My blog will be the party headquarters and I have already begun a blogroll of everyone participating to the right on my sidebar. If you plan to post that day and do not see your blog mentioned, please comment with your url and I will add it. You will also find a button for the party on the right side bar (designed by Hope Wallace) that can be added to your blog.
ANYONE in blogland is invited to participate. To do so, on Tuesday, August 4th, post on your blog anything related to the theme of Blogging for Bliss. This theme can be interpreted any way that you would like. You could share the story of how your blog came to be and the evolution of getting to where you are now. Please point your readers back to my blog somewhere in your post so that they can follow the links and visit all of the other bloggers involved in the party. You can also copy the button below to include on your blog.
Also, for those of you on Facebook, Tara’s friend Audrey has created a fan page for the book and mentions the book release blog party. You can find it all here http://tiny.cc/facebookbliss

Can't wait to see you then!