Today is a day of celebration in our household!
My son, Lowell, graduates from his Autism Day Treatment program. He began the program as just a baby at the age of two, shortly aftering receiving his Autism diagnosis. It was a time in our lives of overwhelming emotions. We heard about a pilot program for very young kids on the autism spectrum beginning at a private school nearby and jumped at the opportunity to provide our son with any help that is available. The last two and a half years a have certainly had it's ups and downs but due to the amazing work of his therapists and teachers at St. David's, Lowell has developed into an amazing, verbal almost 5 year old little boy! We couldn't be more proud. It is again a time of great emotion, this time it's pure joy at seeing Lowell's development and great gratitude for the amazing people that have helped him blossom.

Hi Kari,
Please tell Lowell CONGRATULATIONS! Wow! What an accomplishment! You must be so proud of the little guy!
Also, I just LOVE the COOL TULLE cupcakes or poufs or whatever they are! Your house kits are fab...thanks for sharing!
Such a wonderful milestone for your family! Thank Goodness for these special programs that make such a huge difference in the lives of so many families. And your perseverance. I bet you would have felt a lot easier 2 yrs ago if you'd known how well Lowell would do by now :)
Congratulations Lowell! What an accomplishment! It gives me hope for my son, who started services at the end of June and just started speech therapy this week. Let Lowell know that he is an inspiration!!
I am so happy for you and your family! Your son is so cute. I am glad he is doing so well! I love your site and all of the cute, crafty things that you make! Have a great day!!!
Congratulations to Lowell! He is so handsome and I know how proud you must be of his accomplishments!
Love your blog!
Hi Kari,
I'm sorry that I won't be seeing you in Pleasanton. But, I am so happy that you will be there for such a milestone in Lowell's (and your whole family's) life. Tell him I said "peanut butter" Congratulations!
I am so happy for your family! It's very exciting to read about Lowell's success. As I have seen with my BFF's son, early intervention has made an enormous difference- her son is also verbal!
I'm glad some peoples kids are verbal. :) I'm still hoping. That is so cool though and I know you and Lowell are bursting with pride. To most people that isn't a big deal, but those of us with "special" kids know better. Tell him congrats and good work.
I am thrilled about your son, Lowell! I have mentioned this before but I worked for twenty-five years with kids and teens with autism spectrum disorders in South Dakota and here with such greats as Sheila M. and others. My husband was med director at St David's and I found your blog when he was doing a sabbatical in Boston. I stayed up all night reading it. It was my little connection to the Twin Cities...and my biggest wishes were for Lowell.
Congratulations to all of you!!!
Suz from Saint Paul
hey there doll
congrats! what a special day. celebrate!!
give him big kisses and hugs from me.
I just wanted to say Congrats! I am the mom of a 6 yr old boy with Autism. I just wanted to encourage you and let you know that there's someone out pulling for you!
Congrats to Lowell and you guys too! Glad to hear he is talking up a storm. I remember those days-well, my son is almost 22 and he has his moments. ; )
Your etsy shop looks great!
Congratulations! What a long road to take! You are truly blessed to have such a program available to your son. Give him another big hug for me!
Hi Kari how wonderful that you were able to get Lowell into such a fabulous program enabling him to develop so well.
Oh Kari! Congratulations to Lowell and to all of you! What an awesome foundation you've given him.
And LOVE you kit, Kari. Those vintage corsages are S'WHEAT!!!
Big hugs to you...and peanut butter to Lowell!!! :-)
What a wonderful day. I know too well how you are feeling. My son is 10 now and the milestones he has made are amazing. Look forward to many more with Lowell. And awesome job being proactive with early intervention. It sure is key!
hello Kari,
glad the previous years helped to develop Lowells capacities ! What are the next steps now for him ? Does he get further support for his education at school ?
I have a 17 year old son with autism ( Aspergersyndroom). He follows normal school, but still has support for four hours a week especially to follow him up on attitude, social behaviour,...
Inge from belgium
CONGRATULATIONS! I have been reading your a blog for a couple of weeks & I went through the archives. I read the struggle with Lowell who captured my heart. I always thought he was the smartest & cutest lil' guy. I am so happy for your family.
Yay for Lowell! He's come a long way. Such a big milestone -- I know you guys must be bursting with pride. :-)
Congrats to your son *hugs*, you must be so proud! I like your shop updates too! :)
Hi Kari~
So happy for Lowell and your family! Such great news to hear!
He is so adorable!
Big hugs!
What a beautiful young man. Congratulations to all of you.
A big congratulations to Lowell on his graduation. What a wonderful milestone...I bet you are all beaming with pride!
Oh, this is so sweet! I am so happy for your kid! My Henry is almost 5 years old too and he has had language problems as well and now that he tells me his ideas I feel so proud sometimes I even think I am going to start crying, lol...
And I also LOVE your inspiration houses! I was thinking how to customize an ikea corkboard and I think I'll add a roof to it, lol...
Congratulations to Lowell! You must be so ecstatic! :)
CONGRATS to Lowell! WHat a terrific sucess and wishes for continued sucesses for him!
Love all the goodies!
I am SOOOO HAPPY to hear of Lowell's progress! Margo has had the same type of experience since she was 18 months (time of diagnosis) and attended a nursery school (public school) with the same criteria:D There are NO WORDS to thank those that tenderly care for these children! I was able to teach art in their room many times and it really made me appreciate the patience and love that goes into their jobs:D Margo had her first day of regular Kindergarten last Wednesday.....while we all waited on pins and needles! She had a great experience and spends time in the SSD room as well as the regular classroom! I hope your are as lucky as we in having great public education for our needs:D Lowell is beautiful and blossoming! GOD IS GOOD!!!!
I am happy for your son and all the family! Autistic children are near to my heart!
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