One of the (many) things I love about working at the library is I get a heads up on when the book sales will take place. Last night I was working during the sale, so during my break I took a peek. I found these really great decorating books for only $1 a piece. I love to look at these types of books as I lay in bed at night, filling my head with eye candy inspiration before I doze off to sleep.

In honor of mothers day weekend, I wanted to ask you a question. Do you have similar decorating tastes as your mother? My mom and I love to go to estate sales together, but usually end up buying quite different things. She loves oriental pieces and I'm usually looking for supplies for my art. However, when working on my new column JunkMama Journals yesterday, I was at my parents house looking through old pictures. I came across this photo (below) of the area above our kitchen table in my childhood home.
We both giggled with delight, because we had never thought about it, but here my mom displayed many family treasures and antiques in a similar way as I do today. She chose the kitchen wall as an area of inspiration. I have shared on this blog over and over the ever-changing wall in my kitchen today where I display my various creations and curiosities. Like mother, like daughter. I love you mom! How apropos- check out the domino magazine home page for more discussion of this.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend!
I love decorating books too!
As for my mum and I's taste... they're not the same but we often like the same touches... often I'll pick something up from a thrift store and mum says "i like that" and i of course hand it over!
Victoria xx
It must be in the genes.
Have a wonderful Mother's day
What a great topic! My mothers taste is completely different than mine!
Sandra Evertson
We do have some similar tastes..both love shabby and retro stuff. Beautiful pictures here..and have a lovely mothers day!
Wow, a dollar a piece for those books, what a steal!!! :)
My mom and I do have very similar tastes.. she is a bit more classic country, and my style is a bit brighter and more eclectic, but we do love antique-ing together and going to flea markets!! Happy Mother's Day!!!
My mother and I don't decorate the same but when I was much younger in the seventies I remember my mum had some "kinky" boots just black zip-up leather knee highs but they were something special and I think they were definately the start of my boot collection- I also find my self drawn to crochet'd skirts and long beads and I remember her always doing a twirl at the bottom of the stairs where I sat watching in my pj's before she went out with my dad for the evening, and I wonder if my daughter will watch me just the same.......
Mom and I have very different taste. She likes country with traditional touches, and pastel color schemes with low contrast. I love high contrast, rich, saturated colors, and prefer a modern style filled with world/tribal touches. My house looks like I am a world traveller or I live on some tropical island near a beach. We both like about the same amount of goodies/clutter on display, though. I like lots of her selections, and she like lots of mine, but they don't mix.
The picture of your mother's kitchen wall made me chuckle. My mother and I have different tastes but we both love to display our stuff just the same! Both of us love to display pictures of family and we both like to display our different collections Have a happy Mother's Day, Cassie
My first time here. I love that you are a librarian, as I live for library sales. Great blog. Keep up the great work!
Happy Mother's Day to you!
My mom is also very artistic but we have completely different styles!
My mother's taste was very mid-Century classic and mine is a sort of melange of Asian, traditional and funky....VERY different from each other.
My mother was the one who started me on the junking journey! She'd drag me to flea markets and junk stores, as a little kid I loved it! By the that an "Uffda" sign in your moms kitchen? I couldn't really tell..if so I know she is a Norwegian!
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