Friday, October 31, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 1 {Halloween Bog Walk}

After stumbling across this mysterious spooky story at work last night, I was compelled to take a walk through the late-autumn woods today. The book is full of wonderful old fashioned black and white photography. With my camera in tow, the kids, my parents and I went through the "quaking bog" nearby. My idea was to take some black and white pictures of trees that had lost their leaves. That would not be the case today. What we found in the bog were gorgeous tamarak trees who's needles had all turned pumpkin orange for an amazing display on this All Hallow's Eve day!

Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 2 {Costumes}
There aren't too many things cuter than seeing kids in their Halloween costumes, so I had to indulge myself and show you my two kiddos. Here they are in their trick-or-treat costumes. Here in Minnesota it is usually pretty chilly on Halloween night, so these are their "warm costumes" to layers jackets or whatever else we may need underneath.

Here are the costumes they wore to preschool today for their parties.
Chloe as a mermaid/fairy/princess and Lowell as dracula. Too cute!
This year I have really developed an infatuation with vintage costumes. Especially vintage handmade. This collection was shown in Country Living magazine last year. You can see more on the web site here. I'm really going to keep an eye out at estate sales for costumes, they're so fun!

This one reminded me of the one that I wore last year (below) that was purchased at an estate sale and is handmade. It's fabulous!
Paula Clare was lucky enough to recieve a vintage costume in her sweet and sinister package. Lucky girl!

Happy Haunting!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 3 {Halloween History}
Thanks so much to those of you that have left such kind comments that you are enjoying these 13 Days of Halloween posts. It really is a fun little challenge for me to come up with something each day and dig into my Halloween "archives". For example, today I thought I'd share a bit about Halloween history and pictures from my own past.
Halloween traces its roots to the ancient Celts, who once occupied the British Isles and northern France. They celebrated their New Year on November 1st and believed that on the night before, the barrier was weakened between the land of the living and that of the dead. Building huge bonfires to keep the ghosts away, the Celts wore disguises so that the spirits would stay away. Christianity adopted the holiday in the 7th Century A.D., decreeing November 1st All Souls' Day. The night before became known as All Hallows' Eve, or Hallowe'en.
Although Halloween had been celebrated for centuries in Europe, it first became popular in the United States in the 1870's. Regarded primarily as a holiday for adults, celebrations focused on the more whimsical rather than frightening aspects of Halloween. The holiday experienced a decline and then a rebirth in the 1920's among adults. Before long it was appropriated by children and in recent years grown-ups have once again reclaimed their share of festivities.
Text taken from Antiques and Collecting magazine, October 2008.
For myself, as you can see in these pictures, I have enjoyed Halloween since I was quite young. I think my love of the holiday was really fostered by my next door neighbor and her wonderful neighborhood Halloween parties held each year throughout my childhood. She converted her garage into a haunted house, had games such as bobbing for apples, pin the face on the pumpkin and other non-scary, family oriented Halloween fun. I looked forward to hear parties each year for months in advance.
This is a picture of Joe and I when Lowell was a baby. I knew that I wanted to foster this love of imagination, playfulness and make-believe in our own children. I am happy to see their love of carving pumpkins and dressing up taking shape.

Text taken from Antiques and Collecting magazine, October 2008.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 4 {Treat Buckets}
We're getting you have your treat bag ready? As I talked about in my last post, I'm a big fan of Halloween containers. I love the different types of pails that kids use on Halloween. Taking a look through flickr, I sure found some fun and crafty buckets, bags and pails. The bottom pail on the right even has a link to a video tutorial. 
1. Halloween Candy container, 2. halloween treat bags, 3. Fuzzy Monster Trick or Treat Bag, 4. Marie Claire Idees - Fall Halloween Bag, 5. Halloween Bucket of Fun, 6. Halloween Swap Sent ~ Bucket of treats, 7. Halloween Posy Bucket, 8. Vintage Halloween Candy Bucket "Front view", 9. Altered Halloween Treat Bucket

1. Halloween Candy container, 2. halloween treat bags, 3. Fuzzy Monster Trick or Treat Bag, 4. Marie Claire Idees - Fall Halloween Bag, 5. Halloween Bucket of Fun, 6. Halloween Swap Sent ~ Bucket of treats, 7. Halloween Posy Bucket, 8. Vintage Halloween Candy Bucket "Front view", 9. Altered Halloween Treat Bucket
Monday, October 27, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 5 {Collecting Halloween}

What do you collect?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 6 {Autumn Mini-Album}

Saturday, October 25, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 7 {holiday library}
A few of my favorite Halloween idea books are:
Halloween by Martha Stewart
Halloween Tricks and Treats by Matthew Mead
Bethany Lowe's Folk Art Halloween
Halloween by Joanne O'Sullivan and a new book for my collection, Halloween Crafts by Kasey Rogers and Mark Wood (thanks to a sweet gift from Heather at Speckled Egg).
There are soooo many Halloween books out there. Usually at the beginning of the season I check a bunch out from the library to get my creative juices flowing and pick my theme for the year.

Where do you look for new ideas and inspiration?
Friday, October 24, 2008
13 Days of Halloween: 8 {jack-o-lanterns}
The morning after....
Thanks for all the wonderful visits yesterday for the Autumn Gathering Party. What amazing decor you all personal and creative. I loved blog hopping around and visiting you all. Today I thought I'd show you our jack-o-lanterns for this year.
We always do simple designs.
This year I let the kids draw their faces on the pumpkins and we simply carved out what they created. Love these cuties!

There are so many fun ideas out there. Better Homes and Gardens has some great projects here, as does Martha's Halloween Workshop.

We always do simple designs.

I'd love to see your pumpkins!
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