So let's take a look at some of the highlights of the past year here in my blog home. For a look at my first year of blogging, check this out and my second year is celebrated here.

I published my interview with Tara Frey and I'm over-the-moon excited to share that ArtsyMama blog will be featured in her new book coming out next fall. I'm so honored to be a part of this!
Many of you have been asking about my inspiration journal that I post pictures of periodically. This post shows the cover of the notebook, which is actually now the wallpaper background for this blog. It is a large blank notebook originally purchased at Anthropologie.
I interviewed the fabulously talented Katie Runnels here.

I wrote a book!!! ArtsyMama: The Seasonal Guide to the Creative Life.
Went to California to visit my sister and her family and taught a class at Sweetpeas and Snapshots.
Found and sold THE dress to Natasha. Shipped it to her all the way in Australia and then she packed it and brought it all the way back to the US to wear at the vintage prom at Silver Bella. Fun story!

Went to Junk Market and met Matthew Mead.
Got a peek inside Jennifer Murphy's amazing studio and sparked up a friendship.

Attended Art in Ashland with some of my favorite art pals.
Turned 33 and compiled a list, which I've only crossed off four things.

Hosted the Autumn Gathering home party.
Joe and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary in
If you've made it this far down the post, for a little icing on the cake, I'm going to give away three prizes for my third blog birthday. This fabulous pink and black vintage hat, a vintage stocking and some crepe paper in a holiday bundle to my lucky blog readers.
Just leave a comment to be entered!

