Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Think spring..

I love working with all this spring loveliness as we "brace" for another big snow storm here in Minnesota. Will spring ever come? Ok, I know it's only February:) Speaking of spring... if you're in the spring swap, your little sprite brooch should be arriving in your mailbox very soon. I've only heard from a few people. Please let me know when they've landed safely in their new homes. Thanks!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Starting something new...

Now that I have all 35 swaps in the mail (wewh!!!) I'm beginning a fun little round robin with sweet Lilia over at Flea Market Studio. I adore her work and can't wait to see how our collaborative project ends up. We decided on a loose vintage Spring theme and are each going to start a book. We will do a few pages in the book, send to the other person and they finish it up and send it back. So we each end up with the book that we began with and have half our work and half the other persons. These are great fun and a nifty way to collaborate:)
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Cabinet of Curiosities {Destination and Reflection}

Destination: all the discoveries beyond the horizon that are whispering your name. How do you recognize them? When they appear, your senses will celebrate exuberantly. Here's to whatever comes next!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Happiness is...

As far as the swap is concerned, I'm so flattered that people want to swap. I want to make sure I get my swap sent out to everyone interested.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Another world...

Ok, back to the movie. It was just released in the US, so we had to wait for it from Amazon. Has anyone seen the movie MirrorMask? It is quite the feast for the eyes. Definitely the most "artsy" movie I've ever seen. Very, very cool stuff. The sketches that the girl in the film does are wonderful. She places them all over her walls and they become "windows" between real world and the fantasy world she ends up in. She looks through them from the fantasy world and sees how her "real world" self is not who she thinks she is.

Monday, February 19, 2007
Wanna trade?

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Blogger girls!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007
{Getting cozy}

However, I did get some *fabulous* packages in the mail recently. Here is a very fun and spring-inspired box filled to the brim with lovely goodies from Bonnie in South Africa.
Love all the pink and greens.
Also got a fun goodie package from Michelle. Totally made me smile, ladies:)
Thanks so much!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy {HeArT} Day!

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Cabinet of Curiosities: #6 {Collections}

Is there something you collect?
col·lec·tion [kuh-lek-shuhn]:
1. the act of collecting.
2. something that is collected; a group of objects or an amount of material accumulated in one location, esp. for some purpose or as a result of some process: a stamp collection; a collection of unclaimed hats in the checkroom; a collection of books on Churchill.
3. the gathered or exhibited works of a single painter, sculptor, etc.: an excellent Picasso collection.
4. collections, the various holdings of an art museum organized by category, as painting, sculpture, works on paper, photography, or film: the director of the collections.
Maybe you collect teapots, figurines, santas...or natural objects when you take walks, or like many artists- ephemera from times past. I've been enjoying Lynne Perrella's column called Collectors Choice in Somerset Studio magazine for quite awhile. She talks about how "collections" are different than "accumulations." She said that collections speak to you, they have a story.
Think about what it is that you collect. Maybe it's quotes, or beautiful vintage paper...
I had a post a bit ago with a call out for photographs from all of you. I knew that people visit this blog from all over the world and I was interested in seeing one snapshot of something in your life. Thank you to all of you that answered my call! I collected them all together, along with the emails that came with each one. It was great fun to hear a little bit about each picture through the stories that you told. Pretty amazing. I made the two pieces of art in this post using your photos.
The challenge for this week is to make some sort of art out of something that you collect. It could be using the actual objects or maybe photographs. Anything you want to do. This is total freestyle art. I can't wait to see all the precious collections out there and how you choose to share them with us! Have fun:)
Friday, February 09, 2007
Keeping warm...

Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007
Marie Antoinette overload...in a good way!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Ye Old Curiosity Shop...