End of year artwork from the kids preschool classes.

And if you're looking for a fun challenge to get your June off to a creative start, check out Sara's "I saw Red" photography challenge that starts next week. Details here.

Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
I was just there again recently and this is their current vintage ice cream/kitchen goodies display.
Have a great day!
Thank you for all the wonderful comments and gracious support of my class project. I will look into having an online class in the future and maybe some kits. I'll keep you posted. It is always wonderful to hear from those of you that read my blog and the fact that you find joy and inspiration here is truly a blessing. I'm so glad that you find things that you like here and continue to come back day after day. So without further ado, the winner of the inspiration pack giveaway is......
Julie's daughter drew these whimsical pictures for the stickers below. She is so talented. Check out her blog! She is off to art school in the fall.