Yay, I am first!! Happy Anniversary to the most talented, artsiest mama of all! Thanks for your wonderful blog - though I don't always comment, I visit frequently and love the inspiration you provide! And congrats to you and your hubby too.
Wow, you really worked hard on this wrap-up. I love those photos! Did you make those houses, or did you get them from that fabulous shop!? Very pretty things, here.
Many congrats on your blogversary!
Happy blogiversary! I started following your blog months ago and you inspired me to start my own. I'm still learning and remembering to post - it's a process and one that I hope to master!
Anyway, I just wanted to wish you a happy day and thank you for all your artistic inspiration.
Happy third anniversary Kari! Your blog continues to be an inspiration to many!
Happy Anniversary! I love the pictures in this post! The houses look like sugar plum fairies should live in them! I would love to win!
Have a Blessed Day,
~ Happy Birthday! ~
I've mentioned before but I find such inspiration in your blog even though our tastes are quite different. I just love the visual feast every time I stop by.
Congratulations on 3 wonderful years of spreading your love of craft with all us bloggers
wow 3 years! I hope I can make it to 3!!! I just did an 100 post a while ago!!! I love ur blog and u always have the best stuff to blog about and to inspire! Thanks for being here for all of us!
Congrats Kari! Wow 3 years, thats awesome, I hope I can make it that far. You were one of the first blogs I started following, and I still enjoy coming back and reading your post. I will celebrate my 1 yr in March. You are amazing, I love your Art work.
Congrats on the 10 years for you and hubby!
Congratulations on 3 wonderful years! Looking forward to more beautiful inspiration over the next 3 years!
Happy Anniversary, Kari!
Thank you for sharing all your hard work and talent with us! Thanks also for including me in the fun-I truly appreciate your support! Here's to many more years! Your Christmas decorations are too incredible for words! xoxo
Sweetie, don't enter me in the drawing, but I wanted to post and wish you happy birthday. I feel like I have probably been following your blog from almost the start and it just gets better and better. Thank you so much for sharing the beauty and the inspiration!!! smiles...
happy third anniversay. great wrap up and love all the beautiful photos
Happy Happy Anniversary Love Parties! And the gifts are just scrumptious. What a beautiful Post with all the wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Diane
Happy Blog Anniversary. Thanks for sharing it with us. Looking forward to another great year.
S*P*A*R*K*L*E !!! Thanks for 3 years of Sparkly inspiration, including this glittery post. Love that mirror photo :)
Happy Blogaversary #3!
You have been such an inspiration to me. After discovering your blog, and a few others too in Artsy world,I knew I wanted to be a part of this creative life!
Thanks to you I create and blog and my world is glitter happy!
Here's to many more wonderful years of ArtsyMama blogging! :)
Hi Kari!
Isn't it amazing how something as simply as starting a blog can become a catalyst for an entire life journey? I am so THRILLED you published a book and accomplished so many amazing things in the past year...wow. You are SUCH an inspiration!
By the way, I just LOVE the vintage mirror that shows your reflection in gold!
Peace to you and your precious family!
Congratualtions! Love your blog always. I come to it for inspiration. Can't wait to see what you do next, girl! Loved the NY pics,too. I love NY!
Tricia S.
Congratulations!! Your blog is an absolute favorite! :)
Happy Birthday! It's been an amazing 3 years! Love your blog, all your creativity and especially the inspiration! Thank You!
WOW Kari! A HUGE congrats! 3 years??? That's amazing and you have accomplished so much! You truly are an inspiration to us all!!! We MISSED you at Silver Bella this year. However I understand you could not miss celebreating your 10 year wedding annv in the big apple. ;) CONGRATS!!!! XO, Jenn
Congratulations! I'm so happy that I discovered you at the Mad Hatter Tea Party. Your blog is gorgeous. I always enjoy my visits here. It looks like you've had a wonderful third year!
Happy 3rd Blog-O-Versary!!! :-) Your posts and pictures are so creatively inspirational!!!
Happy anniversary! I don't think I even knew blogs existed three years ago!
Congratulations on your 3rd year anniversary. May there be more years of fun, creativity, beauty and love on your blog. Hugs to you.
Happy Anniversary ArtsyMama! :-) It's been a fun ride...so glad you brought us along!
Kari congratulations on blogging for 3 years!!!
I can see why you find inspiration in Nature's Harvest ! It is fabulous.... and i can see how the crepe paper you are rewarding goes with that inspiration! I never thought about christmas as being done in pastels. I always think of easter...or my bday... :)
I think it might be the combination of the colors and the "sugar coating" on them.. The third picture has a snowman in the center who reminds me of the snowman in Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Gotta love it! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with all of us...your blog enriches our lives!!
Kari i forgot to mention how excited i am for you that you will be mentioned in Tara's book!
In addition, i am thrilled to see that Nature's Harvest will soon have an online catalog... i can't wait to browse!!!
Congrats on your anniversary, may you celebrate many more! Any one of the three giveaways would make a wonderful Christmas present for me!!! Happy Holidays and thank you for being so generous.
What a great year!!! You hit some great milestones this past year! Love all the pictures you included in the post- you always leave us with lots of inspiration! Congratulations!
Wow! 3 years? Congrats! It is always so nice to visit your blog and I thank you for sharing and the inspiration it gives me! It was so nice to meet you at Art in Asland and I hope to meet again soon. Happy Holidays!
Wow, sounds like you had a full and exciting year! I enjoyed your class at sweetpeas. Congrats!
Happy 3rd Anniversary! I truly enjoy your blog! Your pics are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing a part of yourself with us!
Congratulations Kari! I would luv to win that crepe paper. Happy Holidays!
You had a fantastic year,-congratulations with that 3 blog-year.
Im a everyday reader of your blog, and love it, so now should be the day of commenting.
Happy day-Dorthe
