Monday, March 10, 2008

Guess what???

I'm published!!
Order the book HERE.

I also ordered a handful of copies that I will be bringing to Sweetpeas with my at the end of the month. When I return, I will sell what's left here on my blog in April. Also had a question about having to become a "member" of to order. That is who I published it through. Looks like you do need to, but it's free and easy. Here are a few pictures, click on book preview for more. Hope you enjoy!
THANK YOU all for your support of my blog and my creative process. I think you'll enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed making it. My main goal of the book was to have my blog in a tangible format so it's not just "out there" in cyberspace. During the process of sifting through thousands of pictures and hundreds of blog entries, I came to realize that my blog and therefore this book is truly an authentic representation of who I am. To have found a community to share that with and be supportive of is such an amazing blessing.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome for you!! should be so proud of yourself!! I'm off to purchase it!!

Anonymous said...

Kari, I just ordered the book and I'm so excited to see it and have it in my collection! Congratulations!

Let's get together and scrap again when you have time. :-)


kathy said...

ok a little confused -- tried to buy a copy got to the point of purchase -- but to log in . I am not registered so -- couldn't purchase -- any ideas ??? I guess I am computer challenged lol __ KAthy - GA

Dede Warren said...

Congratulations Kari! Bravo smart girl for going for what you want, and making your dreams happen.

Jessi Nagy said...

congrats miss kari!!
so cool!

Lilli in Vancouver said...

Hey there, Ms.Published Author! Congratulations on your beautiful book. You put so much detail in it, it looks like it was a lot of work. But I'm sure it was a labor of love :)

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

How exciting! And congratulations!

I'll definitely be making a purchase!!


Anonymous said...

This is awesome!! Wow, that's cool!! I'm definitly getting a copy asap!
Oh, and sorry, still no email came my way on the swap. I did get your meesage on my blog though. Wierd huh?! Just in case, the email is
I tried sending you a message via email to see if you received it. I guess we'll talk somehow :)

Fiona said...

What a lovely looking book! You've done such a great job.

Michaele Sommerville said...

Congratulations to you- and thank you again for sharing your inspiration and spirit with us!

Jenn said...

WOW!!! Congratulations! I can only imagine your excitement. ;-)


Monica said...

Wow, it looks great!! btw, the blurb preview is working, the pictures and layouts are so beautiful!

julie (jane's apron) said...

This is so cool Kari!

Merci-Notes said...

Congratulations Kari!!

What a beautiful book, i was able to preview it at Blurb! I too love the written word AND photos that you can actually hold in your arms and put out on your table to view... anticipating your next rendezvous with the book. What a beautiful cover that your friend Hope has designed!!!
p.s. as i am also a mom i can just see your children's beautiful faces when you presented them with your book! they will want to have it in their schools' library!!! hehehe

Jennifer Hayslip said...

CONGRATS!!! How exciting! I look forward to buying a copy!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Found you on flickr - how exciting, having a book published! Going back to see more eye candy now... :)


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! Mine is on it's way! Can't wait to see it! Great job Kari!

Whitney Johnson said...

How wonderful. The look of it is so appealing! I can't wait to buy it, and I'm sure I'll love it. :)
Congratulations for a wonderful product - worth every bit of your time and effort. Hurrah! _Whitney

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kari!!! What a fantastic achievement!!! You should be very proud!
xo andrea

m i c h e l l e said...

Congrats Sweetie! SOOOOO happy for to go order my copy! Gotta have it for you to sign when I see you! :-)

Jeanne said...

The book looks fabulous Kari!

Diana Cohen said...

Congratulations!!!! The book looks lovely!

Kathy said...

Kari, as soon as I finish commenting, I am ordering the book! What I love about your blog is the sincere expression of your excitement about creativity and creating. Every time I visit I am inspired to make something. Congratulations on the publication of your book. ~Kathy

Tammy Gilley said...

Yay you!!! xoxo

Bonita Rose said...

Congrats Kari.. you are making your dreams come true. good for you! I blogged about your new book earlier! Again, congrats!

Anonymous said...

Kari: Your book looks really beautiful! Congratulations on this wonderful achievement!
Way to go!

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

Yeah!!!!!! congratulations!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful, congrats!

Unknown said...

WhoooHooo! How exciting for you and US! Congrats!

Unknown said...

congratulations Kari. It looks like a beautiful book.

Blessings, Karen

Sandy said...


lindaharre said...

You clever girl......this is wonderful! This is going to change the whole world of publishing:D:D:D Can't wait to see!!!!!

Unknown said...


FANTASTIC! YOU GO ArtsyMama! How thrilling it must be for you. I hope the sales go well. You are so creative...woowho, woowho!

Lynne Laura

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I just ordered my copy. I can't wait to drool over the pages!

Casii said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful culmination of all your lovely work! I just ordered a copy and can't wait to have it in my hot little hands.

Shannon (Faith and Chocolate) said...

WOW, Kari! Congratulations! I cannot wait to see the real deal. Awesome.

Lu said...

I am so incredibly happy for you. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

congratulations Kari!!!

Anonymous said...

You did a book through Blurb TOO. Wasn't it fun. This makes 4 of us blogging blurber's so far that I know of : )

Bonnie said...

Congrats Kari!! I am so proud of you and so happy for you! i will have to get my hands on one of those books!! So exciting and I really can't believe how fast you did it!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kari!!! Cheers to you for going for it!!

Anonymous said...

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