AM: When did you start blogging?
LR: Right before Christmas. I had been home from teaching for over a month, and found some extra time on my hands, so I jumped in.
AM: What was your motivation?
LR: Nina Bagley and I had been talking about it since April. We decided together to start one after we found a couple of blogs we really loved.
AM: Who is your audience/readership?
LR: Who ever knows, but I think it is other artists and quilters. I have links from my website and a lot of other artist's blogs.
AM: Do you use your blog as a social network?
LR: No, it's just a place for me to share my thoughts.
AM: Do you read other blogs? Which ones?
LR: Yes, a few. My favorites are: http://artjournaler.typepad.com/pomegranatesandpaper/
AM: Has blogging changed your creative process at all? Are you inspired by other bloggers?
LR: I am inspired by a few things I see on other blogs, mostly talk about some exciting new work they have found. One such link has led me in a new direction.
AM: Do you find inspiration online?
LR: Definitely, which is good, because it sends me into the studio.
AM: Blogs can be very intimate; do you enjoy showing a different side of yourself?
LR: Yes, exactly. I have written 2 books and contribute to Cloth Paper Scissors as the Arts Editor, but I want to write things that are not how-to. My blog gives me that chance.
AM: What is a typical day like for you?
LR: Get up at 6:40 to get my daughter off to school, come down to my computer, IM with my best friend to kick off the day and get us inspired. And depending on the work load, either do appraisals, or make art. On the art side, that also includes a t lot writing. I just finishing my 2nd book.
AM: Where do you usually create?
LR: My bedroom is in my studio, so I am either there or here in front of the computer working on images.
AM: Do you find the computer has distracted you from your art?
LR: Yes & no. It has allowed me to create the art I do which is very image driven. Yet when I am doing "art" on the computer, it never feels like art and I am anxious to get hands-on in the studio. I do think though, that I waste a lot of time on here, but it's also my "down" time, a way of relaxation - almost like sitting down with a book, because let's face it, if you are on the computer you are doing a lot of reading.
what a fantastic idea!! and especially good because you went for it! i enjoyed reading the interview too. very interesting stuff. looking forward to more!
Lost of interesting tidbits of info. I love your blog! I enjoy getting to know the real you!
Hello MN from MN!
That was such a great idea!
I'm not sure if blogger took my comment, so here goes again...
I just wanted to say hello to a fellow Minnesotan and tell you that the interviews are a great idea! What a way to learn how those artists you gain inspiration from get inspired themselves!
I absolutely LOVE the idea of interviewing artists with blogs!!! Great idea!
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