You've had quite a year Kari! Congratulations on Artsymama's 3 years in blogland. (Wow, time flies by quickly, doesn't it?) Thanks for sharing and here's to another year of fabulous inspiration and possibilities!
Wow….what a year!
Congratulations on three years…
Congratulations. You've given so many of us inspiration. A huge thanks for sharing all your arty adventures. Here's to many more!
Happy Anniversary! I really love checking in & gathering up all your inspiration. Thank you so much for everything!
Wow, 3 years!!! I have been with you from *almost* the start of that journey..fantastic. you have been a great source of inspiration to ME! so Thank you!! And congrats! I love your blog and will NEVER stop reading it! Hugs to you Kari! love Bonnie
Wow, girl! You've really packed a great deal into three small years, and you're just 33! Big congratulations, and big thanks for the bountiful inspiration. My first wonderful swapping experiences were through swaps you hosted, and you've introduced me to so many other talented boggers. - Amy Bauer
Kari! Wow, what a blog! It's gorgeous! I'm glad we reconnected via Facebook. :) I hope all is well with you and your family. I'll be checking in here often!
Congratulations on your blog anniversary!! Looking forward to many more inspiring posts!!!
ah ....
happy anniversary sweetie!!
Congrats on your 3rd anniversary. I love your blog. Did you see my comment on your Frosty Friend post? I am going to NYC on thurs, and asked you some questions, if you get a chance please read my post.
Congrats on your 3rd anniversary. I love your blog. Did you see my comment on your Frosty Friend post? I am going to NYC on thurs, and asked you some questions, if you get a chance please read my post.
happy anniversary!!!
i adore your blog and visit every single day. wishing you and the family a wonderful and magical holiday season
Happy belated Blog Birthday! I've enjoyed visiting to get my girlie dose of sparkle and inspiration- you always deliver! Hope you enjoy a very Merry Christmas- I'm looking forward to reading what's in store in 2009!
Lots of congrats on your blogversary! Happy Holidays!
What a beautiful year Kari. You are always filled with inspiration and wonderful events. Happy Anniversary. You have certainly accomplished lots of dreams and have shared so many ideas. Karen
congrats! This is my first visit - I came from someone else's blogroll. I LOVE your holiday artwork (assuming you made these yourself). very beautiful
Congrats on three years of soulful blogging!
You've had an amazing year. I got into blogging at a much older age, but it's made my life special too.
Here's to many more years of blogging.
Happy Blogaversary!! I love your blog and visit it frequently for inspiration. Thank you for all you do for your audience. Hope your next year is equally as awesome. God bless! Teah
Happy 3rd Anniversary! I love your blog and so enjoy seeing all your wonderful pictures. Your Christmas decorations are spectacular. Thanks for sharing. Hope to enjoying your blog for many more years.
congrats Kari!
Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary! Your blog is delicious - thanks for sharing all your gorgeous work and photos. I come by almost daily to get my "eye candy" fix.
Happy Anniversary! I always enjoy
your Blog and your pictures are
stunning! Love the sweet glitter
houses. Best Wishes.
Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary! Isn't it fun?! I've met so many wonderful friends and collectors through my own blog, and discovered so many fellow artists!
Your work is magical, and I will definitely look for your book!
Happy Holidays!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Carolee
Happy Anniversary and what a lovely post. I love your blog and all of your inspiration. Congratulations on being featured in Tara's new book. I can't wait to see it.
I would love to know where that pink glittery house came from. I am just in awe of it and would love to have one.
Have a great blogeversary Kar!
xo Cath
Happy Blog Anniversary. I have loved following you this past years. Thanks for the inspiration!
WOW, congrats on 3 years. Lots of inspiration can be found here that's for sure. I've enjoyed searching your archives. :) I hope you have a wonderful 4th year miss Kari. Happy Holidays.
Happy Blogiversary! I've shared most of your year with you and it's been fun. You are an inspiration to all of us. Have a great Holiday Season.
I'm looking forward to an other year of wonderful eye candy.
Oh my goodness...I NEED THAT HAT!!! I'm going to start designing an outfit right now to wear with it! No...I'm going to start to SEW an outfit to go with it.........right now.....by!
I'm "running with scissors"
Congratulation!! I really enjoy your blog..lot's of fun inspiration.
Kind regards,
Stop by and see why I must win this hat!!!
Happy Third!! Here's to at least another three. I love your blog...keep up the wonderful work.
What a great accomplishment. I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and have enjoyed every minute. It's always lovely to read and full of ideas. Thanks so much. Loribeth
Happy anniversary! Your blog is inspiring...and I love all the photos.
What a year indeed, I'm just starting my year 1. All your photo's are just beautiful. Congrats!
Congrats on 3 years. PLease stop by my blog. I'm hosting a Holiday party!!!
concratulations on your 3th birthday !!
I know how much effort it takes to blog regularly and be inspiring for the blogreaders, but you succeed !
I was there on some of your highlights the past year and I'm happy I participated in them.
I like to read your blogs and hope you keep on inspiring !!
greetings from Belgium
You've done so much in 3 years- CONGRATS!!
Sandy xox
Happy 3 year anniversary! You have been busy this year!
I wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more to come. You are a constant inspiration to all. Thank you for sharing some of that creative spark with us. I wish you many more happy milestones and success in all you do. Keep up the wonderful job!!
Warmest wishes from Florida,
Congratulations on 3 years! Your blog is always an inspiration, Kari!
Congratulation on your Blogoversary. Your blog is always so full of fun pictures and inspiration. Keep it up!!
Maybe 2009 will bring us together again :)
As you can see, many are blessed that you have your blog..so thank you for the inspiration, the eyecandy, the fun! And to many more blogaversaries!
xoxo karen....
Happy Anniversary to you! Although I don't comment often, I so enjoy your blog and get such inspiration from it! Here's to another 3 years!
Congratulations...your images and art are truly inspiring. Here's to many more years!
Thank you for letting me enter.
Angie H
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