Seems like there have been lots of surprises and very exciting news in blogland this spring. Now I have some of my own to share. I was going to keep this a secret a little longer, but word seems to be seeping out from people that regularly check here. Then Christi emailed me a congratulations, and said that she saw on the web site that there was going to be an article on me. I checked and lo and behold there I was in lights! My first glimpse at the article. So I am thrilled to say that the first ever issue of Artful Blogging magazine that will premiere on August 1st will feature an article on ArtsyMama blog! Woohoo!!!! This will be my first time published and I am beyond thrilled! From what I see in the first two pages (it will be a 4 page article) it looks like it's going to be fantastic:)

Artful Blogger Summer Bash!!!
In other big news, since I have had so many people commenting on how fun the tea party was and it will be featured in the article in the magazine, I have decided to host a Artful Blogger Summer Bash for everyone that has a blog or reads blogs to celebrate the new publication and a great reason to party with creative bloggers all around the world. The party will be held on Wednesday, August 8th here on my blog. So mark your calendars. It will run much like the tea party, I will have a post that day and link to everyone else that hosts a party on thier blog. It will be fabulous. More info to come!!
I saw that! I was so excited, I told my husband I know who she is and I love her art!! Congratulations :D
I just read of your article in Post Script newsletter that Stampington does! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to get my hands on a copy. It looks like a great mag.
Yaaay! Congratulations, Girl! You deserve it!! I can hardly wait to get my very own issue :)
Congrats, congrats! I can't wait to see this latest publication : ) I love your blog!
I'm just as excited as my first magazine article is in the new Somerset Home this Aug!
Congratulations! I know your blog inspires me. And your tea party opened up a whole new blogging community to me that I didn't know was out there. I hope I'm home for the summer party fun in August.
Great news! One more cool magazine! And the party sounds interesting!
Hey I was just coming over here to congratulate you on the article on your blog in the upcoming Artful Blogger (I posted about this new mag yesterday) and see this post. Yay! I'm rejoicing with you. Congratulations! And I'll surely be on for the Summer Bash :-) Well done, again.
How awesome to see you in a magazine. You are so inspiring to me. Now I hope this magazine will be in the Netherlands for sale . I just have to have it because of you!!
I hope to join also the 8 of august.
Your a great artist to me!!
So happy for you!! My friend emailed me yesterday and asked if I had read the latest Post Script. She said ArtsyMama is featured in it so I quick checked it out. I already knew about this but I forget now how I knew!! (old age setting in)!! I'm so proud of you Carrie. We will both be buying the magazine. I love all of Stampington's magazines and the products available on their website. I can hardly wait to purchase the first issue!! I told you the last time I saw you that you were a celebrity!! Congrats!!
WooHoo! Congratulations! I'm a little puzzled, though--I thought blogging was an cyber space thing and now it's a publication? That's seems an oxymoron, but hey! what do I know? I'm so glad you're getting recognition--that's a wonderful thing!
Kari, congrats! I just saw the article sneak peak in the Stampington e-newsletter and couldn't be more excited to get my hands on that mag! And I love your idea about a blogger party after it's release, especially if we can all get our hands on the mag prior to the 8th. There really was no way for them to make a mag such as this and not include your royal blogginess! Congrats again.
Congrats on your new stardom, that is so exciting!
Congrats on the magazine article! I'm so excited for you! I'm proud to have a piece of your art in my house! :)
WOW...This is so swesome !!! Congrate Kari !!! {{HUGS}} I am so proud of you. This is truely something that should have happened long ago. Your work inspires so many people and it is unlike an that I have ever seen. You are amazing !!! Sign me up for the summer bash...¥
How exciting!!! Congrats on the spread, can't wait to see the mag.
get the heck out of here. that is awesome. awesome. awesome!
So excited for must be over-the-top giddy yourself! Many congrats to you and the other artful bloggers featured. Always enjoy and get a good fix reading your blog. Looking forward to the August party! :)
OH! Congratulations!!!!!
Hi Kari...congratulations to you! This honor is so well-deserved. You work so hard and put so much time and detail into your blog. There is something about your blog that just pulls people together, keeps us in the know, and delights our senses with your amazing creativity and talent. Can't wait for the mag and to meet you in Omaha. Hugs and high fives...
I'm normally just a lurker here, but I had to come out and say congratulations! How exiting! It looks like a great magazine!
