So here's my story. I was cruising along just great, creating

My hubby took the picture and I started to try to compose my page. Everything felt blocked, nothing looked right. Then suddenly it bled over into my other projects, I didn't want to do my morning pages, or write in my blog (gasp!). I wasn't sure what was happening, or why opening up that box of pictures of my past was making me so angry. Today I decided to read the chapter for the week in the Artist's Way. On the first page, Julia immediately begins talking about anger. "Anger is meant to be acted upon. It's not meant to be acted out....Anger is a tool, not a master....Anger is the firestorm that signals the death of our old life." Good stuff. I also had doubts about doing art at all. Why bother? It's just a bunch of paper and glue. Wicked, I know! Cameron also talks about this, how an artist may start a piece and find that as they're almost done they suddenly find it pointless, not worth the effort. She said that this is a coping device employed to deny pain and ward off vulnerability. So I pressed on and continued to work on the piece.
Later that same day, as I was working, I came across this poem by Mary Oliver called "Dogfish". This is an excerpt. It resonated with me and I used it on my page:
I wanted the past to go away, I wanted
to leave it, like another country, I wanted
my life to close, and open
like a hinge, like a wing, like the part of the song
where it falls
down over the rocks: an explosion, a discovery;
I wanted
to hurry into the work of my life; I wanted to know,
whoever I was, I was
for a little while.
I then journaled on the back of it how I felt making this page. So I finally finished the darn page and it can be seen here. I guess I'm ok with it. I'm ready to let it go.
At the end of the AW chapter, Julia talks aboout growth and how it's two steps forward and one step back. "Growth occurs in spurts. You will lie dormant sometimes. Very often a week of insights will be followed by a week of sluggishness. Do not be discouraged. Think of it as resting." Easy does it! Be kind to yourself.
looks like you and I, my dear...are on the same path. I might have to work on this with you! You always seem to inspire me with every breath!
I tried finding your email..but to no avail. I added mine on my site now! Write me a line, maybe we can put our heads together sometime!
lovely, lovely thought-provoking post. i know just what you mean. good for you for recognizing what was holding you back and going forward anyways.
Hi---Just wanted to tell you that I am one of your biggest fans! I love your blog and I love your art!
hugs, shari xxx
I didn't keep track of how I originally found my way here, but I sure have been enjoying myself right from the first visit.
I've just come here from the MMM page - I had a struggle doing "the past that lingers" too... you've written about yours really well - well done for getting through it!
I'm not so eloquent about my processes but I did get through it too.
(And I'm not going the AW this time around but I've worked with it over and over so am interested in the energy of the whole group of you doing it together!)
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