Happy Monday!
I know that I show pictures of this space (my studio/dining room) a lot, but it's such a focal point for me for my everyday life. I literally pass it as I go to any other room of the house. It changes on a daily basis. Today it is showcasing my estate sale treasures. Yes, that entire wooden bowl in front (and the shallow bowl to the left) is all vintage millinery from the sale this past weekend. I steamed them and they look amazing!! The shadow boxes that are now in my etsy shop are currently on my wall.
Look at the tag I found on one of the white roses. How cool!
I've been working on my class project for this event where I'll be teaching in late August. More peeks soon. Jennifer Murphy just joined the lineup of instructors. So exciting!
We had wonderful weather here this weekend, and it continuing today. Sunny and near 70...gorgeous! Perfect for doing yard work and playing outside. The kids started seeds last week and they really perked up once they got outside with the nice sunshine. Don't we all:)

Have a great day!

So glad you got nice weather! The kids look so sweet planting seeds :)
Love your dining room display
Love the color! I have something colorful posted on my blog as well. I think the best find is that flower with the Paris tag still intact! Next weekend I will be planting with the little ones as well...happy growing!
Wow a whole bowl full of vintage millinery - what a fabulous find they were.
What fun for the kids to be planting seeds. What will they turn out to be?
I love seeing your children planting seeds then watching them grow! So precious! And how lucky to find such great vintage millinary! I had a hard time finding that around here.
Beautiful! Please tell me how to steam my vintage flowers!!
I just love seeing pics of your lovely cheerful workspace! Gorgeous!
Hi Kari....we've been having that wonderful weather too. It sort of revives the spirit doesn't it?? I love seeing photos of your studio/dining space. It's so full of your energy and enthusiasm. I wish I could steal you away and have you come live with me.
The children, as always, are so precious and I love, love, love your project for the Zne event. Very cool!
I just wanted to say that I think your blog is beautiful. I'm going to add it to my own so I can stop by more often.
Oh,,,I wish I were near you, so I could attend a class!
what a wonderful way to celebrate Spring with the kids!
I just love checking out your blog!! So many great pictures! I just started my blog and I'm checking around, looking at other blogs for ideas. I love yours!!! Cambria
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