Dear bean,
I took this picture just the other day just after you had gotten up from your nap and quietly sat at the table eating your snack. The winter sky was beginning to turn a deeper pastel blue, then yellow, then dark. I look out these windows so many times each day. Watching the world go by around us. Sometimes I feel like early motherhood is like living in a bubble, oblivious to the rest of the world. My life energy completely wrapped around you and your sister. Yet so many people are looking in, telling me what to do, how you should behave, what milestones you should have passed. We've been going through so much lately. Me growing up right along with you. You, me and Chloe doing our daily routine dealing with the ups and downs. I wish I could know what is going on in that little head of yours. You are so full of life and want to express so much. You will be get there very soon and we will always be here with you.
YAY for new blogging mamas! Thanks for sharing this post with Mama Says Om!
This is so beautiful--it brought tears to my eyes.... how perfectly you expressed new motherhood. dont worry, someday he will read it and SAY (in real words!!!)--"thanks mom!"
very sweet! i relate...
I am crying! Your words are not only beautiful, but so true.
You are a terrific Mother with wonderful children.
I am proud to be your friend!
Love, Tori
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