We're supposed to get an icy, slushy mix later in the week, but we've definitely turned the corner and boy does it feel refreshing!!
Congratulations, Andrea!
Today I wanted to share a few collections that I have that were found as a grouping and bought simply because they were appealing together. Case in point, these china paints. I don't intend to use them (don't even know how!) but I thought they were facinating as a visual collection. I love the names of the colors and the writing on some of the labels. It can be fun to buy several of something just for the fact that it's in a collection.
Later, I overheard a mother looking at a pocketknife with her young son. He simply thought the old pocket knife was pretty cool. The sales woman said, "do you collect pocket knives" and the boy replied, "no, not really". Then the woman asked, "want to start a collection?" It can start that innocently, can't it?!
What do you collect and more importantly why?