I didn't go shopping on black Friday, but boy did I make up for it on Saturday! Ulla was in town and I wanted to show her a good ol' fashioned Minnesota estate sale. First, lets back up a bit. Ulla contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know that she was going to be in the twin cities to visit her in-law's for Thanksgiving and she wanted to meet me. I was thrilled beyond belief. Ulla is an amazing mixed media artist with a blog chock full of visual inspiration and she also teaches paper arts classes at the Castle in the Air in Berkeley. I have a been a fan of her work for quite some time. So we arranged for me to pick her up on Saturday morning....
Naturally, the first thing we did was exchange gifts with one another. She gave me some wonderful vintage millinery goodness (above) and this absolutely stunning NOEL Christmas banner that she made (below).
Then she gave me a packet from the Castle below. I was speechless and couldn't stop touching everything as I ooohed and ahhhed at the wonderful treats.
I gave Ulla these cones that I had made filled with a U mug from Anthropologie, a chenille orament that I had a picture of in my last post, crown soap from Carol at Silver Bella, and some vintage ephemera. After hugs and kisses for the special gifts we moved on to our first estate sale. It was a bit of a drive, so we chatted the whole way. Didn't buy much there, so we moved on to another sale.
Here's Ulla in front of a Birkeland Estate Sale sign. When you see one of these signs, you know there's fun just ahead!
The sale was in a grand old Edina home. It was filled with vintage treasures of all kinds. We looked at old books for at least an hour. Ulla bought the absolutely gorgeous book below.
I bought this handmade throw in wonderful greens and browns for $4!!
Also found this neat old baby book. The flash cards came from a store we went to later in the afternoon. Stay tuned...
Here's Ulla exiting the sale with her treasures.
Our next stop was the wonderful store Hunt and Gather in Minneapolis. It is brimming with a wide range of mix and match finds.
What a welcome this is!!
This store is filled with room after room of vintage pieces. So much inspiration.
This room was my favorite. Love the color combination.
Then there's a whole room of bits and pieces of games, ephemera, toys, etc. You name it, it's there. A bit overwhelming...in a good way!
Downstairs is another labryinth of finds. Ulla and I especially loved these winter scene paint by numbers canvases.
Ulla found this one in another part of the store and I bought it:)
Amazing little vingettes over every square inch of this place.
I bought this vintage German calendar header. Beautiful color palette and scene.
Here we are beaming with excitement at the end of our shopping foray.
We realized we were very, very thirsty and quite hungry, but another antique shop across the road called us in. This pink wreath below was made of dyed corn husks. Only in Minnesota!!
I bought this whimsical felt silhouette picture. We were both very inspired to play around with this idea.
I had found this book at the estate sale earlier in the day full of wonderful poems for children with silhouette pictures.

All these glamour dolls will make fun pieces to use in my art.
We finally had to end our shopping extravaganza and sat down for a nice bite to eat. We then had to say goodbye.
This was the view as I came to the lake by my home with the full moon shining down on the still water. A thin layer of ice starting to form from the shore. What a picture perfect ending to an inspiring day with a talented artsy woman!! Thank you, Ulla.

P.S. My two year blog birthday is this Thursday the 29th. Stay tuned for some fun!!
What a fun day!!! Someday I am going to have to find my way to Minnesota (of course on estate sale-saturday) and go junking with you, you are a great host!
karen b...from Calif....
I lived vicariously through you as I read and viewed your photos. I am long overdue for a fun day.
Sounds like a wonderful day. Hunt and Gather makes me swoon, I love that place. Can't wait to come to MN again!
wow wow wow! I want to come over to play!
Don't you just love Hunt and Gather...I haven't been in ages, since I moved from MN, maybe at Christmas when I'm Home...
Came home only an hour ago, but had to just peek in and say THANK YOU again!!! What a day we had, It looks even more wonderful (and beautiful!) in your photos! And it was truly TOPS on my list!!! I will try to cross-post tomorrow am! Hugs and Kisses, and big thankyous to your hubby for letting me have you so long!!!
I must say, you make saling lok like fun. The two of you definitely found some god sales. I can remember painting similar paint by numbers. Hmm--m, am I that old?
kari i feel like you won some ulla contest! you lucky girl!!!
she's so talented, and so are you!
what fun! looks like ya tore the twin cities up!
are there any vintage goodies left?
see ya soon
Thank you for taking me shopping with you. The pictures are wonderful. It looks like you 2 had fun.
What a fun day and fabulous photos...so much inspiration here. Thank you for sharing your day with us! smiles...
Thank you for the marvelous pictures! I felt like I was right there with you girls shopping! Loved your homecoming picture, too!
Having you take photos while we window shop is a much safer version of shopping as you seem to know where all the great treasures are hiding.
What are you planning on doing with the book of poems and silloutes? They are gorgeous and bella perfect.
Oh no! TOO MUCH FUN!!! Have you yet recovered from so much input of inspiration and beauty? :)
Wow!! You made out!!! Your so lucky to have found all those great items!
LOVE the Noel Banner. Gorgeous!
I just love your blog! What a fun time your two had! The way you described it made me feel as if I was right there with you! Thanks for the fun trip to Minnesota…
:<) Nancy
ah....hunt and gather...how i love that shop! your photos give me the urge to pack up and run right over there. glad you two had so much fun :)
How WONDERFUL that you and Ulla met!
