh...I wish I was her!!
Congrats on your 500th post!
Congrats on 500! The new look is fab! I posted a bit about my alter ego on my blog. She's RubyMoon ;)
Congratulations on your 500th post, that is incredible. Your new banner is divine. Check out my alter ego here,
Take Care - Rachaelxo
I've just recently discovered your blog and have been enjoying your energy a lot! I've actually never really thought about an alter ego, but I suppose mine would have - no, has - endless amounts of energy, confidence, an amazing wardrobe, a clean house and, patience. xo
Congratulations on your 500th post!!!
My alter ego has always been a composite of all the really strong women role models. Sort of an artsy cross between Katerine Hepburn/Lara Croft and a Rock Star!
Your new banner is beautiful...
Heather did a wonderful job!
Congrats on your 500th...
Wow, 500 posts, amazing. My other-me, gets to be creative on a 24 hour basis, and shares her creativity with all who enjoy it.
Please don't worry about entering my name as I just want to say that I do indeed love your new blog look. It's wonderful.
I will share my alter ego for which I crowned myself years ago. I am Chief Mermaid of All the Seas. You know how we often say, "If they'd only let me be in charge of the world for one day"? Well, I'm itching to put my CMAS role into effect to try to make the world a healthier, happier, and overall better world. Quite arrogant of me but it sounds good, doesn't it?
Congratulations on 500 amazing creative posts!
I love the new banner!
Here is to another 500 more and then more again wonderful sharings from you on your blog!!
Congratulations on your 500th post. That's amazing! My alter ego is just so much cooler than I am. She accomplishes while I just dream; she is "in the know" about just so many things...and loves to share her knowledge and new finds. While I aspire to "be" my alter-ego, it's so much easier to live in her shadow :-), flashing the "I'm really the brains behind this operation smile" to those who really know me!
Great anniversary, great new look! Congratulation!
Congratulations on your 500th post! My alter ego has a gentle and adventurous spirit. Like me, she has a kazillion ideas for things to make and do, but unlike me, she accomplishes far more than I do. She has an uncanny ability to balance creativity and responsibility and of course, her home and appearance are always elegant. Sigh. I love her, but I don't know her name.
i was thinking about alter-egos all day yesterday. Then, in the evening while we were watching ELF my husband said that HIS alter ego is Buddy the Elf! It was pretty funny. I'm still trying to figure out who my perfect alter ego is.
Kari, congratulations on your 500th post! I remember your very first one -- you've come a long way! I love the collage in your new banner.
My alter ego has a spotless house, never raises her voice at the children, has a beautiful dinner on the table by 5:00pm, and has plenty of time to create art everyday! Oh, and also exercises daily and has endless confidence!
Let's get together soon! -Ginger
Fantabulous! Congrats on the 500th post! Love the new look your other one was also beautiful. My alter ego: She has super powers more time to scrap and more time to make "cute stuff" and who is NOT a procrastinator! LOL! Thank you for blogging and keeping me and my alter ego smiling! Hugz Grace
Love the new look Kari!
congrats on your 500th post.
i love your new blog.
i love your hat/crown in your pic too,
alter ego!
probably scrappy jessi.
fun, crazy art girl.
thanks for the b day wish
Wow 500 posts - that is quite an achievement, well done!
I think my alter ego would be some sort of action girl friday - hit the Mission impossible music!!
Ready for anything - boundless energy, full of good idea's, perfect cook, perfect tidy house, finding lots of activities for the children AND actively taking part in everything they come up with AND always looking good no matter what.
phew I'm exhausted just typing this:))))))))))))))))))
best wishes Ginny
Congrats Kari! That's alot 'o bloggin'!
Amy's alter ego is YMA (Amy backwards)... Amy is a working mom, wife, church volunteer... but at night when she sneaks up to her crafty attic, she becomes YMA-- crafter/artist extraordinaire! YMA is none too neat and is happiest having six projects going at once. Crafty ideas swim in her head but the midnight crafting time is so brief that it will take her a LONG TIME to get around to it all! - Amy B
Just wanted to tell you how much I love your new look. It is more 'you', I think.
Congratulations on your 500th post. I love your blog and check it every day.
My alter ego - hmmm - which one? lol I have an imaginary closet full of gorgeous hats I wear whenever I choose to step outside my boring self and want to be creative.
My alter ego is amzanioli (an amalgomation (sp?) of my four kids names (Amber, Zack, Nick, Olivia)... sort of like Dana's reference to Super Mom... I'll have to contemplate a little more on what that means.... wow, 500! Great! Jamie V
Congratulations on your 500th post and on your new look! I love rerading and viewing what you share.
Great new look and thanks for introduction to your alter ego. My blog alter ego is probably my accounting identity- the girl that gets almost as big kick out of reconciling a bank statement as from making a Christmas ornament or crafting a crown or tiara.
Lovin' the new look, Kari! Congrats on the 500th post!! WOW!!
You have a wonderful new look, very pretty! I have seen a few of Heather's creative works and they are great. My alter ego is someone who wants to be free and emerge as a butterfly. To feel the beauty of creating once again and is on a new journey with the help of all of the wonderful blogs out there. She finally feels a great connection with the women who need to express themselves in paper/clay/textiles etc... OH, and did I mention this sometimes elusive person has the ability to be organized in some fashion???