Fantastic news Kari! I congratulate you cordially!!! I already saw it ealier in Chantals blog today and saw also that you are featured! This is so exciting! :D I'm looking forward to another PaRtY in August yeah!
Hey congratulations Kari!! Maybe I'll bring my copy to Silver Bella and ask you to autograph it!!! :-)
So while I'm not going to be a featured blogger like you (so cool!), a picture that I posted on my blog is going to be in this magazine! My first time "published" too and I am SO SO SO excited! You'll probably want to bring your copy of AB to SB so I can sign it. LOL! :-)
Congratulations on being featured! That's very exciting :D
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! This is totally cool and so deserved!!! You have one of the MOST inspiring blogs in cyberspace so glad you're being recognized for it!
I am soooo happy for you! The funny thing is, I was just over at the Stampington sight doing my usual ooooohing and ahhhhhing and I clicked on the Artful Blogging magazine and there was your art and your name and you you you! So I was going to hop over here and congratulate you and you've already posted about it. I'm glad you did.... these wonderful experiences are just too precious to keep for any amount of time! Can't wait to get this issue!!
Congratulations on being in the
'Artful Bloggers' - I can't wait to read the article. And thanks
again for all the inspiration you
put here for everyone.
Congratulations. That is so cool to see yourself in print. I saw the intro in the Postscript newsletter. Your work is both fabulous and inspiring. I'm a fan of your blog and I just started a blog of my own. I'm hooked.
That's awesome!Congratulations!!!Can't wait to read the article!
Very cool! I'm looking forward to reading this new magazine! And, I just marked my calendar for the Summer Bash! *I will be there/here!*
congrats kari, good for you! I am happy for u, as a writer, I can only imagine what it feels like to be published. lucky you.
Congrats!! Looks like an amazing issue - can't wait to get a copy!
Congrats on the article, your tea party did look like fun, so sorry I missed it. Can't wait for the summer party then!
Well done Kari, I didn't even know a magazine like this had been created.
Well I went and ordered it ... can't wait to receive it!
Although I didn't take part in the spring tea party, I enjoyed visiting all the blogs that took part and wished that I had. So I plan to take part in the summer bash, it sounds like fun!
Sorry about the typo on your name. I alo have a friend Carrie. I got confused! My friend Wendy and I spread the news Wed. nite during our ATC gathering about the new magazine. I just can't wait to get my hands on it. Again, congrats! I'm so happy for you.
Awesome! Congratulations!
That's so awesome...YAY! Congrats to so deserve it :) I am a BIG fan of your lovely blog and am glad to hear your big news.
ooohhhh- im so happy for you- hop, skip and jo..p.s dont forget your lipstick.
This is so exciting! I knew it when you talked about the magasine a while ago... conspiracy in the air... The double page looks incredible, it's really great when the images are of good quality too!
I've also marked my diary for 8th Aug. Let me know the basics a little in a advance though... :-)
You deserve this
Congratulations!!! I got my Post Script the other day and saw it, and have been meaning to email you! I'm so excited for you, you sweet and talented thing!! xoxo
CONGRATS Miss Artsy Mama!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! I'm pre-ordering the magazine today. All my fav bloggers seem to be featured. I guess I have goo taste.
Congratulations sweetie. I know you must feel so proud. I feel proud for you. Love,Jamie
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. You have been such an inspiration for all of us. Couldn't have happened to a nicer gal!
woo-hoo! congrats to you!!!
Congratulations on being published! How excitng!
Guess what?
August 8th is my birthday!
I will be celebrating my 37th year of life!
Congratulations on the article, such great news to hear. Will you be going to Silver Bella in November?
xox - eb.
Congrat's Kari....It looks lovely and If you would be so kind to scan it in and email it to me I would so appreicate it. I wish we got here that in SA. I would love to buy it, but the time P&p is added, it is costing me the same as buying 5 magazines here! You deserve this, for sharing your art and inspiration with us all!!!!!
Congratulations, Kari. It's well deserved and very exciting!
late to congratulate, but Kari...CONGRATULATONS!!! Your blog is wonderful, your art is wonderful, okay, YOU are just wonderful.
I can't wait for the next party, your tea party came just as I was starting to blog, and it was really so sweet and fun, what a great idea.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
ths is amazing now I'm smiling so big I also love the haircut hard to believe you are a mom...
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