We've had a long cold snap here in Minnesota and now we're in what's considered a "warm up". For us northern folks, that means above freezing! It's supposed to last almost a week. Although the highest temperature I've seen today is 19 degrees. It's quite amazing how good that can feel after so many sub-zero days.
This morning I went out to capture the glorious crystalized world all around. Beautiful!

These photos are amazing! Brrr. and I thought it being 27 here today was bad :)
Great photo's - brrrrrrr!
Don't those ice covered vegitations look so pretty... I like it better when I don't have to experience the actual cold to see them... but nothing can compare to being there in person! The other morning it was -12 and today we saw 25.... Yes, it's funny to think we are happy to see 25!
Nice Snaps...good job
Sorry about the chill, but your photos are so beautiful!
Winter in Minnesota is lovely. I'm glad you get out and take the beautiful pictures, as I'm mostly snugged inside sipping cocoa. Thanks for sharing.
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