This morning, Thanksgiving morning, we woke up to beautiful big, fluffy snowflakes falling to the ground. The kids were thrilled and couldn't wait to get outside and play. Once the turkey was in the oven were out the back door. Chloe loved catching snowflakes in her net and Lowell just loved running around in the white fluff!

We came in and set the tables for our company. The flowers are from my hubby for our anniversary. Gorgeous! So fun to set a festive table as a way of saying thanks.

My parents, my husbands father, sister and her family all came. I ate entirely too much pumpkin related treats. My parents brought wonderful pumpkin pies and my sister-in-law brought Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake. Yum!! The kids played, we talked, everyone had a nice time. So much to be thankful for. After the guests left, it was growing dark and Joe and I were beat, but the kids still had some pep left. I decided a nice activity would be to put up the Christmas tree....tonight. Granted it's a very small tree and I knew that Chloe would enjoy helping me. So we went to it like little elves.

She loved putting all her bulbs on the tip of one branch. Then of course they fell off and one of the vintage ones broke. All in all, we had a fun time. Ta da...here you go...our tree for 2007!
So thankful for my energy. Thankful that I have all of you, my lovely blog readers to share my special memories with at the end of the day. Thank you for sharing yours as well. Now I'm sitting down to a glass of wine. You won't find me getting up to go shopping tomorrow. I'll be home with the kids since Joe is working. See Keri's list for 10 other fun things to do instead of shop. And stay tuned for my grand adventures with Ulla on Saturday!
Happy Thanksgiving. Your tree is lovely. I love the snowflakes too, how exciting to wake up to white and fluffyness falling from the sky.
Thanks for sharing your lovely day.
I hope you can use the broken ornament in a project.
I don't shop the day after Thanksgiving either. There isn't anything in the stores that I want or need enough to get me up that early. Pleny of sales later on, too.
looks like you had a great turkey day!!! and tons of fun decorating!!!
have a great weekend!
What a beautiful white Thanksgiving you had. Thanks for sharing.
what a lovely day! Happy Thanksgiving weekend - hope it continues to be lovely!
Happy day after Thanksgiving.
Your children are beautiful...its lovely to see the little ones enjoying themselves.
Have a great Saturday with Ulla...you tow are so lucky to be able to see each other in person.
What a perfect day: Thanksgiving, playing in the snow AND Christmas decorating :)
Thanks so much for sharing,
Great pics! It looks like you and your family have had a wonderful weekend!
Hi! I just came across your blog tonight, and I wanted to let you know about a new giveaway I'm hosting this week! Come check it out - thanks!!
Looks like a lovely Thanksgiving, and your tree is too cute!
~Angela :-)
Hi Kari-
I came here through Ruth's blog and was thrilled to see that you are from Minnesota, near Minneapolis I suspect (Anthropolgie!) I too am an artist from Minneapolis and have been aching for someone from our "world" nearby. We also have another thing in common, I have a special needs child.
Please visit my blog: wingedheels dot com or email me alex at wingedheels dot com if you have the notion.
You really had a full Thanksgiving! Family, food, snow and Christmas trees all seem to go together perfectly.
everything looks lovely!
i love anthro's stiletto musk--yummy yummy!
Oh Kari! Happy Thanksgiving!!! Love the snowy photos - what fun your kiddos had!!! xo-Mel
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