What a delightful day together!
Thank you for sharing. It really makes me SO happy that because of Bloglandia you two connected!!!
Okay...my jaw is now totally bruised from dropping to the floor at every picture!!! Your whole day just looks fabulous...wonderful sales and amazing purchases and oh then having the sweet opportunity to visit with an online friend. I know how FABULOUS that can be! :-)
I got to meet Ulla this summer though
blogging, she is so talented and just as sweet. You girls were just having to much fun. Enjoyed sharing through
all your pictures, It was great thank you Pinkie Denise
hi kari!!!!!!!!!!!
oh how NICE to hear from you & see you/ catch up on your blog! you've been a busy gal too...love love love everything you posted! beautiful pix!!
looks like you had more snow than us cheeseheads, lol! glad you had a wonderful thanksgiving & OMG, happy belated anniversary!!!
ohhh, i can't wait for the day when i come visit you & we can go estate saling, lol! it will be so much fun! :)
miss ya too!!
xoxo mary ann
Look like FUN!! That store with all the vintage goodies looks delightful. We have scads of antique/vintage shops in my area but nothing quite so--*happening*
I'm glad I found your blog!
~Sadie Lou
oh ArtsyMama - what fun!!!!!!!!!!
xox - eb.
What a grand time! Thanks for sharing it. I especially enjoyed the baby book - it's the one my mother used for me!!! So, I can date it for you - it's about 40 years old. What fun. Michelle
Sounds like a heavenly day!
Good for you and Ulla...
I came by way of Ulla! What a fantastic meeting of the artistic minds! Thanks for all of the photos of your fairy tale day of days!
Kari......what fun to get to meet fellow bloggers in person and play together:D It looks like your day was not only fun but productive as well! I am green with envy over here in St. Louis:)
I am so glad you two had such fun together! Ulla was so looking forward to meeting you in person!!! I just posted on her blog that I love when friends from bloglandia meet, it makes the imagination so real, and brings a special meaning to connecting across space into something tangible. Thanks for the beautiful pictures and post!
I am dying over here...I am sitting at the airport reading your wondrful blog at the airport (my flight is an hour delayed) and I can't get all of your photos to show on my blackberry. Boo hoo! I will check them out later...what a fun day you had, we all wish we could of been with you. Lori
happy anniversary, Kari! and what a wonderful day you had here with Ulla! I have that silhouette book too, always fun to seek inspiration there. I know you will enjoy your new treasures! xoC
It looks like you two had such a wonderful day! The internet is an amazing thing to create such opportunities!
Happy Holidays!
Sandra Evertson
You two are quite the shoppers! I loved joining you in your post! Thank for sharing. I used to live in MN- went to Macalester so it was fun to see a bit of the place again!
How totally exciting!!! I am happy you had a good day. YOu seem to have such wonderful places to shop where you live. Seems like Phoenix was that way when I visited there last June. Place after place to look through. I must remember to take pics of store as you did for later inspiration!
That sounds like the most wonderful day! Those shops looked devine!
What a fun day that must of been ! I saw "Hunt and Gather" when it was featured in Country Living a few years back. I thought I would love to visit there. Thanks for opening their doors to us. I also loved seeing the owners home feature in that same issue.I love your Christmas tree. Very charming!
Blessings to you , Shelley
Hi Kari!
It looks like you had a fantastic day! Look at all those treasures!!!
FUN~FUN~FUN!!!!! That would be a FABULOUS day!!!
xoxox ~Jes
I met you at the Bazaar in Hyannis and bought one of your lovely dresses. Thank you for posting all about Ulla, I stopped by her blog and loved her studio and posts. I love the way you photograph your shopping sprees...I feel like I am there too. Minnesota seems to be the home of so many creative souls. Your work is so wonderful. Blessings, Karen
Fun, Fun, Fun!!!!
Great junking stores!!! I spied a few items from the pics that I would LOVE to have!
I'm glad you and Ulla had such a wonderful day.
Your blog is always so interesting, with all the beautiful photos and links to other things/people of interest. You serve as a gateway to inspiration for so many! I'm glad I found your blog(through Somerset's Artful Blogging)Congratulations on your upcoming Blog Anniversary!
Jane - Jacksonville
wow...it all looks and sounds like too much fun....so much beauty and art and loveliness!!
Oh my goodness! What a picture perfect day the two of you shared. Great photos. I felt like I was there too! There is no doubt that Minnesota has some awesome junk! Kimla
Oooh, I love the pink corn husk wreath...did you buy it? And I absolutely love the little silohuette print...so charming. Wish I could have gone along...I love those kinds of shopping days. XOX
Just thought that you'd like to know how much my daughter (15) and I enjoyed reading your post this evening. Amazing that you held her attention so! Her favorites were the book (with the boy and girl) and the paper doll dresses.
Anita @ the Pink Funny Farm!
A visual feast for the eyes! I love seeing the latest and greatest treasures from hunts as well as inspirational photo vignettes. Love it!
OH MAN!!!!!!!! To be with Ulla??? How totally cool. Just being in her presence must be amazing. What a great day and lucky her to go estate sale hopping with the Queen herself!
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