...we all scream for ICE CREAM! In the heat of the summer, don't you want to just melt right into a big puddle of sherbert ice cream?! Or at least have your house make you feel like it! When I came across these photos of Tim and Carol Bolton's house in
Collector's Style book by Better Homes and Gardens, I couldn't stop staring at how they took off with the whole sherbert palette and made their home into a sweet feast for the eyes! Wow!

Since today for the
Everyday Notions challenge I'm thinking about color, I thought I'd share some color inspiration for the palette I'm in love with right now. Lets think about how color influences us and why we might be drawn to certain colors at certain times of the year or moods that we're in. I think the pastel candy colors of summer make us feel nostalgic about lounging in the sun at the beach or running out to the ice cream truck to get a cone. They're light and airy and happy! Gather a color palatte that feels right for today and make a collage. What colors do you crave right now? Let the colors work through you.

Do you find certain colors nourishing to you? Do you associate different times of your life with different colors? Do you always do the same color scheme for certain holiday's? I tend to change my color palette. Some years I go with a classic red and green, other times a deeper, primitive yellow and brown for Christmas. This year I
heard that pink and turquoise is going to be all the rage. I love black and white at Halloween. Do the colors you
need seem to shift? Pay attention to how colors trigger different aspects of creativity in you.

Foolsgold, Susan urges us to, "Invite color into your dreams. When you wake up, paint or draw or cut out the colors of your dream."
Hope you're having a sweet weekend!
Oh my...what a beautiful home there. Pink, yellow...very sweet!
About the colors...hmmm, I love colorful, strong, primary colors, but at the same time I've been using lots of pastel too. Pink and yellow is a great idea!
Wow, such eye candy... and I've enjoyed getting caught up on all your lovely posts below. Such pretty, girly, wonderful things!
Sherbet colours are my favourites because they're bright and soft at the same time......and yummy :)
I love all the pictures from the book ! If i had a loads of money , i`d buy all sorts of home design ones ! I think my mood depicts my choice of colours at the moment.It`s light blue and green right now .
I`ve also posted my Fragile - Tough challenge , , boy was this a tough one !
Gorgeous photos. I agree... a sherbet color scheme is very nostalgic. Makes me think of living in a relaxed comfortable way. A kind of kick off your shoes and stay awhile way.
ok, I'm off to buy that book! Love those pastels. And sherbet sounds yummy.....
I've always had a strange palette, I guess. Have always had a pastel-decorated Christmas tree. Don't even own any red ornaments. Weird, I think. Maybe this is the year to change it up a bit! Love your post.
wow! I love those rooms! the scream happiness, joy. love it. brightened my morning.
jessi nagy
lovely post...i cannot seem to get past being in love with pink...but those other colors are tempting me...
For great discussions about color, see the blog, Smashing Color, at
Have a colorful day!
Gorgeous inspiration Kari!! I love the pastels!!
And I do know that I will be doing lots of pink and aqua at Christmas this year!
Color certainly effects us! I need, NEED, light colors, not dark. It has been that all my life I realized as I looked back thru my life even as a girl as to the color choices i made for my room and clothes even! Thus, I have had apink and aqua christmas for some time now! I love it and I think it is a refreshing change for those true traditional tastes...which I do love to look at too! ; ) All Christmas is beautiful!
I love your challenge idea! Thank You Kari!
p.s. Carol used to be all Beige and browns then whites and grey! This new look is very summery! Thanks for keeping me up to date!!!
those pictures dont even look real, they are so sugary and ice-creamy! I like reds and pinks, and vibrant colours, though the pastels are really beautiful and calming...
Oh wow...what a beautiful post!!!!
Just getting caught up on all your posts from the last weeks. Love the challenges...I have more time now and will have to stay in tune with them.
Awesome prompt. I think I am a choppy sea of blues...I posted more about colors on my blog over at
Thanks for sharing this book- I went right to amazon and purchased it. These are my fav colors and I love to see them used in the home, not just in my kids clothes!
I've been pondering colors a lot this summer as I'm doing a lot of interior painting. It's been a huge learning experience for me.
I find that I'm drawn to both brights and to deep earth tones. There is a place for pastels in my life, but they're definitely in the backseat to other color schemes.
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