I really need to lighten up....seriously. These words came to mind one day as I was out walking with my daughter. I meant it in the most literal sense, that I wanted to feel less heavy on my feet when they hit the ground, maybe even start jogging. My body, my appearance (got 5 inches cut off my hair), my thoughts, all needed a lift. As we transition into summer here in the western hemisphere, it just feels right to lighten the load.

So I have a challenge for myself- and all of YOU! Over the next several weeks I'm going to post every Wednesday and Saturday something called Everyday Notions. I hope that you'll join me for part or all of it. This will include exercises that will be designed to lighten our mind, our body, our expression of ourselves in our art. The exercises can be excecuted in a journal, altered book, on canvas, or whatever you'd like. They will involve completely ignoring our inner censor, using objects from our everyday lives, thrifting, using different formats, styles, colors and sizes. The results may be beautiful (or not) and unusual. I hope to get a hold of this book, Foolsgold, to help us in this process. I will be coming up with new challenges as we go along, so working on one thing will influcence the next. I have no idea where we will all end up. The journey truly is the destination. So, anyone else ready to leave some of that extra baggage behind?

P.S. To find out a little more about what's going on inside my head, here's a fun interview that Carolyn did with me.
The picture of the girl by the pool reminds me of my recurrent dream of flying...my "lightness of being". In my dreams, it's just an ordinary thing. With your challenge, I'd like to attempt an artistic version of this...thanks for the inspiration!
I've been lurking on your blog for some time now and I'm in love with this challenge you propose. I've got materials (I'm a collector of thrifted and found objects) but not ideas. I'm currently struggling with the old standby "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron, but would appreciate other inspiration as well. I'm in, ArtsyMama. Thanks for the challenge!
You are such fun, thanks for the stream of inspiration!
Yes, I'am exited.
I love the idea!!
That challenge sounds like exactly what I need! Count me in ~ you are always such an inspiration.
Have a great day.
What a great idea :)
I'd love to join you on your Everyday Notions Journey...Sounds like fun!!
What a great idea, I can't wait for those posts.
sounds fab - count me in!
I'm in!!! Accountability motivates me!!
Hey, I like this idea alot! I'd love to join in on this!
what a great idea!! Count me in!!
I'm in too! look forward to jump starting my creativity...good idea!
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