2. I have started and stopped so many art journals. The pages on this post are from my new daily journal for this year. However, I don't get down if I stop a journal after a few days or a few months and never pick it up again. I know I will find a new book and begin again. It's all about the process, not completing the book. I find that so freeing!

4. I hope to do another ArtsyMama book through blurb. I think vol. 2 will come out late this year or early next. In the meantime, I am beyond thrilled that ArtsyMama will be a part of Tara's book coming out this fall.

6. I have a really hard time finishing a book. I check out books all the time at work....I'm a librarian. I bring them home and either scan them or have them in a basket and never get to them. It seems that the bits of "me time" I get each day is always filled up with doing art or blogging. By the time I get into bed at night to read, I'm asleep within 5 minutes.
7. I find it very amusing that I share so many home photos on this blog. I've always been a very cluttery person. Ever since discovering estate sales and vintage treasures I've become more interested in decorating and now it helps me to keep things neater so that I can share pictures with all of you. Also after having kids I realized that if I don't keep up with the clutter we would all be buried in it within a week. Now I find that clutter drives me crazy. I am constantly going around picking things up. It's a loosing battle. See #11.
8. Speaking of kids, I can hardly remember my life before having kids. I was talking to some girlfriends about this last night. Of course I have memories of specific events, but it's all pretty much a blur before they were born. Now I can't imagine life without them.

9. I have always been interested in having relationships with people that I've never met in person sharing common interests. When we were young, my sister and I were really into watching gymnastics on tv. We loved the Russian's and Romanian's the best. We had pen pals all over the world and would share photos of gymnasts from magazines and newspapers and write letters to one another. Laura and I would run out to the mailbox and greet the mailman awaiting the mail each day. Today I have all of you that I love to communicate with. I appreciate every single comment and run to check my inbox just as I did the mailbox long ago!
10. I am going through major estate sale withrawl right now. This winter has been so slow for estate sales here and really slim pickin's. Has anyone else noticed a difference in their thrifting selection...and prices?? 11. Why is it that kids find it so fun to make huge messes? Lowell and and Chloe will spend a half hour taking every last thing out of Chloe's room, including the shelves on the wall and put it all in the hallway or bring it down the couch. Case in point, just as I'm writing this post, this is what I saw when I went upstairs. Every single roll of new toilet paper unraveled and thrown all over the floor and plugging up the toilet. Ugh!

14. The older I get the more anxious I get about flying in planes, driving at night, driving on icy roads and other life threatening events. I keep seeing car accidents and then those images get lodged into my mind and I think of every worse case senario every time I'm driving. I can't imagine what I'll be like when I'm sixty.
15. I'm always on the go and always thinking of the next project. It really motivates me and keeps me creative. My dad is the same way. At the same time I really try to enjoy the moment and not be thinking ahead too much. It's a delicate balance.
16. I wish I spent more time thinking about my clothes. It's just not a priority for me right now and I feel that I express myself in so many other ways. I am interested in fashion and maybe some day I'll put some more effort into my own appearance:)
This list was really hard to do. I tried not to do #5 as I made the list, so it's pretty random. What a fun exercise, though. If you do a 16 things list, please leave the url in the comments.
Kari, I did a "16 things about me" list yesterday on my blog. I know what you mean about trying not to over think it! But it was fun doing my list and reading yours! I love the pic of all the toilet paper strewn about by the kids. Boy have I been there, too! Never a dull moment, right?
Fun list, Kari!!! Eeeeeee...after hearing Julie and Candice are putting together our packets, I am officially EXCITED!!!!!
See you soon!
Og good...I'm so glad you wrote #2. I have not finished any of my journals and it's driving me insane. But yeat I can't get back to finish them...I have this block because one is the summmer 08 one and the other one is my to do list for the new school year. Summer is over and my to-do list has drastically changed...but I feel like I should have them completed. But I'm just going to remeber it's the process....
I enjoyed your list of 16. I've only done ten in a post. One day, I have to try 16. I love these lists because you really do get to know your blog friends a lot better.
I enjoyed reading your list...I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who is paranoid about Car and Airplane crashes...my hubby makes fun of me relentlessly...but I just knew I wasn't alone! I did an 8 Things About Me list on my bloggy. :)
Hi, I am so excited to for the art nest retreat. Thanks for posting your "16 things". I am right there with you when it comes to changing styles from day to day. I envy those who can stick with a color palette and have a real signature style to their artwork. Looking forward to meeting you next month!
Hello! I'm so excited to meet you, and everyone at ArtNest and also so nervous. You are all so creative and talented and I'm such a freshman. See you in one month!
Kari, It has been fun to follow your blog. It was fun to learn about you in your 16 list. I posted my 16 on by blog. Way harder than I thought. Can't wait to meet you at the Art Nest.
Your journals are so lovely, finished or not! Nice to see pictures of you pretty lady : )
I've done this list for Facebook and thinking of 16 things is hard.
Your kids sure know how to entertain each other, don't they? And like you, I have a hard finishing novels as I am on here too much or am doing art projects.
I think all the ads on tv about different drugs for different ailments scares me more than accidents. There were never drug ads or a lot of cancer talk when I was a kid. Knowledge is power perhaps?
Thanks for sharing. That was fun
Love your blog. I'm glad I found you.
Dear Kari,
What a wonderful list. Why are all of the art retreats out West? Let's have a Midwest art retreat.
I am going to try to come up with 16 interesting things, I may have to make up half of them.
Your Pal,
This is the first time ever that i have left a message on a blog. I just discovered your blog and I am fascinated with all the pretty things you make.
I have always loved to craft and through your blog have found the inspiration to start again.
Thanks so much,
I look forward to reading your blog every day,
love learning more about you sweets!! so fun! I will try and do the list on my next post. that pic with the toliet paper cracked me up! lol. Kids can be a handful,but OH so worth it!! :-) I hope you have a super wonderful night!!! xoxo!! Britt :-)
Hi Kari!
I am doing the 16 things list on my blog too...however I had to break it up into two posts...it seemed a bit much to do 16 in one setting...of course, I'm not known for my brevity so it was a matter of just not wanting to wear out my readers! Your list was FUN! We have more in common than I knew!
Peace and blessing!
Paula Clare
I used to inhale books, but more and more, I cannot finish them either. Too much activity packed into the day.
The toilet paper escapades do pass, but new messes arise as they get older.
Love the list!
totally thrilled you will be at artnest :)
I love these types of posts :) it's so nice to get to know the person behind the keyboard! thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with us.
When I saw your #11 it made me think of the country song where the lyrics sing "you're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back, you're gonne wish these days, didn't go quite this fast.." My son was a busy boy when he was little and he EXHAUSTED me every day. He's 25 now, and sometimes I really DO miss those days.
Also ~ posted blue art on YOC/Flicker today and on Star's Fault. I CAN do blue...!
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
I really love that you've taken time to write about yourself. So many mammas are too busy for this and that when we loose ourselves. I'm going to do this as well. Thank you!
Kari, what an inspiration! Between the journals you are creating and your list of things - so many ideas and feelings that we share - imagine all the blogging friends all over the world who feel the same way and might feel alone were it not for this wonderfully creative community!
How important it is to be flexible and not lock ourselves into a set way of thinking about our lives. Just a small thing...this morning...we're used to sitting at our dining room table every morning to have our coffee. Today I decided I'm taking this cup and sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace! I even had a second cup and thoroughly enjoyed starting my day relaxed and at ease!
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