When looking through my Halloween decor, I realized that the ones that intigue me the most and therefore are my favorites are objects that have a past. As many of you know, the reason I love going to a good estate sale is because the items have had a previous "life", they have a story. A few recent Halloween finds are now among my favorites. Below is a cover of and old The Farmer's Wife magazine from November of 1926. I love that it still has the address of the recipient up the right hand side. The image on the cover is sweet and delightful. It was fairly torn up and very fragile, so I framed it in a floating frame to enjoy it for years to come.
I shared this here on my blog when I found it at the same estate sale. I think this is my all-time favorite Halloween decoration. It is an old cigar box (which I have yet to date) carved into a face of a jack-o-lantern. Someone carved this simple face and I gathered from the wax and burn marks used it on All Hallow's Eve many decades ago. This to me is the ultimate Halloween find.

Another estate sale treasure was finding these wonderful black "witch boots". They are worn to perfection and I knew immediately they would make a great display piece.
Finally, awhile ago Laume emailed me these amazing pictures from Bodi, of old German Halloween lanterns left in a ghost town. I cannot remember where she said it was. They certainly have an eerieness of days gone by.

Do you have any old Halloween decorations that have particular significance to you? Do you have any props that have a totally different meaning, but you have creatively displayed them in a spooky way?

That cigar box is completely fabulous. WHAT an imagination someone had! I love altering cigar boxes, but never thought of anything like this. Food for thought (food for craft?).
Great idea with the boots!
Love the witch boots!
downloaded the photo of the sigarbox...
About displaying for halloween : I decorated my piano for the halloweenparty of the Fanciful Twist with some things I made for halloween, but I also included a lot of stuff I had , that wasn't particular halloweeny, but that by putting it together gives a halloween feel ! ( for example my daughter's ball jointed doll, an old typewriter, old books, black and white wings...)
I can only invite you to my blogpost of this weekend to take a look and give you a good idea !
So feel free to hop over to web.me.com/pinkepinke
and see what I made of it !
Oh hey, those ghost town photos were from my trip to Bodi - up in the Sierra Mountains behind Yosemite, off Hwy 395. It's a photographer's heaven! How funny that you remembered those photos, I posted them so long ago. I've got new photos up lately from cemeteries and a ghost tour. And I'll be putting up some more photos of cemeteries and haunted houses in the weeks to come.
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