Here is my zero calorie offering. I've been finding some fun vintage sweet-related items lately that I thought I'd share. These two vintage candy boxes make me smile. Happy Moments chocolates. Cute!

Then I came across this Wilton cake decorating year book. I love it! Paging through it I thought of the recent trend in these blog "circles" of vintage cupcake picks, ballerinas and other party goods. I thought it was really fun to see how these items were used 30 years ago.

Couldn't resist showing you these yummy looking fabric chairs from the Brocade design blog. Don't they look like they're frosted?!
Have a delectable day!

Thanks for the delicious goodies. Those old Wilton cakes are something, aren't they! Takes me back to my Barbie doll days.
Every moment involving chocolate is a Happy moment :)
Happy Tuesday, Sweetie!
Hey girl,
these cakes are darling!
love this post.
what fun pictures. Love the blue checked box w cherries and oh how I wanted one of those barbie cakes when I was young....they were all the rage at the parties in the late 60's
I love the cakes! How beautiful!
I cannot believe my eyes...the angel. While growing up my mother bought each of us a new ornament each year(pretty expensive with 10 children. In 1969 all the girls got one of these angels. It is put on my tree each year. Mine is pink. Great find.
Oooooh! I love the old Wilton books... so inspiring! :)
My aunt made me one of those Barbie doll cakes a million and a half years ago for my birthday. I still think about that cake every now and then. Thanks for sharing!
OMG!!! I did'nt know that there was such a thing called Keeley's candies. This is my daughters name and it is even spelled the same. She hates that when ever we look for things with names on them she can never find her name and now I know that there is a candy company with her name on it.I will have to keep a look out for this candy box. That is so cool!
I love this post. My grandmother used to make me barbie cakes. They were gorgeous. Your picture just makes me want to try!
Those chairs look delicious, hehe!
What a fun post looking back at the old cakes. Some are just too cute.
Those cakes are awesome! Love the ballerina one. Thanks for sharing your great pictures!!
Those barbies brought back memories. One of my Aunts made babie doll cakes for her granddaughters birthdays. So cute!!
Love the old cake pics, I have been browsing though your blog and I love it! I just read about your party swap when will you do another swap? I would love to get in on that fun!
Those old Wilton books bring back memories of my childhood. Sooooo much fun!!! Thanks for sharing!
What a fun post, how similar things are that we love so much today.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
the beautiful cakes
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