Lots to share today. {Day 12} for my Christmas Journal is about christmas past. What's changed? What's stayed the same? Shimelle's creative challenge was to use something that you thought you'd never use on a layout. After seeing this cute little tree that I got on a gift from Bonnie last night (more on that later), it reminded me of a gingerbread house my mom and I made out of Fimo clay one year. We made all kinds of little candies out of clay and put them on our Fimo house. I have such fond memories of my grandmothers gingerbread houses (this is my sister and I as kids with one of them) we decided to make one that will last year after year. So using my little Fimo candies in a layout had never occured to me, but seemed perfectly appropriate here! Thanks for the great challenge, Shimelle!

Last, but certainly not least, I went to Bonnie Rose's UnVeiling last night of her new studio. To say it was ~*~FaBuLouS~*~ is an understatement. Here she is in her heavenly room!

Check out that amazing dresser in the background! And the lattice above her head...simply gorgeous!!

Look how organized she is...and this is only one of her scrap rooms!!

It was so much fun to hang out with Bonnie and her friends. It was really great to see Kyra too! I went to high school with her and haven't seen her since:) Bonnie, your studio and your home were truly a delight. I know you and your hubby worked so very hard and it was really a magical night. Thank you!
love the page, reminds me to think about doing a candy house with my kid's...
your friends studio is amazing :)
Cute layout! That's just a perfect photo of you two :)
That "Journal" looks intriguing.
What a lot of inspiration you must have gotten from Bonnie Rose's eye-popping new space!
that little tree looks like it was made for your page! plus the studio is gorgeous....looks like a lot of fun.
Great journal page! The "candies" are just perfect, and what a sweet picture!
I've been curious about that book, thanks for the peek inside!
that book looks way too fun! thks for all the kind words.. kari... and hey thks for the felt piece, it is perfect! hugs
I am loving all your "vintage" photos from your childhood that you keep pulling out. What a great way to use them! You are so good to be caught up...I find I am starting to just skip around and do what speaks to me on the days I can work on it.
Is that Journal really that good? I have seen it on the web a number of times, but the reviews are not making it look like a real "go get me" book. I was just curious what you think makes it "brilliant"?
Kari- I really admire your style and thanks for "introducing" me to bonnierose's site. Yum-o!
Thank you for sharing the pictures of Bonnie's studio! What an absolutely FABULOUS place!!!!!
So many ideas now....
I totally love reading your blog... always such inspiration here! Your entry for day 12 is so cool, too. What a great idea to use the femo (sp?) candies on a page about a gingerbread cookie house! Love it all!
Gorgeous page!
That's a great studio! I'm jealous
I really enjoy reading your blog, but first time commenter!
I got the book "Journal" and I loved it. We read it in my bookclub and had lots to discuss--who did it, etc., and looking at all the details. I loved how you could get to know the character just by the thiings that she put in her journal. I felt like i knew her. Also we made some of the recipes in the book to have at our meeting--great fun! And it is beautiful to look at.
Great way to use those funky candy pieces!!
Your page is so so sweet! The photo of you and your sis looks right out of a book!
Your new kit looks sooo GREAT loving it!
What a fun time Bonnie's open studio must have been!! Looks filled to the brim with fabulousness!!!
Thanks for all of the super duper festive eye candy and inspiration!! I love coming here!!
xoxo Jenny
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