Whew! Congrats on 500 posts! I've read and enjoyed each and every one so I'm hoping you go for another 500! :-)
My alter ego? Hmmm...definitely Ms. Hold Dear...a thoughtful, introspective soul that documents and honors the things that make my life worthwhile and that are precious to family and friends and all the love and experiences that come with them!
everything looks so fantastic! congrats on 500. :)
I love the new look and congratulations on your 500th post!! Wow that is a few!
I love the new look, and WOW! 500th post.
My alter ego is a creative wife, mom and nanny. There is not enough time in the day to create. And when the juices start flowing, She sometimes get frusterated because She only have 2 hands. She loves to add junque into her artwork and finding the unusal is right up her alley. Auctions, sales and thrift stores excite her. Finding a jar of buttons or box of postcards can make her day. She has jars and jars of junque just waiting to find it's home on a project. She is a fast worker, it has to be created and finished in 24 hours or it is out, again not enought time to wait. She is also sometimes alone in her creating, but she gets excited when someone else gets it. Understands the importance and freedom of creating something from junque.
Hello Kari,
In the past, I've been on your blog , so I did also this morning, but I didn't comment, again...
I arrived at the blog of Jim Holz today, and even he asks for comments.
So, this is one of my good intentions for 2008 : If I read a blog, I try to post a comment, maybe just a little one, but comments are important for bloggers.
I returned to the blogs I visited today, also yours and I start with my intention right now...
Congratulations on your 500 th post ( I'm only in since this summer, so I didn't read everything yet...). You new banner looks very good : the different pictures give a wider view on who's artsymama !
My alterego is Aureya, she's an elf and she's extremely fond of fantasy.
She loves to be creative the whole day and evening, likes to cook sweets, listen and helps people, plays music,... She's always having time to do what she likes to do.
I try to be as much as Aureya, but there is a job to do ( although I do like my job), there is housecleaning, cooking meals for the family,....
I wish a had a bit more of Aureya's neverending time, but I'm happy with every little bit to be creative myself...
I love your bloggy makeover! :) So beautiful. Heather is incredible, isn't she? I love everything she creates.
And oh my goodness, Kari...Rosey the Confectionist is MY alter ego, too! She is a virtual super-woman who creates constantly while simultaneously taking EXPERT care of her creative, spotlessly-groomed children, who of course have nothing but fruits and veggies and whole-grains for snacks. She visits ALL her bloggy pals each and every day, sometimes twice on Sundays, and would never DREAM of doing so in her sweats and unwashed hair. Oh no...Rosey looks like her avatar each and every day. She is a virtual whirlwind of creative energy and has 30 hours in every day to create. She doesn't sleep, of course...WHO needs sleep?? And she never lets her children watch t.v. or DVDs. She cooks, she cleans, she bakes cookies for the elderly ladies at church and is the sunniest, sweetest friend you could ever hope to have.
Oh that was a LITTLE BIT too easy!!!! hehe! Of course we are not those alter egos and probably wouldn't really WANT to be if we were honest. We must of course provide our kidlets with a realistic vision of what it means to be grown-up, a woman, a wife and a mother, right? :) So I'm raising my now-cold mug of coffee and toasting you, your 500th post and the REAL GIRLS we ARE!
HUGS to you, Kari...
cheryl :)
Hi Kari! Love the new look and congrats on your 500th posts! And NO we are not getting bored so here's to 500 more!
Congrats on your 500 post! That book looks amazing. A decorated home that looks like kids actually live there--wow! What a concept.
My, what a question! I have a plural sisters...there are five of them! They are as varied as the many flavors of chocolate, but all marvelous! This keeps my alter ego on top notch behavior, always striving to be the best I can.
How cool to post your 500th post!
congrats on your 500th post...they have all been alter ego, Cre8Tiva, is full of energy and creative ideas...she has wild flights of fancy and is fearless...together we soar...blessings, rebecca
Congratulations on your 500th post! I love your blog!
My alter ego is an early bird. She's up by 6am every day and by 8 am she's sent made a huge, healthy breakfast for her family, sent them all off to work/school, cleaned the house, finished the laundry and is ready to spend the entire day creating the most perfect projects. She's a mix of June Cleaver and Martha Stewart. LOL!
My altaer ego is a glarmous woman who wears designer clothes and travels the world looking at the work of famous artist. At home I host lovely parties with exqusite decorations made by talented bloggers. I spend most of my time looking lovely, being charming and blogging. I am always having the best time. I never have to clean.
My real self creates constantly, works on Ebay and Etsy takes care of a big house and a wonderful husband, two cats and a dog and entertains my grandchildren whenever I can.I also have a good time all the time. Well most of it except when I have to clean.
Congratulations on your 500th post. My alter ego for years as been June Cleaver. You know the mom that has it all together, the house cleaned, the laundry washed, the dishes done and dinner on the table and all done in a dress and heels... Ok back to reality! The heels and dress have to go, and there are dust bunnies and laundry to do, but I have been creating and spending time with my family. So dust bunnies I'll find you... maybe tomorrow.
Thanks for all the inspiration! My alter ego is the cool funky me from many years ago. I sort of lost touch with her for a while and went down a depressing path. So now I'm trying to reconnect to that fun spirit again and create, create, create. With the help of art blogs like yours, I am on my way!!!
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